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Created April 21, 2022 09:52
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F# version of John Hughes talk
#r "nuget:FsCheck"
open System
open FsCheck
module JohnHughes =
// F# version of John Hughes talk
type BST<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> =
| Leaf
| Branch of BST<'k,'v> * ('k * 'v) * BST<'k,'v>
type Find<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> = 'k -> BST<'k, 'v> -> 'v option
type Nil<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> = BST<'k, 'v>
type Insert<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> = 'k -> 'v -> BST<'k, 'v> -> BST<'k, 'v>
type Delete<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> = 'k -> BST<'k, 'v> -> BST<'k, 'v>
type Union<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> = BST<'k, 'v> -> BST<'k, 'v> -> BST<'k, 'v>
type ToList<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> = BST<'k, 'v> -> ('k * 'v) list
type Keys<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> = BST<'k, 'v> -> 'k list
let nil<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> = BST<'k,'v>.Leaf
let rec foldBst fLeaf fBranch acc tree : 'r =
let recurse = foldBst fLeaf fBranch
match tree with
| Leaf ->
fLeaf acc
| Branch (left, kv, right) ->
let newAcc = fBranch acc kv
recurse (recurse newAcc left) right
let rec foldBackBst fLeaf fBranch tree generator : 'r =
let recurse = foldBackBst fLeaf fBranch
match tree with
| Leaf ->
fLeaf () |> generator
| Branch (left, kv, right) ->
recurse left (fun innerLeft ->
recurse right (fun innerRight ->
fBranch innerLeft kv innerRight |> generator
let toListFold tree =
let fLeaf () = []
let fBranch innerLeft kv innerRight =
innerLeft @ [kv] @ innerRight
foldBackBst fLeaf fBranch tree id
let insertOrder tree =
let fLeaf acc =
let fBranch acc kv =
kv :: acc
foldBst fLeaf fBranch [] tree |> List.rev
let insert k v t =
let rec loop k v generator t : 'r =
let recurse = loop k v
match t with
| Leaf ->
generator (Branch (Leaf, (k, v), Leaf))
| Branch (left, (k',_), right) when k = k' ->
generator (Branch (left, (k', v), right))
| Branch (left, (k',v'), right) when k < k' ->
let newGenerator innerLeft =
generator (Branch (innerLeft, (k', v'), right))
recurse newGenerator left
| Branch (left, (k',v'), right) when k > k' ->
let newGenerator innerRight =
generator (Branch (left, (k', v'), innerRight))
recurse newGenerator right
| _ -> generator t
loop k v id t
let rec cataBst fLeaf fBranch tree : 'r =
let recurse = cataBst fLeaf fBranch
match tree with
| Leaf -> fLeaf ()
| Branch (left, kv, right) ->
let left = recurse left
let right = recurse right
fBranch (left, kv, right)
let deeplyNestedTree depth =
let rec loop depth treeSoFar =
match depth with
| 0 -> treeSoFar
| n -> loop (n - 1) (insert n 1 treeSoFar )
loop depth Leaf
let sumValue tree =
let fLeaf () = 0
let fBranch innerLeft (k, v) innerRight =
innerLeft + v + innerRight
foldBackBst fLeaf fBranch tree id
let find k tree =
let fLeaf () = None
let fBranch (left, (k', v), right) =
match left, right with
| None, None ->
if k = k'
then Some v
else None
| Some v, _ -> Some v
| _, Some v -> Some v
cataBst fLeaf fBranch tree
let delete k tree =
let fLeaf () = Leaf
let fBranch (left, (k', v), right) =
if k = k'
then Leaf
else Branch (left, (k', v), right)
cataBst fLeaf fBranch tree
let toListCata tree =
let fLeaf () = []
let fBranch (left, kv, right) =
left @ [kv] @ right
cataBst fLeaf fBranch tree
let union t t' =
|> toListCata
|> List.fold (fun s (k,v) -> insert k v s) t'
let keys tree =
|> toListCata
|> fst
module JohnHughesProperties =
open JohnHughes
let uncurry f (x, y) = f x y
let rec valid t =
match t with
| Leaf -> true
| Branch (left, (k, _), right) ->
valid left &&
valid right &&
keys left |> List.forall (fun k' -> k' < k) &&
keys right |> List.forall (fun k' -> k' > k)
let tree<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> =
Arb.generate<('k*'v) list>
|> (fun kvs -> List.foldBack (uncurry insert) kvs nil)
let shrink t =
Arb.Default.Derive().Shrinker t
|> Seq.filter valid
type MyGenerators =
static member Tree() =
{new Arbitrary<BST<'k, 'v>>() with
override x.Generator = tree<'k, 'v>
override x.Shrinker t = shrink t
let (===) left right = left = right |@ $"%A{left} != %A{right}"
let (=~=) left right = toListCata left === toListCata right
// 1. Is there an invariant?
type Properties =
static member ``FsCheck Generator produces valid trees`` (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
valid t
static member ``FsCheck Shrink produces valid trees`` (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
valid t ==> (shrink t |> Seq.forall valid)
static member ``Nil is valid`` () =
valid nil
static member ``Inserting produces a valid tree`` k v (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
valid (insert k v t)
static member ``Deleting produces a valid tree`` k (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
valid (delete k t)
static member ``Union of two trees is valid`` (t: BST<int32, int32>) (t': BST<int32, int32>) =
valid (union t t')
// 2. What are the post conditions
static member ``Value is findable after inserting`` k v (t: BST<int32, int32>) k' =
let findResult = find k' (insert k v t)
let expectResult = if k = k' then Some v else find k' t
findResult === expectResult
static member ``Finds a value when present`` k v (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
find k (insert k v t) = Some v
static member ``Does not find a value when not present`` k (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
find k (delete k t) = None
// 3. Metamorphic properties
static member ``Insert is associative`` (k, v) (k', v') (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
insert k v (insert k' v' t) =~= if k = k' then insert k v t else insert k' v' (insert k v t)
// 4. Inductive properties
static member ``Union with nil`` (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
union nil t === t
static member ``Union insert`` (t: BST<int32, int32>) (t': BST<int32, int32>) (k, v) =
union (insert k v t) t' =~= insert k v (union t t')
// 5. Model based properties
static member ``Insert using model testing`` (k, v) (t: BST<int32, int32>) =
let deleteKey k list =
list |> List.filter (fun (k', _) -> k <> k')
List.sort (toListCata (insert k v t)) === List.sort ((k,v) :: (deleteKey k (toListCata t)))
Check.All<Properties>({Config.Quick with Arbitrary = [ typeof<MyGenerators> ]; MaxTest = 100})
let inserts = [
5, 5
9, 9
3, 3
4, 4
6, 6
8, 8
10, 10
1, 1
7, 7
let myBst = inserts |> List.fold (fun s (k,v) -> insert k v s) nil
let noFour = myBst |> delete 4
let withZero = myBst |> insert 0 0
let join<'a> (strs: 'a list) =
String.Join (", ", strs)
printfn $"{myBst |> toListFold |> snd |> join}"
printfn $"{noFour |> toListFold |> snd |> join}"
printfn $"{withZero |> toListFold |> snd |> join}"
printfn $"{union noFour withZero |> toListFold |> snd |> join}"
printfn $"{nil |> insert 0 0 |> insert 0 0 |> insert 0 0 |> toListFold |> fst |> join}"
printfn $"{myBst |> find 3}"
printfn $"Insert Order: {myBst |> insertOrder |> fst |> join}"
|> (fun bst -> bst |> Arb.shrink)
|> fun bsts -> printfn $"Before filter: {Seq.length bsts}"; bsts
|> Seq.filter valid
|> fun bsts -> printfn $"After filter: {Seq.length bsts}"; bsts
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