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Created April 15, 2020 15:03
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Save BigETI/2e6a8188575156b385a00533b523c167 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/// <summary>
/// Draw line
/// </summary>
/// <param name="from">From in texture coordinates</param>
/// <param name="to">To in texture coordinates</param>
/// <param name="brushSize">Brush size</param>
/// <param name="color">Color</param>
/// <param name="isForeignDrawCommand">Is foreign draw command</param>
public void DrawLine(Vector2 from, Vector2 to, float brushSize, Color32 color, bool isForeignDrawCommand)
ILobby lobby = Lobby;
if (lobby != null)
//if (lobby.IsPlayerDrawing || isForeignDrawCommand)
if (UseComputeShader)
if ((renderTexture != null) && (drawComputeShader != null))
drawComputeShader.SetVector("from", from);
drawComputeShader.SetVector("to", to);
drawComputeShader.SetFloat("brushSize", brushSize);
drawComputeShader.SetVector("color", new Vector4(color.r / 255.0f, color.g / 255.0f, color.b / 255.0f, 1.0f));
drawComputeShader.SetTexture(drawLineComputeShaderKernelIndex, "inputOutputRenderTexture", renderTexture);
drawComputeShader.Dispatch(drawLineComputeShaderKernelIndex, ((renderTexture.width % 8) == 0) ? (renderTexture.width / 8) : ((renderTexture.width / 8) + 1), ((renderTexture.height % 8) == 0) ? (renderTexture.height / 8) : ((renderTexture.height / 8) + 1), 1);
if (texture != null)
Color32[] bitmap = Bitmap;
float max_axial_distance = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(to.x - from.x), Mathf.Abs(to.y - from.y));
Vector2Int texture_size = new Vector2Int(texture.width, texture.height);
float half_brush_size = brushSize * 0.5f;
Vector2Int origin = new Vector2Int(
Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Min(to.x, from.x) - half_brush_size), 0, texture_size.x),
Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Min(to.y, from.y) - half_brush_size), 0, texture_size.y));
Vector2Int size = new Vector2Int(
Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Abs(to.x - from.x) + brushSize) + 1, 0, texture_size.x - origin.x),
Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Abs(to.y - from.y) + brushSize) + 1, 0, texture_size.y - origin.y));
Action<int> method = (i) =>
Vector2Int position = new Vector2Int(origin.x + (i % size.x), origin.y + (i / size.x));
Vector2 va = to - from;
Vector2 vb = from - position;
float a_squared = (va.x * va.x) + (va.y * va.y);
float b_squared = (vb.x * vb.x) + (vb.y * vb.y);
float distance_squared;
if (a_squared > float.Epsilon)
Vector2 vc = position - to;
float c_squared = (vc.x * vc.x) + (vc.y * vc.y);
float a = Mathf.Sqrt(a_squared);
float b = Mathf.Sqrt(b_squared);
float c = Mathf.Sqrt(c_squared);
float s = (a + b + c) * 0.5f;
float height_squared = Mathf.Abs((s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) / (a_squared * 0.25f));
if (c_squared > (a_squared + height_squared))
distance_squared = b_squared;
else if (b_squared > (a_squared + height_squared))
distance_squared = c_squared;
distance_squared = height_squared;
distance_squared = b_squared;
if (distance_squared <= (brushSize * brushSize * 0.25f))
bitmap[position.x + (texture_size.x * position.y)] = color;
if (UseMultipleCores)
Parallel.For(0, size.x * size.y, method);
for (int i = 0, length = size.x * size.y; i < length; i++)
if (lobby.IsPlayerDrawing)
lobby.SendDrawCommandAsync(EDrawCommandType.Line, from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(color.a, color.r, color.b, color.b), brushSize);
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