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Last active February 26, 2020 15:04
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// How to use:
// $('#price,#sum').cleave({ numeral: true, numeralThousandsGroupStyle: 'thousand', autoUnmask: true});
// or use pre-defined sets:
// $('#price').cleave('money');
// $('#date_at').cleave('date');
// $('#qty').cleave('integer');
(function($, window, undefined){ 'use strict'
$.fn.cleave = function(opts) {
var defaults = {autoUnmask: false}, options = {};
var defDate = {date: true, datePattern: ['d','m','Y'], delimiter: '-'},
defTime = {numericOnly: true, delimiters: [':'], blocks: [2, 2]},
defDateTime= {numericOnly: true, delimiters: ['-', '-', ' ', ':'], blocks: [2, 2, 4, 2, 2]},
defMoney = {numeral: true, numeralThousandsGroupStyle: 'thousand', numeralPositiveOnly: true, autoUnmask: true},
defInteger = {numeral: true, numeralThousandsGroupStyle: 'thousand', numeralPositiveOnly: true, autoUnmask: true, numeralDecimalScale: 0};
if( typeof opts === 'string') {
switch( opts ) {
case 'date': $.extend(options, defaults, defDate); break;
case 'time': $.extend(options, defaults, defTime); break;
case 'datetime': $.extend(options, defaults, defDateTime); break;
case 'money': $.extend(options, defaults, defMoney); break;
case 'integer': $.extend(options, defaults, defInteger); break;
} else if( $.isPlainObject( opts ) ) {
$.extend(options, defaults, opts || {});
return this.each(function(){
if( == undefined || == null || == '' ) {
throw 'jquery-cleave.js requires objectID to be initialized';
var cleave = new Cleave('#', options), $this = $(this);
$'cleave-auto-unmask', options['autoUnmask']);;
var origGetHook, origSetHook;
if ($.valHooks.input) {
origGetHook = $.valHooks.input.get;
origSetHook = $.valHooks.input.set;
} else {
$.valHooks.input = {};
$.valHooks.input.get = function (el) {
var $el = $(el), cleave = $'cleave');
if( cleave ) {
return $'cleave-auto-unmask') ? cleave.getRawValue() : el.value;
} else if( origGetHook ) {
return origGetHook(el);
} else {
return undefined;
$.valHooks.input.set = function (el,val) {
var $el = $(el), cleave = $'cleave');
if( cleave ) {
return $el;
} else if( origSetHook ) {
return origSetHook(el);
} else {
return undefined;
})(jQuery, window);
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