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Created May 22, 2015 05:20
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my implementation of the gillespie algorithm
;;;; public domain, by Bike
;;;; Gillespie, Daniel T. (1977). "Exact Stochastic Simulation of Coupled Chemical Reactions". The Journal of Physical Chemistry 81 (25): 2340–2361. doi:10.1021/j100540a008.
(defun gillespie (species reactions
&key (stop-time 0d0 st-p) (stop-reactions 0 sr-p)
(rpd 0 rpd-p))
;; SPECIES is a vector of N positive integers, molecule counts.
;; REACTIONS is a vector of M lists
;; The first of each list is the rate constant for that reaction.
;; The second is a vector of N nonnegative integers describing the substrates.
;; For example, 2A + B + C -> 2C would be #(2 1 1).
;; The third is a vector of N integers describing the total stoichiometry.
;; For example, 2A + B + C -> 2C would be #(-2 -1 1).
;; After TIME has elasped, the altered SPECIES vector is returned.
(declare (non-negative-fixnum rpd stop-reactions))
(setf species (coerce species '(simple-array non-negative-fixnum (*))))
(setf reactions
(map '(simple-array list (*))
(lambda (r)
(list (coerce (first r) 'double-float)
(coerce (second r) '(simple-array non-negative-fixnum (*)))
(coerce (third r) '(simple-array fixnum (*)))))
(setf stop-time (coerce stop-time 'double-float))
(declare (type (simple-array non-negative-fixnum (*)) species)
;; LIST probably upgrades to T, but having a known UAET helps AREF
(type (simple-array list (*)) reactions)
#+(or)(optimize (debug 3))
(optimize (speed 3) (space 3)))
(flet ((record (tau species)
(format t "~f" tau)
(map nil (lambda (s) (write-char #\Space) (write s)) species)
(reaction-rate (reaction)
(let ((constant (first reaction))
(substrate (second reaction)))
(declare (type double-float constant)
(type (simple-array non-negative-fixnum (*)) substrate))
(loop for i below (length species)
for x of-type non-negative-fixnum
= (let ((order (aref substrate i)))
(case order
((0) 1) ; substrate does not participate
((1) (aref species i)) ; premature optimization
(t (binomial-coefficient
(aref species i)
(aref substrate i)))))
for product of-type non-negative-fixnum = x
then (logand (* product x) most-positive-fixnum)
finally (return (* constant product)))))
(react (reaction)
(map-into species #'+ species
(the (simple-array fixnum (*)) (third reaction)))))
(declare (ftype (function (list) double-float) reaction-rate))
(with-simple-restart (finish "Stop the loop and return whatever the present species are.")
for count of-type non-negative-fixnum from 0
for tau of-type double-float = 0d0
then (+ tau (/ (- (log (random 1d0))) rate-sum)) ; 21a
for rates of-type (simple-array double-float (*))
= (map '(simple-array double-float (*)) #'reaction-rate reactions)
then (map-into rates #'reaction-rate reactions)
for rate-sum of-type double-float = (reduce #'+ rates)
when (and rpd-p (zerop (mod count rpd)))
do (record tau species)
while (or (not sr-p) (> stop-reactions count))
do (let ((rn ; 21b
(loop with target of-type double-float = (* (random 1d0) rate-sum)
for i from 0
when (= (length rates) i) ; out of rxns
do (error "No reactions can proceed.")
summing (aref rates i) into total of-type double-float
until (> total target)
finally (return i))))
(react (aref reactions rn)))
while (or (not st-p) (< tau stop-time))))))
;;; Example invocations
;; Exponential decay
;; (gillespie (vector 1000 0) #((5d-1 #(1 0) #(1 -1))) :stop-time 10d0)
;; -> #(2 998), or thereabouts
;; Lotka, out to file
(with-open-file (*standard-output* "~/gillespie_lotka.out" :direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(gillespie (vector 1000 1000)
#((10 #(1 0) #(2 0)) (0.01 #(1 1) #(-1 1)) (10 #(0 1) #(0 -1)))
:stop-reactions 1000000
:rpd 100))
;; plus gnuplot, and bam, sick-ass cycles.
;; I'd like it to not cons in the locally, except for the initial rates.
(defun gillespie-source (n-species reactions)
(let ((rate-names (loop for i across reactions collecting (gensym "RATE"))))
`(lambda (species stop-time)
(declare (type (simple-array non-negative-fixnum (*)) species)
(type double-float stop-time)
(optimize (speed 3)))
for count of-type non-negative-fixnum from 0
for tau of-type double-float = 0d0
then (+ tau (/ (- (log (random 1d0))) rate-sum))
,@(loop for name in rate-names for reaction across reactions
appending `(for ,name of-type double-float
= (* ,(first reaction)
,@(loop for n below n-species
(let ((order
(aref (second reaction) n)))
;; let the compiler optimize shit.
`(,(/ (factorial order))
,@(loop for o below order
`(- (aref species ,n) ,o))))))))
for rate-sum of-type double-float = (+ ,@rate-names)
do (let ((target (* (random 1d0) rate-sum))
(total 0))
(cond ,@(loop for name in rate-names for reaction across reactions
collecting `((> (incf total ,name) target)
,@(loop for n below n-species
collecting `(incf (aref species ,n)
,(aref (third reaction) n)))))
(t (error "No reactions can proceed."))))
while (< tau stop-time))
;;; Example invocation
;; (compile nil (gillespie-source 2 #((5d-1 #(1 0) #(-1 1)))))
;; (funcall * (make-array 2 :element-type 'non-negative-fixnum :initial-contents '(1000 0)))
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