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;;;; in opt.lsp
;;; Given argument forms to an arbitrary arity arithmetic function,
;;; return new arguments with all constants folded together.
;;; FIXME: handler-case, return original arguments
;;; if there's an error (e.g. overflow).
(defun fold-constants (function argforms env)
(loop for form in argforms
when (constantp form env)
collect (ext:constant-form-value form env) into constants
(define-method-combination machine ()
((start (:start))
(rest *))
(let ((qualifiers (mapcar #'method-qualifiers rest))
(tags (mapcar (lambda (m) (declare (ignore m)) (gensym)) rest)))
`(prog (switch)
(setf switch
(lambda (state)
(cond ((equal state nil) (go nil))
,@(loop for qualifier in qualifiers
Bike / gillespie
Created May 22, 2015 05:20
my implementation of the gillespie algorithm
;;;; public domain, by Bike
;;;; Gillespie, Daniel T. (1977). "Exact Stochastic Simulation of Coupled Chemical Reactions". The Journal of Physical Chemistry 81 (25): 2340–2361. doi:10.1021/j100540a008.
(defun gillespie (species reactions
&key (stop-time 0d0 st-p) (stop-reactions 0 sr-p)
(rpd 0 rpd-p))
;; SPECIES is a vector of N positive integers, molecule counts.
;; REACTIONS is a vector of M lists
;; The first of each list is the rate constant for that reaction.
;; The second is a vector of N nonnegative integers describing the substrates.