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Created August 2, 2024 19:48
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The WINDOW clause needs some more love
The WINDOW clause needs some more love
DuckDB version: 1.0.0
Bill Wallis, 2024-08-02
select version();
create or replace table sales (
sale_month date primary key,
sale_value numeric(12, 2)
insert into sales
('2023-01-01', 69560.42),
('2023-02-01', 94217.91),
('2023-03-01', 89751.43),
('2023-04-01', 43609.30),
('2023-05-01', 93594.76),
('2023-06-01', 57048.22),
('2023-07-01', 28524.37),
('2023-08-01', 89025.31),
('2023-09-01', 4954.39),
('2023-10-01', 15839.42),
('2023-11-01', 39029.37),
('2023-12-01', 92725.02),
('2024-01-01', 23369.52),
('2024-02-01', 54181.05),
('2024-03-01', 49618.68),
('2024-04-01', 86492.45),
('2024-05-01', 15211.00),
('2024-06-01', 13226.53),
('2024-07-01', 41531.57),
('2024-08-01', 52495.28),
('2024-09-01', 81589.36),
('2024-10-01', 70031.42),
('2024-11-01', 19491.16),
('2024-12-01', 33463.45),
from sales;
sum(sale_value) over last_three_months as sum_last_three_months,
avg(sale_value) over last_three_months as avg_last_three_months,
sum(sale_value) over (sale_year order by sale_value) as yearly_running_total,
from sales
sale_year as (partition by extract(year from sale_month)),
last_three_months as (order by sale_month rows 2 preceding)
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