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Created July 27, 2024 10:43
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SQL Indexes
SQL Indexes (specifically SQLite)
SQLite version: 3.45.1
Bill Wallis, 2024-07-27
select sqlite_version();
drop table if exists fruits_for_sale;
create table fruits_for_sale(
fruit text,
state text,
price real
insert into fruits_for_sale(rowid, fruit, state, price)
( 1, 'Orange', 'FL', 0.85),
( 2, 'Apple', 'NC', 0.45),
( 4, 'Peach', 'SC', 0.60),
( 5, 'Grape', 'CA', 0.80),
(18, 'Lemon', 'FL', 1.25),
(19, 'Strawberry', 'NC', 2.45),
(23, 'Orange', 'CA', 1.05)
create index fruits_for_sale__fruit on fruits_for_sale (fruit);
create index fruits_for_sale__state on fruits_for_sale (state);
create index fruits_for_sale__fruit__state on fruits_for_sale (fruit, state);
create index fruits_for_sale__fruit__state__price on fruits_for_sale (fruit, state, price);
create index fruits_for_sale__fruit__price__fl on fruits_for_sale (fruit, price) where state = 'FL';
pragma index_list(fruits_for_sale);
/* fruits_for_sale */
select rowid, *
from fruits_for_sale
order by rowid
/* fruits_for_sale__fruit */
select fruit, rowid
from fruits_for_sale
order by fruit, rowid
/* fruits_for_sale__state */
select state, rowid
from fruits_for_sale
order by state, rowid
/* fruits_for_sale__fruit__state */
select fruit, state, rowid
from fruits_for_sale
order by fruit, state, rowid
/* fruits_for_sale__fruit__state__price */
select fruit, state, price, rowid
from fruits_for_sale
order by fruit, state, price, rowid
/* fruits_for_sale__fruit__price__fl */
select fruit, price, rowid
from fruits_for_sale
where state = 'FL'
order by fruit, price, rowid
/* covered by the `fruits_for_sale__fruit__price__fl` index */
explain query plan
select fruit, price
from fruits_for_sale
where state = 'FL'
order by fruit, price
/* covered by the `fruits_for_sale__fruit` index */
explain query plan
select distinct fruit
from fruits_for_sale
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