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Last active October 21, 2024 07:03
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Recursive CTEs for graph traversal
/* flatten bus route */
with bus_stops(from_stop, to_stop) as (
select 'BM', 'WQS' from dual
union all select 'CR', 'BM' from dual
union all select 'CS', 'LL' from dual
union all select 'GG', 'CS' from dual
union all select 'LL', 'OS' from dual
union all select 'OS', 'CR' from dual
union all select 'WQS', 'GG' from dual
max( substr(sys_connect_by_path(from_stop, ' - '), 4) ) as route
from bus_stops
start with from_stop = 'BM'
connect by nocycle prior to_stop = from_stop
/* find all related family members */
create table people as
select 100 as parent_id, 101 as child_id from dual
union all select 100, 102 from dual
union all select 101, 103 from dual
union all select 101, 104 from dual
union all select 101, 105 from dual
union all select 106, 107 from dual
union all select 106, 108 from dual
union all select 103, 109 from dual
union all select 103, 110 from dual
union all select 103, 105 from dual
union all select 104, 105 from dual
union all select 107, 111 from dual
union all select 107, 112 from dual
union all select 108, 112 from dual
union all select 113, 114 from dual
union all select 113, 115 from dual
union all select 114, 116 from dual
union all select 114, 117 from dual
union all select 115, 117 from dual
union all select 118, 119 from dual
union all select 118, 120 from dual
union all select 121, 120 from dual
with relations(person_id, relation_id) as (
select parent_id, child_id from people
union select child_id, parent_id from people
select distinct relation_id
from relations
start with person_id = 104
connect by nocycle person_id = prior relation_id
order by relation_id
Recursive CTEs for graph traversal
DuckDB version: 1.0.0
Bill Wallis, 2024-10-18
select version();
/* flatten bus route */
with recursive
bus_stops(from_stop, to_stop) as (
('BM', 'WQS'),
('CR', 'BM'),
('CS', 'LL'),
('GG', 'CS'),
('LL', 'OS'),
('OS', 'CR'),
('WQS', 'GG')
routes(starting_stop, current_stop, route) as (
select 'BM', 'BM', 'BM'
union all
concat_ws(' - ', routes.route, bus_stops.to_stop)
from routes
inner join bus_stops
on routes.current_stop = bus_stops.from_stop
and routes.starting_stop != bus_stops.to_stop
select max(route) as route
from routes
/* find all related family members */
with recursive
people(parent_id, child_id) as (
(100, 101),
(100, 102),
(101, 103),
(101, 104),
(101, 105),
(106, 107),
(106, 108),
(103, 109),
(103, 110),
(103, 105),
(104, 105),
(107, 111),
(107, 112),
(108, 112),
(113, 114),
(113, 115),
(114, 116),
(114, 117),
(115, 117),
(118, 119),
(118, 120),
(121, 120)
relations(person_id, relation_id) as (
select parent_id, child_id from people
union select child_id, parent_id from people
family(person_id, relation_id, seen) as (
select 104, 104, [104]
union all
list_append(family.seen, relations.relation_id)
from family
inner join relations
on family.relation_id = relations.person_id
and not array_contains(family.seen, relations.relation_id)
select distinct person_id, relation_id
from family
order by all
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