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Last active November 21, 2024 14:59
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Mermaid + DuckDB for generating entity-relationship diagrams
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Mermaid + DuckDB for generating entity-relationship diagrams
DuckDB version: 0.10.2
Bill Wallis, 2024-05-09
select version();
create or replace table users (
user_id integer not null primary key,
username varchar not null unique,
review_datetime timestamp,
unique (user_id, review_datetime)
create or replace table events (
event_id integer not null primary key,
user_id integer not null references users(user_id),
event_datetime timestamp not null,
event_type varchar not null
create or replace table google_auth (
user_id integer not null primary key references users(user_id),
last_accessed timestamp not null,
google_token varchar not null
create or replace table password_auth (
user_id integer not null primary key references users(user_id),
last_accessed timestamp not null,
email varchar not null,
password varchar not null
create or replace table review_notes (
user_id integer not null,
review_datetime timestamp not null,
notes varchar not null,
primary key (user_id, review_datetime),
foreign key (user_id, review_datetime) references users(user_id, review_datetime)
/* ER Generation */
copy (
select 'erDiagram'
union all
select format(
' {:s} {{{:s}}}',
table_name, string_agg(lower(data_type) || ' ' || column_name, ' ')
from information_schema.columns
group by table_name
union all
select format(
' {:s} }}o--o{{ {:s} : "{:s}"',
table_name, fk.table, fk.columns
from (
select table_name, regexp_extract(
'FOREIGN KEY \([A-Za-z_, ]+\) REFERENCES (\w+)\s?\(([A-Za-z_, ]+)\)',
['table', 'columns']
) as fk
from duckdb_constraints()
where constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
) to 'er-diagram.mermaid' (header false, quote '', delimiter E'\n')
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Lovely! Thank you.

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Here's my take on this

Nice one, I defo prefer yours! Thanks for sharing 🤓

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Thanks mate! But, it escalated quickly. There's now:

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