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Created August 4, 2024 10:43
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Using ROLLUP for subtotals
Using ROLLUP for subtotals
DuckDB version: 1.0.0
Bill Wallis, 2024-08-04
select version();
create or replace table line_items (
region_id integer,
invoice_id integer,
product_id integer,
sales_price integer,
sales_quantity integer,
primary key (region_id, invoice_id, product_id)
insert into line_items
(1, 1, 202, 150, 3),
(1, 1, 203, 120, 7),
(1, 1, 301, 200, 5),
(1, 1, 302, 300, 2),
(1, 2, 101, 250, 4),
(1, 2, 302, 500, 6),
(1, 3, 102, 400, 3),
(1, 3, 201, 40, 6),
(1, 3, 202, 800, 7),
(1, 3, 203, 600, 8),
(1, 3, 301, 700, 1),
(1, 3, 302, 50, 9),
(1, 3, 303, 60, 5),
(1, 4, 103, 80, 8),
(1, 4, 201, 210, 4),
(1, 4, 303, 70, 7),
(2, 5, 302, 220, 6),
(2, 6, 203, 230, 2),
(2, 7, 101, 250, 3),
(2, 7, 102, 530, 6),
(2, 7, 203, 510, 7),
(2, 7, 301, 520, 8),
(2, 7, 302, 240, 5),
(2, 8, 202, 540, 4),
(2, 8, 203, 90, 3),
(2, 8, 301, 550, 5),
(2, 8, 302, 100, 4),
(2, 9, 101, 110, 2),
(2, 9, 102, 120, 5),
(2, 9, 301, 130, 6)
case grouping_id(region_id, invoice_id)
when 3 then 'Grand Total'
when 1 then ' Region Total'
when 0 then ' Invoice Total'
end as grain,
sum(sales_price * sales_quantity) as total_sales
from line_items
group by rollup (region_id, invoice_id)
order by
region_id nulls first,
invoice_id nulls first
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