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Last active October 25, 2016 17:12
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module Lambda where
----------------------- API -------------------------------
num2fun :: Int -> Fun
num2fun n = Fun (show n) [] $ go n
go n | n < 0 = E[F neg, go (-n)]
| n == 0 = E[F zero]
| n > 0 = E[F inc, go (n-1)]
desugar :: Fun -> Lam
desugar = f2lam
enlist :: [Fun] -> Fun
enlist = foldr (\f a -> apply [cons, f, a]) empty
apply :: [Fun] -> Fun
apply funs = Fn [] $ E $ map F funs
reduce :: Fun -> Lam
reduce = eval . f2lam
pretty :: Lam -> IO ()
pretty e = putStrLn $ go e
go (Var c) = [c]
go (App x y) = brace $ go x ++ " " ++ go y
go f@(Abs c e)
| f === reduce true = "true"
| f === reduce false = "false"
| f === reduce empty = "[]"
| f === reduce (num2fun 5) = "5"
| f === reduce (num2fun 4) = "4"
| f === reduce (num2fun 3) = "3"
| f === reduce (num2fun 2) = "2"
| f === reduce (num2fun 1) = "1"
| f === reduce (num2fun 0) = "0"
| otherwise = brace $ "λ" ++ c : " ⇒ " ++ go e
--------------- lambda terms & beta reduction -------------
-- λ-terms
data Lam = Var Char -- variable e.g. x
| App Lam Lam -- application e.g. f x
| Abs Char Lam -- abstraction e.g. \x -> exp
instance Show Lam where
show (Var c) = [c]
show (App x y) = brace $ show x ++ " " ++ show y
show (Abs c e) = brace $ "λ" ++ c : " ⇒ " ++ show e
-- find the free variables in a λ-term
fv :: Lam -> [Char]
fv = distinct . fv' where
fv' (Var c) = [c]
fv' (App m n) = fv' m ++ fv' n
fv' (Abs c e) = filter (/=c) $ fv' e
-- find the bound variables in a λ-term
bv :: Lam -> [Char]
bv = distinct . bv' where
bv' (Var c) = []
bv' (App m n) = bv' m ++ bv' n
bv' (Abs c e) = c : bv' e
-- substitute a λ-term for every free occurrence
-- of a variable in another λ-term changing bound
-- variables to avoid clashes if needed.
sub :: Lam -> Char -> Lam -> Lam
sub n x (Var v)
| x == v = n
| otherwise = Var v
sub n x (App p q) = App (sub n x p) (sub n x q)
sub n x (Abs y p)
| x == y = Abs y p
| x `notElem` fv p = Abs y p
| y `notElem` fv n = Abs y $ sub n x p
| otherwise = Abs z $ sub n x $ sub (Var z) y p
z = pickNewVar n p
-- check if 2 λ-terms are α-convertible
(===) :: Lam -> Lam -> Bool
(===) (Var x) (Var y) = x == y
(===) (App p q) (App r s) = (p === r) && (q === s)
(===) (Abs x p) (Abs y q)
| x == y = p === q
| otherwise = p' === q'
z = pickNewVar p q
p' = sub (Var z) x p
q' = sub (Var z) y q
(===) _ _ = False
-- β-reduction
beta :: Lam -> Maybe Lam
beta (App (Abs x m) n) = Just $ sub n x m
beta _ = Nothing
-- do *all* reductions starting from the left
-- warning: won't terminate for recursive functions!
eval :: Lam -> Lam
eval ex = case go ex of
Just ex' -> eval ex'
Nothing -> ex
go (Var c) = Nothing
go (Abs c m) = fmap (Abs c) (go m)
go (App m n) = case beta (App m n) of
Just p -> Just p
Nothing -> case go m of
Just p -> Just $ App p n
Nothing -> case go n of
Just p -> Just $ App m p
Nothing -> Nothing
-- Y combinator: λf.(λx.f(x x)) (λx.f(x x))
yComb :: Lam
yComb = Abs 'f' $ App fxx fxx
xx = App (Var 'x') (Var 'x')
fxx = Abs 'x' $ App (Var 'f') xx
fix :: Lam -> Lam
fix = App yComb
-- picks a new non-clashing variable
pickNewVar :: Lam -> Lam -> Char
pickNewVar p q = head $ filter notFree ['a'..'z']
where notFree = (`notElem` fv (App p q))
------------------ syntacic sugar -------------------------
data Fun = Fun String [Char] Exp -- named functions
| Fn [Char] Exp -- lambda expressions
data Exp = E [Exp] -- expression sequence
| L Char [Char] Exp Exp -- let binding
| R Char [Char] Exp Exp -- recursive let binding
| F Fun -- singleton function
| V Char -- a variable
instance Show Fun where
show (Fn [] ex) = show ex
show (Fn args ex) = 'λ' : unwords [
args2Str args, "⇒", show ex]
show (Fun name args ex) = unwords [name,
args2Str args, "=", show ex]
instance Show Exp where
show (E exps) = brace $ unwords $ map show exps
show (F (Fun s _ _)) = s
show (F fn) = brace $ show fn
show (V var) = [var]
show (L v args body ex) = unwords ["let", [v],
args2Str args, "=", show body, "in ", show ex]
show (R v args body ex) = unwords ["letrec", [v],
args2Str args, "=", show body, "in ", show ex]
-- convert a function to a λ-term
f2lam :: Fun -> Lam
f2lam = go where
go (Fn args ex) = go' args ex
go (Fun _ args ex) = go' args ex
go' args ex = foldr Abs (e2lam ex) args
-- convert an expression to a λ-term
e2lam :: Exp -> Lam
e2lam (E exps) = foldl1 App $ map e2lam exps
e2lam (F fun) = f2lam fun
e2lam (V var) = Var var
e2lam (L v args body ex) = e2lam let2ex where
let2ex = E[F(Fn [v] ex), F(Fn args body)]
e2lam (R f args body ex) = App let2ex (fix recExp) where
recExp = e2lam $ F(Fn (f:args) body)
let2ex = e2lam $ F(Fn [f] ex)
a = V 'a'
b = V 'b'
c = V 'c'
d = V 'd'
e = V 'e'
f = V 'f'
g = V 'g'
h = V 'h'
l = V 'l'
m = V 'm'
n = V 'n'
p = V 'p'
s = V 's'
t = V 't'
x = V 'x'
y = V 'y'
z = V 'z'
-- id x = x
identity :: Fun
identity = Fun "id" "x" x
------------------------- tuples --------------------------
-- tuple x y z = \t -> t x y z
tuple :: Fun
tuple = Fun "tuple" "xyz" $ F $ Fn "t" $ E[t,x,y,z]
-- first t = t (\x y z -> x)
first :: Fun
first = Fun "fst" "t" $ E[t, F(Fn "xyz" x)]
-- second t = t (\x y z -> y)
second :: Fun
second = Fun "snd" "t" $ E[t, F(Fn "xyz" y)]
-- third t = t (\x y z -> z)
third :: Fun
third = Fun "thd" "t" $ E[t, F(Fn "xyz" z)]
-------------------------- booleans -----------------------
-- true = \x y -> x
-- false = \x y -> y
true :: Fun
true = Fun "True" "xy" x
false :: Fun
false = Fun "False" "xy" y
-- ifThenElse c x y = c x y
ite :: Fun
ite = Fun "ifThenElse" "cxy" $ E[c,x,y]
-- and x y = ifthenelse x (ifthenelse y true) false
and' :: Fun
and' = Fun "and" "xy" $
E[F ite, x, E[F ite, y, F true], F false]
-- or x y = ifthenelse x true (ifthenelse y true false)
or' :: Fun
or' = Fun "or" "xy" $
E[F ite, x, F true, E[F ite, y, F true, F false]]
-- not x = ifthenelse x false true
not' :: Fun
not' = Fun "not" "x" $ E[F ite, x, F false, F true]
-- xor x y = (x or y) and (not x or not y)
xor :: Fun
xor = Fun "xor" "xy" $ E[F and', E[F or', x, y],
E[F or', E[F not', x], E[F not', x]]]
-- xnor x y = not (xor x y)
xnor :: Fun
xnor = Fun "xnor" "xy" $ E[F not', E[F xor, x, y]]
-------------------------- lists --------------------------
-- cons = \h t -> \c -> c h t
cons :: Fun
cons = Fun "cons" "ht" $ F $ Fn "c" $ E[c,h,t]
-- head l = l (\x y -> x)
head' :: Fun
head' = Fun "fst" "l" $ E[l, F(Fn "xy" x)]
-- tail l = l (\x y -> y)
tail' :: Fun
tail' = Fun "snd" "l" $ E[l, F(Fn "xy" y)]
-- [] = \f -> true
empty :: Fun
empty = Fun "empty" "f" $ F true
-- isEmpty l = l (\h t -> false)
isEmpty :: Fun
isEmpty = Fun "isEmpty" "l" $ E[l, F(Fn "ht" $ F false)]
-- foldl f acc lst =
-- if isEmpty lst
-- then acc
-- else foldl f (f acc (head lst)) (tail lst)
-- Amended to use recursive let!!!
-- fold = letrec g f a l = ... g ... in g
fold :: Fun
fold = Fun "fold" [] $ R 'g' "fal" (
E[F ite, E[F isEmpty, l], -- if isEmpty lst
a, E[g, f, -- then acc else foldl f
E[f, a, E[F head', l]], -- (f (head lst) acc)
E[F tail', l]]]) -- (tail lst)
-- reverse lst = foldl (\acc elt -> (elt:acc)) [] lst
reverse' :: Fun
reverse' = Fun "reverse" "l" $
E[F fold, F(Fn "ae" $ E[F cons, e, a]), F empty, l]
-- map f lst =
-- let
-- map' f lst lst' =
-- if isEmpty lst
-- then (reverse lst') else
-- map' f (tail lst) (head lst: lst')
-- in
-- map' f lst []
map' :: Fun
map' = Fun "map" "fl" $
R 'm' "la" (E[F ite, E[F isEmpty, l],
E[F reverse', a],
E[m, E[F tail', l], E[F cons, E[f, E[F head', l]], a]]]) $
E[m, l, F empty]
-- list concatenation
-- (+++) l1 l2 = foldl (\acc elt -> (elt:acc)) l2 (reverse l1)
(+++) :: Fun
(+++) = Fun "++" "xy" $ E[F fold, F f, y, E[F reverse', x]]
f = Fn "ae" $ E[F cons, e, a]
-- length lst = foldl calc_length 0 lst
-- where
-- calc_length _ len = inc len
length' :: Fun
length' = Fun "length" "x" $ E[F fold, F f, F zero, x]
f = Fn "l_" $ E[F inc, l]
------------------------- integers ------------------------
-- u0 = false:[]
u0 :: Exp
u0 = E[F cons, F false, F empty]
-- +0 = true:u0
zero :: Fun
zero = Fun "zero" [] $ E[F cons, F true, u0]
-- isPos n = head n
isPos :: Fun
isPos = Fun "isPos" "n" $ E[F head', n]
-- isNeg n = not (head n)
isNeg :: Fun
isNeg = Fun "isNeg" "n" $ E[F not', E[F head', n]]
-- isZero n = not (head (tail n))
isZero :: Fun
isZero = Fun "isZero" "n" $
E[F not', E[F head', E[F tail', n]]]
-- sign n = head n
sign :: Fun
sign = Fun "sign" "n" $ E[F head', n]
-- (==) m n = let
-- s = head m
-- t = head n
-- a = head (tail m)
-- b = head (tail n)
-- if (xnor s t) then
-- if (and (not a) (not b))
-- then true
-- else
-- if (and a b)
-- then (==) (s:(tail m)) (t:(tail n))
-- else false
-- else false
eq :: Fun
eq = Fun "==" [] $ R 'f' "mn" (
L 's' [] (E[F head', m]) (
L 't' [] (E[F head', n]) (
L 'a' [] (E[F head', E[F tail', m]]) (
L 'b' [] (E[F head', E[F tail', n]]) (
E[F ite, E[F xnor, s, t],
E[F ite, E[F and', E[F not', a], E[F not', b]],
F true,
E[F ite, E[F and', a, b],
E[f, E[F cons, s, E[F tail', m],
E[F cons, t, E[F tail', n]]]],
F false],
F false]])))))
-- neg n = (not (head n)):(tail n)
neg :: Fun
neg = Fun "neg" "n" $
E[F cons, E[F not', E[F head', n]], E[F tail', n]]
-- inc n = if isPos n
-- then true:true:(tail n)
-- else if isZero n
-- then 1
-- else false:(tail (tail n))
inc :: Fun
inc = Fun "inc" "n" $
E[F ite, E[F isPos, n],
E[F cons, F true, E[F cons, F true, E[F tail', n]]],
E[F ite, E[F isZero, n],
E[F cons, F true, E[F cons, F true, u0]],
E[F cons, F false, E[F tail', E[F tail', n]]]]]
-- dec n = if isZero n
-- then -1
-- else if isNeg n
-- then false:true:(tail n) n
-- else true:(tail (tail n))
dec :: Fun
dec = Fun "dec" "n" $
E[F ite, E[F isZero, n],
E[F cons, F false, E[F cons, F true, u0]],
E[F ite, E[F isNeg, n],
E[F cons, F false, E[F cons, F true, E[F tail', n]]],
E[F cons, F true, E[F tail', E[F tail', n]]]]]
-- add m n = f (if isNeg m then neg m else m) n
-- where
-- f m n = if isZero m
-- then n
-- else f (dec m) (inc n)
add :: Fun
add = Fun "add" "mn" $
R 'f' "ab" (
E[F ite, E[F isZero, a],
E[f, E[F dec, a], E[F inc, b]]])(
E[f, E[F ite, E[F isNeg, m], E[F neg, m], m], n])
-- mult m n = if or (isZero m) (isZero n)
-- then zero
-- else f (if isNeg m then neg m else m) zero
-- where
-- f m a = if isZero m
-- then a
-- else f (dec m) (add a n)
mult :: Fun
mult = Fun "mult" "mn" $
R 'f' "ma" (
E[F ite, E[F isZero, m],
E[f, E[F dec, m], E[F add, a, n]]]) (
E[F ite, E[F or', E[F isZero, m], E[F isZero, n]],
F zero,
E[f, E[F ite, E[F isNeg, m], E[F neg, m], m], F zero]])
------------------------- utils ---------------------------
-- remove duplicates from list
distinct :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
distinct [] = []
distinct (x:xs) | x `elem` xs = distinct xs
| otherwise = x:distinct xs
-- enclose string in braces
brace :: String -> String
brace s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
-- format args with spaces
args2Str :: [Char] -> String
args2Str args = unwords (map (:[]) args)
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> pretty $ desugar $ apply [inc, zero]
((λn ⇒ ((((λc ⇒ (λx ⇒ (λy ⇒ ((c x) y)))) ((λn ⇒ ((λl ⇒ (l true)) n)) n)) (((λh ⇒ (λt ⇒ (λc ⇒ ((c h) t)))) true) (((λh ⇒ (λ
t ⇒ (λc ⇒ ((c h) t)))) true) ((λl ⇒ (l false)) n)))) ((((λc ⇒ (λx ⇒ (λy ⇒ ((c x) y)))) ((λn ⇒ ((λx ⇒ ((((λc ⇒ (λx ⇒ (λy ⇒
((c x) y)))) x) false) true)) ((λl ⇒ (l true)) ((λl ⇒ (l false)) n)))) n)) (((λh ⇒ (λt ⇒ (λc ⇒ ((c h) t)))) true) (((λh ⇒
(λt ⇒ (λc ⇒ ((c h) t)))) true) (((λh ⇒ (λt ⇒ (λc ⇒ ((c h) t)))) false) [])))) (((λh ⇒ (λt ⇒ (λc ⇒ ((c h) t)))) false) ((λl
 ⇒ (l false)) ((λl ⇒ (l false)) n)))))) (((λh ⇒ (λt ⇒ (λc ⇒ ((c h) t)))) true) (((λh ⇒ (λt ⇒ (λc ⇒ ((c h) t)))) false) [])

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