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Last active October 5, 2016 10:13
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animal :: IO ()
animal = do
putStrLn "Animal guessing game..."
newGame dbInit
newGame :: [(String, Int)] -> IO ()
newGame db = do
putStrLn "\nThink of an animal and I'll guess it."
play db 0
playAgain :: [(String, Int)] -> IO ()
playAgain db = do
putStr "\nPlay again ? (y/n): "
ans <- getChar
putStrLn ""
if ans == 'y' then newGame db else putStrLn "Goodbye.\n"
-- database of animal info
dbInit :: [(String, Int)]
dbInit = [ ("Is it a bird ?",1)
, ("a penguin",0)
, ("Is it a fish ?",3)
, ("a shark",0)
, ("Does it have a trunk ?",5)
, ("an elephant",0)
, ("Is it an insect ?",7),
("an ant",0),("a cobra",0) ]
handleResults :: [(String, Int)] -> Bool -> Int -> IO ()
handleResults db correct pos = do
if correct
then putStrLn "\n\nHey! I got it right !"
else putStrLn "\n\nOops! You beat me !"
if not correct then add db pos else playAgain db
-- play game until a final guess is made
play :: [(String, Int)] -> Int -> IO ()
play db pos =
if snd (db !! pos) == 0 -- we're ready to guess
then do
putStrLn "\nI think I know the answer!"
putStr ("Is it " ++ fst (db !! pos) ++ "? (y/n): ")
ans <- getChar
handleResults db (ans == 'y') pos
else do
putStr ("\n" ++ fst (db !! pos) ++ " (y/n): ") -- we have more questions
ans <- getChar
let pos' = snd (db !! pos) + if ans == 'y' then 0 else 1
play db pos'
-- add new question/animal to db and return updated db
add :: [(String, Int)] -> Int -> IO ()
add db pos = do
putStr "\nPlease add your animal to my database.\nYour animal was a/an: "
s <- getLine
let a1 = fst (db !! pos)
let a2 = addArticle s
putStrLn ("Enter a question that distinguishes " ++ a1 ++ " and " ++ a2 ++ ":")
s' <- getLine
let qu = addQu s'
putStrLn ("\nIf you're thinking of " ++ a2 ++ ", and I ask: \'" ++ qu ++ "\'")
putStr "What would you answer ? (y/n): "
ans <- getChar
if ans == 'y' then updateDb db pos qu a2 a1
else updateDb db pos qu a1 a2
updateDb :: [(String, Int)] -> Int -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
updateDb db pos qu animal1 animal2 =
prefix = take pos db
suffix = drop (pos + 1) db
question = (qu, length db)
guess_yes = (animal1, 0)
guess_no = (animal2, 0)
newDb = prefix ++ [question] ++ suffix ++ [guess_yes] ++ [guess_no]
playAgain newDb
addArticle :: String -> String
addArticle s = (if head s `elem` "aeiou" then "an " else "a ") ++ s
addQu :: String -> String
addQu s = if not ('?' `elem` s) then s ++ " ?" else s
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sgf-dma commented Oct 5, 2016

(this comment is literate haskell, you can copy it as is into file.lhs and run; well, if github does not mess with formatting..)

Interesting program, but i want to say a few things.

  1. Almost all functions, you've defined, are in IO. And, moreover, they
    return IO (). Thus, it's hard to test and debug. Say, i want to see how
    you add a new entry to db, but i can't, because add returns nothing
    (useful). And pure function is easier to test programmatically, then one
    with side-effects (in monad).
  2. Your functions call each other: play -> handleResults -> add ->
    updateDb -> playAgain.. I can't do one action at a time in e.g.
    ghci, and, thus, again i can't debug one function.
  3. The numbers and shifts in a linear list are extremely hard to read. Well,
    at least for me. May be because i didn't do that a long time.
  4. Your last entry with two answers does not seem to work. I tried to
    understand why, but, it seems, there are several places, where support is
    missing and i've failed to figure out the quick fix.
  5. The list representing your db is linear, though the db structure is
    certainly not: you have a question and an answer (or may be even two) - two
    properties, which constitute a single item. But these items and distinction
    between question and answer can't be derived from your structure type:
    [(String, Int)]. It's buried down somewhere in values.
  6. The branching (additional questions) is broken: answering 'no' for
    additional question leads to strange results. I guess, you can't make a
    proper branching without proper data types.
  7. You comment lines '----' make it impossible to use vim's { and }
    navigation. I don't want to argue about editors here, but, really, don't do
    this :)

If i understand correctly, you want the second answer to be used, when user
says "no" for the first. So, first, let's change the db type:

  import Data.List
  import Control.Monad (unless)

  type Db   = [(String, [String])]

  dbInit :: Db
  dbInit    = [ ("Is it a bird ?",          ["a penguin"])
              , ("Is it a fish ?",          ["a shark"])
              , ("Does it have a trunk ?",  ["an elephant"])
              , ("Is it an insect ?",       ["an ant", "a cobra"])

I've used type synonym (just another name for the type). The type is still not
perfect, but much better, because now i may try to guess where is the question
and where are the answers. I've used list for storing answers, so i may have
many answers.. well, that because i don't want to decide, which answer to
replace in add - it's simpler to collect them all. Then let's make an
updateDb pure (it really does not need any IO - it just updates db, as it
name says):

  updateDb :: String -> String -> Db -> Db
  updateDb qu animal db = maybe new update (find ((== qu) . fst) db)
      new :: Db
      new               = (qu, [animal]) : db
      update :: (String, [String]) -> Db
      update (z, xs)    = (z, animal : xs) : filter ((/= z) . fst) db

I've removed pos, because i don't think, that it's possible to implement
branching properly without proper types (i looked over week 3 titles, and, it
seems, that the data types should be introduced there..). So, here
updateDb either replaces existing element or inserts new, if there is no
such element yet.

Now, since i often ask user 'yes' or 'no', let's write a separate function for

  askUser :: String -> IO Bool
  askUser ps    = do
                    unless (null ps) (putStr (ps ++ " (y/n) "))
                    ans  <- getChar
                    putStrLn ""
                    return (ans == 'y')

It displays a prompt, asks the answer and returns a Bool. Then comes the

  addArticle :: String -> String
  addArticle s = (if head s `elem` "aeiou" then "an " else "a ") ++ s

  addQu :: String -> String
  addQu s = if not ('?' `elem` s) then s ++ " ?" else s

  add :: Maybe String -> Db -> IO Db
  add mqu db = do
    putStr "\nPlease add your animal to my database.\n"
    qu     <- maybe getQu replaceQu mqu
    animal <- getAnimal
    return (updateDb qu animal db)
    getQu :: IO String
    getQu       = do
                    putStrLn ("Enter new question: ")
                    s <- getLine
                    return (addQu s)
    getAnimal :: IO String
    getAnimal   = do
                    putStrLn "Your animal was a/an: "
                    animal <- getLine
                    return (addArticle animal)
    replaceQu :: String -> IO String
    replaceQu qu = do
                    b <- askUser ("Add the answer to an existing question: \"" ++ qu ++ "\"")
                    if b then return qu else getQu

I take an old db, maybe a question to update and return a new db. This add
covers two cases (similar to updateDb): when user answers to all questions
'no' and he may just want to add a new question, and when user answers to some
question 'yes', but i haven't guessed an animal (and user may want to add his

Now, it's time for play. Note, that now i have two lists: list of answers
and list of questions (with answers), which i want to traverse. But i want to
traverse them differently: list of answers i want to traverse until i'll find
the right one or reach the end of the list. so function with type

findM :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO (Maybe a)

may generalize answers traversal: i have a predicate of type (a -> IO Bool),
which gets an element from list, does something, and tells findM to continue
to next element or not.

But the list of questions i want to traverse.. well, also until i'll find the
right question, but then the right question may not have the right answers. I
still want to stop a list traversal at that point, but i need to know what was
with answers. Thus, i need an additional information to be passed from
predicate, which checks list element (the question here), - whether answer was
correct or not. So the type of function becomes

findM :: b -> (a -> IO (Bool, b)) -> [a] -> IO (Maybe a, b)

Look, it first takes the default answer state (first argument of type b): it
will be no answer. Then it tries each question in turn, until user will
confirm the question. Then i want to stop list traversal (return True as first
element of tuple) and i want to know whether i guessed or not (that will be
the second tuple element). Let's try to write it!

  findM :: b -> (a -> IO (Bool, b)) -> [a] -> IO (Maybe a, b)
  findM z _ []         = return (Nothing, z)
  findM z p (x : xs)   = do
                            (b, y) <- p x
                            if b then return (Just x, y) else findM z p xs

Then, let's write the predicate for guessing answers:

  guess :: String -> IO (Bool, ())
  guess x               = do
    b <- askUser ("Is it " ++ x ++ "?")
    return (b, ())

and the predicate for asking questions:

  playQuestion :: (String, [String]) -> IO (Bool, Bool)
  playQuestion (qu, xs) = do
    b <- askUser qu
    if b
      then do
        (mb, _) <- findM () guess xs
        return (True, maybe False (const True) mb)
      else return (False, False)

So, i've used two bools: first Bool is used by findM to determine whether to
continue list traversal, second Bool is telling outer function, whether i
guess the answer or not. Then, finally, this outer function:

  play :: Db -> IO Db
  play xs         = do
    r <- findM False playQuestion xs
    case r of
      (Nothing, _)    -> add Nothing xs
      (Just _, True)  -> do
        putStrLn "\n\nHey! I got it right !"
        return xs
      (Just x, False) -> do
        putStrLn "\n\nOops! You beat me   !"
        add (Just (fst x)) xs

  playAgain :: Db -> IO ()
  playAgain xs      = do
    xs' <- play xs
    b <- askUser "Play again?"
    if b then playAgain xs' else return ()

Now, let's see what we have:

  1. The type distinguishes between question, answers and different items
    (question + answers).
  2. I can run every function in ghci with some input and see how it works.
  3. No recursive calls between functions until the very end. So, again, it's
    easy to try and test every element alone.
  4. No numeric shifts! Well, that's may be not a big deal for you, but for me
    it's a great improvement :)

There're still many-many ways to further rewrite this code, make it more
concise or more complex or more interesting or just nicer. I think.

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