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Created October 5, 2016 16:19
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data Entry = Qu String | Ans String deriving Eq
data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving Eq
data YesNo = Yes | No
insert :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert o n e | o == e = n
insert _ _ Leaf = Leaf
insert o n (Node t1 m t2) = Node (f t1) m (f t2)
where f = insert o n
animal :: IO ()
animal = do
putStrLn "Animal guessing game..."
newGame dbInit
newGame :: Tree Entry -> IO ()
newGame db = do
putStrLn "\nThink of an animal and I'll guess it."
play db db
playAgain :: Tree Entry -> IO ()
playAgain db = do
putStr "\nPlay again ? (y/n): "
ans <- getChar
putStrLn ""
if ans == 'y' then newGame db else putStrLn "Goodbye.\n"
-- database of animal info
dbInit :: Tree Entry
dbInit = Node Leaf (Ans "a whale") Leaf
handleResults :: Tree Entry -> Bool -> Tree Entry -> IO ()
handleResults db correct pos = do
if correct
then putStrLn "\n\nHey! I got it right !"
else putStrLn "\n\nOops! You beat me !"
if not correct then add db pos else playAgain db
-- play game until a final guess is made
play :: Tree Entry -> Tree Entry -> IO ()
play db pos@(Node _ (Ans s) _) = do
putStrLn "\nI think I know the answer!"
putStr ("Is it " ++ s ++ "? (y/n): ")
ans <- getChar
handleResults db (ans == 'y') pos
play db pos@(Node y (Qu s) n) = do
putStr ("\n" ++ s ++ " (y/n):")
ans <- getChar
let pos' = if ans == 'y' then y else n
play db pos'
add :: Tree Entry -> Tree Entry -> IO ()
add db pos@(Node _ (Ans a) _) = do
putStr "\nPlease add your animal to my database.\nYour animal was a/an: "
s <- getLine
let a1 = a
let a2 = addArticle s
putStrLn ("Enter a question that distinguishes " ++ a1 ++ " and " ++ a2 ++ ":")
s' <- getLine
let qu = addQu s'
putStrLn ("\nIf you're thinking of " ++ a2 ++ ", and I ask: \'" ++ qu ++ "\'")
putStr "What would you answer ? (y/n): "
ans <- getChar
if ans == 'y' then updateDb db pos qu a2 a1
else updateDb db pos qu a1 a2
updateDb :: Tree Entry -> Tree Entry -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
updateDb db pos qu a1 a2 =
yNode = Node Leaf (Ans a1) Leaf
nNode = Node Leaf (Ans a2) Leaf
qNode = Node yNode (Qu qu) nNode
newDb = insert pos qNode db
playAgain newDb
addArticle :: String -> String
addArticle s = (if head s `elem` "aeiou" then "an " else "a ") ++ s
addQu :: String -> String
addQu s = if '?' `notElem` s then s ++ " ?" else s
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sample usage:

*Main> animal
Animal guessing game...

Think of an animal and I'll guess it.

I think I know the answer!
Is it a whale? (y/n): n

Oops! You beat me   !

Please add your animal to my database.
Your animal was a/an: shark
Enter a question that distinguishes a whale and a shark:
Is it a mammal ?

If you're thinking of a shark, and I ask: 'Is it a mammal ?'
What would you answer ? (y/n): n
Play again ? (y/n): y

Think of an animal and I'll guess it.

Is it a mammal ? (y/n):y
I think I know the answer!
Is it a whale? (y/n): y

Hey! I got it right !

Play again ? (y/n): n

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