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Last active October 10, 2016 12:14
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  • Save BillyBadBoy/85cb22ca4184a5aa760224ace97e0db8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Week 1 exercises.
-- [1] Implement sign which returns -1, 0 or +1 depending on the sign of the argument
-- use only ifThenElse and < >
sign :: Int -> Int
sign x = ???
--expected behaviour
sign 5 == 1
sign 0 == 0
sign (-3) == -1
-- [2] Implement middle which returns the median of 3 numbers
-- use only max and min - don't use < or >
middle :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
middle x y z = ???
--expected behaviour
middle 1 2 3 == 2
middle 2 3 1 == 2
middle 3 1 2 == 2
-- [3] Implement Heron's formula which finds the area of a triangle from its sides
-- see
-- use the obvious let binding
area :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
area a b c = ???
--expected behaviour
area 3 4 5 == 6
-- [4] Implement the trafficLght function that returns a relevant message for each color
-- use a case statement
data Color = Red | Orange | Green
trafficLight :: Color -> String
trafficLight c = ???
--expected behaviour
trafficLight Green == "Go"
trafficLight Orange == "Ready"
trafficLight Red == "Stop"
-- [5] Implement initials which reduces a list of words to their initials
-- use a list comprehension and the head function
initials :: [String] -> String
initials words = ???
-- expected behaviour
initials ["post", "script"] == "ps"
initials ["united", "states", "america"] == "usa"
-- [6] Implement hide which converts the letters of a word to asterisks
-- use only a list comprehension
hide :: String -> String
hide w = ???
-- expected behaviour
hide "secret" == "******"
hide "out" == "***"
-- [7] Implement 'backwards' which reverses a string
-- use a list comprehension and the length, !! functions - don't use reverse!
backwards :: String -> String
backwards w = ???
-- expected behaviour
backwards "wolf" == "flow"
-- [8] Implement 'third' which finds third word in a list
-- use only head + tail - don't the !! function
third :: [String] -> String
third words = ???
-- expected behaviour
third ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri"] == "wed"
-- [9] Implement 'lastStr' which finds the last string in a list
-- use the length and !! functions only - don't use the 'last' function
lastStr :: [String] -> String
lastStr words = ???
-- expected behaviour
lastStr ["tic", "tac", "toe"] == "toe"
-- [10] Implement 'toOnes' which converts a list of words to a list of 1's
-- use only a list comprehension
toOnes :: [String] -> [Int]
toOnes words = ???
-- expected behaviour
toOnes ["tic", "tac", "toe"] == [1, 1, 1]
-- [11] Implement 'numWords' which finds the length of a list of words
-- use the toOnes (see above) and sum functions - don't use the length function!
numWords :: [String] -> Int
numWords words = ???
-- expected behaviour
numWords ["tic", "tac", "toe"] == 3
-- [12] Implement 'joinWords' which concatenates a list of words
-- use a list comprehension - don't use ++
-- hint: use <- twice
joinWords :: [String] -> String
joinWords words = ???
-- expected behaviour
joinWords ["tic", "tac", "toe"] == "tictactoe"
-- [13] Implement ++^ - an alternative implementation of ++
-- use joinWords (see above)
(++^) :: String -> String -> String
(++^) w1 w2 = ???
-- expected behaviour
"tic" ++^ "tac"== "tictac"
-- [14] Implement 'badPi' which finds the value of PI using Leibniz' formula:
-- pi = 4 * (1/1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11 + 1/13 - 1/15 ...)
-- the 'limit' argument restricts the denominator, e.g. badPi 7 means: 4 * (1/1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7)
-- use 2 list comprehensions, one for the +ve terms and one for the -ve terms
badPi :: Double -> Double
badPi limit = ???
-- expected behaviour
badPi 1 = 4.0 -- 4 * (1/1)
badPi 101 = 3.1611986129870493 -- 4 * (1/1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ... + 1/101)
badPi 100001 = 3.1416126531897994 -- 4 * (1/1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ... + 1/100001)
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