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Last active October 1, 2016 13:49
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  • Save BillyBadBoy/e320aec5c797a3e460db910877749ceb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BillyBadBoy/e320aec5c797a3e460db910877749ceb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- [1]
-- Implement 'vecLen', which finds the length of an n-dimensional vector
-- length (a1, a2, ..., an) = sqrt (a1^2 + a2^2 + ... + an^2)
-- use: zipWith, sqrt, sum, *
vecLen :: [Double] -> Double
vecLen v = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- vecLen [3.0, 4.0] == 5.0
-- [2]
-- Implement 'matches' which finds the number of matches between 2 lists
-- matches [3,6,8,4,6] [8,3,8,4,4] = 2 since the 3rd and 4th items match
-- use: zipWith, sum
matches :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
matches xs ys = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- matches [3,6,8,4,6] [8,3,8,4,4] == 2
-- [3]
-- Implement numRepeats, which counts consecutive repeated items
-- e.g numRepeats [7,7,7,5,7,4,4] = 3 since 7 repeats twice and 4 once
-- use: matches, tail
numRepeats :: [Int] -> Int
numRepeats xs = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- numRepeats [] == 0
-- numRepeats [7,7,7,5,7,4,4] == 3
-- [4]
-- Implement isIn, an alternative version of elem
-- use: zipWith, repeat, or, don't use elem, comprehensions
-- (note: repeat x = [x,x,x,x...])
isIn :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
isIn x xs = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- 7 `isIn` [] == False
-- 7 `isIn` [1,2,3] == False
-- 7 `isIn` [0..] == True
-- [5]
-- Implement 'unique', which checks if a list's elements are distinct
-- use: comprehension, zip, and, ||, ==, /=, don't use elem, isIn
-- hint: use zip to annotate each item with its index
unique :: [Int] -> Bool
unique xs = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- unique [] == True
-- unique [1,2,3] == True
-- unique [1,2,1] == False
-- [6]
-- Implement 'doToAll', an alternative version of map
-- use: zipWith, repeat, don't use comprehensions, map
doToAll :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
doToAll f xs = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- doToAll (*2) [] == []
-- doToAll (*2) [1,2,3] == [2,4,6]
-- [7]
-- Implement 'poly', which evaluates polynomials
-- 'coeffs' argument is coefficients from biggest to smallest
-- e.g. [3,2,1] means 3x^2 + 2x + 1 e.g. [7,0,-1] means 7x^2 - 1
-- use: ^, zipWith, sum
poly :: [Double] -> Double -> Double
poly coeffs x = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- poly [3,2,1] 1 == 6.0 (3 + 2 + 1)
-- poly [3,2,1] 10 == 321.0 (3*10^2 + 2*10 + 1)
-- poly [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 2 = 1024 (2^10)
-- [8]
-- Implement restrict, an alternative version of filter
-- p is a predicate (i.e. a test) to apply to each char in a String
-- e.g. restrict (\c -> c `elem` "aeiou") "haskell" = "ae"
-- Note: comprehensions can include guards and let declarations to the
-- right of the | symbol (in addition to generators). These make it easy
-- to implement filter: [ c | c <- haskell, (c `elem` "aeiou") ]
-- But these haven't been covered in the mooc, so they're out of scope
-- for this question !
-- use: list comprehensions (but no guards or lets), don't use filter
-- hint: use 2 list comprehensions:
-- one for: "haskell" -> [[],['a'],[],[],['e'],[],[]]
-- one for: [[],['a'],[],[],['e'],[],[]] -> ['a','e'] == "ae"
restrict :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String
restrict p s = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- restrict (\c -> c `elem` "aeiou") "haskell" == "ae"
-- [9]
-- Implement 'restrictPair' another filter function
-- Similar to 'restrict' but works on char pairs instead of chars
-- restrictPair (\(a,b) -> a == b) [('x','y),('x','x)] = [('x','x)]
-- copy your implementation of 'restrict' with a new type signaure
restrictPair :: ???
restrictPair p s = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- restrictPair (\(a,b) -> a == b) [('x','y'),('x','x')] == [('x','x')]
-- [10]
-- Implement 'scramble' which uses one list to lookup items in another
-- e.g. scramble "6432597810" "5682139704" maps 6 -> 5, 4 -> 6, 3 -> 8 etc
-- you may assume that the lists don't contain duplicates
-- use: zip, restrictPair, fst, snd, head
scramble :: String -> String -> Char -> Char
scramble s1 s2 c = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- scramble "6432597810" "5682139704" '6' = '5'
-- scramble "6432597810" "5682139704" '3' = '8'
-- [11]
-- 'doToChars' - identical to 'doToAll' except it works with chars
-- e.g. doToChars (\c -> '*') "haskell" == "*******"
-- copy your implementation of 'doToAll' with a new type signaure
doToChars :: ???
doToChars f xs = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- doToChars (\c -> '*') "haskell" == "*******"
-- [12]
-- Implement code which scrambles/unscrambles numeric text
-- e.g code True "6432597810" "5682139704" "1234" = "0286"
-- e.g code False "6432597810" "5682139704" "0286" = "1234"
-- the boolean argument specifies whether to scamble or unscramble
-- use 'doToChars' 'scramble'
code :: Bool -> String -> String -> String -> String
code direction s1 s2 text = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- let scrambler = code True "6432597810" "5682139704"
-- let unscrambler = code False "6432597810" "5682139704"
-- scrambler "1234" == "0286" //encode
-- unscrambler "0286" == "1234" //decode
-- [13]
-- Implement 'headOverHeels' which swaps first/last strings in a list
-- e.g. headOverHeels ["three","two","one"] = ["one","two","three"]
-- use: length, head, tail, drop, take, don't use last, !!
-- n.b. ensure it works with lists of length 0 and 1.
headOverHeels :: [String] -> [String]
headOverHeels s = ???
-- expected behaviour:
-- headOverHeels [] == []
-- headOverHeels ["one"] == ["one"]
-- headOverHeels ["one","two"] == ["two","one"]
-- headOverHeels ["three","two","one"] == ["one","two","three"]
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dagda1 commented Sep 29, 2016

I don't understand how you would use zipWith for the first question, my solution is:

sqrt $ sum $ map (\x -> x^2) arr

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map was not covered in week 2. You can use zipWith instead to solve qu1.

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