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Created November 4, 2020 15:39
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* Runs the specified task until the specfied
* condition is met
* @param task The task to run
* @param breakCondition The breaking condition
* @param timeout The timeout between attempts in miliseconds
* @param options Additional options to tweak the timeout and
* max retry count
private async runUntil<T>(
task: () => Promise<T>,
breakCondition: (data: T) => boolean,
options: {
timeout: number;
maxRetries: number;
} = {
timeout: 10000,
maxRetries: 10,
): Promise<T> {
const intFunc = (retryCount: number): Promise<T> =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(async () => {
if (retryCount > options.maxRetries) {
reject('Max retry count reached');
try {
const res = await task();
if (breakCondition(res)) {
const d = await intFunc(retryCount + 1);
} catch (err) {
}, options.timeout);
return intFunc(0);
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