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Created February 1, 2020 21:59
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A script to remove all the screenshots in ~/Pictures/ directory
# A script to remove all the screenshots in ~/Pictures/ directory
if [[ `ls ~/Pictures/ | grep "Screenshot\ from" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]]; then
before_size=`du -shb ~/Pictures | cut -f1`
echo "`rm -v ~/Pictures/Screenshot\ from*.png | wc -l` screenshots deleted!"
after_size=`du -shb ~/Pictures | cut -f1`
let "res=($before_size-$after_size)/1024"
# TODO: Show how much data was cleared dependently on it's size (KB, MB, GB, etc.)
echo "Cleared ${res}KB"
echo "There are no screenshots in ~/Pictures/ directory"
exit $?
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