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Last active June 12, 2023 02:17
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// code updates are now there:
// Processing code by Etienne JACOB
// motion blur template by beesandbombs
// CC BY-SA 3.0 license because it's using code from Wikipedia
// View the rendered result at:
int[][] result;
float t, c;
float ease(float p, float g) {
if (p < 0.5)
return 0.5 * pow(2*p, g);
return 1 - 0.5 * pow(2*(1 - p), g);
void draw() {
if (!recording) {
t = mouseX*1.0/width;
c = mouseY*1.0/height;
if (mousePressed)
} else {
for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++)
for (int a=0; a<3; a++)
result[i][a] = 0;
c = 0;
for (int sa=0; sa<samplesPerFrame; sa++) {
t = map(frameCount-1 + sa*shutterAngle/samplesPerFrame, 0, numFrames, 0, 1);
for (int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++) {
result[i][0] += pixels[i] >> 16 & 0xff;
result[i][1] += pixels[i] >> 8 & 0xff;
result[i][2] += pixels[i] & 0xff;
for (int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++)
pixels[i] = 0xff << 24 |
int(result[i][0]*1.0/samplesPerFrame) << 16 |
int(result[i][1]*1.0/samplesPerFrame) << 8 |
if (frameCount<=numFrames)
if (frameCount==numFrames)
// end of template
int samplesPerFrame = 5;
int numFrames = 275;
float shutterAngle = .6;
boolean recording = false; // set to false for time with mouse position, set to true to render frames
// Hilbert curve algo from wikipedia in 2 function below (
// I haven't tried to understand it yet, but it's fast and quite easy to use
//convert d (it's an index of a vertex on the curve's path) to (i,j) position
// n is the number of vertices, a power of 4 : pow(4,j) where j is the order/level of the curve
PVector d2xy(int n, int d) {
int rx, ry, s, t=d;
float x,y;
x = 0;
y = 0;
for (s=1; s<n; s*=2) {
rx = 1 & (t/2);
ry = 1 & (t ^ rx);
PVector res = rot(s, new PVector(x,y), rx, ry);
x = res.x;
y = res.y;
x += s * rx;
y += s * ry;
t /= 4;
return new PVector(x,y);
//rotate/flip a quadrant appropriately, used in previous function
PVector rot(int n, PVector input, int rx, int ry) {
float x = input.x;
float y = input.y;
if (ry == 0) {
if (rx == 1) {
x = n-1 - x;
y = n-1 - y;
//Swap x and y
float t = x;
x = y;
y = t;
return new PVector(x,y);
int numberOfLevels = 6; // number of levels/orders, it's called order in the wikipedia article
int n = (int)pow(4,numberOfLevels); // number of Points/vertices we'll use to draw the curve (this is constant)
class Point
int i;
PVector [] positions = new PVector[numberOfLevels]; // position of point at each level
Point(int i_)
i = i_;
// finding the pixel position of the point at each level...
for(int level=1;level<=numberOfLevels;level++)
int n2 = (int)pow(4,level); // number of vertices of the currentLevel
float floatIndex = map(i,0,n-1,0,n2-1)*0.999999; // mapping the index (in last level), to the size of smaller level, 0.99999 to avoid reaching the last index and have invalid index later with floor(floatIndex+1)
// "floatIndex" because it has index range, but isn't an integer
// We are between those two vertices of the curve and will interpolate between them later
PVector v1 = d2xy(n2,floor(floatIndex));
PVector v2 = d2xy(n2,floor(floatIndex+1));
// integer positions so far
float interp = floatIndex - floor(floatIndex); // fractional part, for lerping between v1 and v2 (current level vertices)
// conversion to position in pixels...
float f = 0.77;
float numberOfVerticesInARow = pow(2,level); // sqrt(n2)
float x1 = map(v1.x + 0.5,0,numberOfVerticesInARow,-f*width/2,f*width/2);
float y1 = map(v1.y + 0.5,0,numberOfVerticesInARow,-f*height/2,f*height/2);
float x2 = map(v2.x + 0.5,0,numberOfVerticesInARow,-f*width/2,f*width/2);
float y2 = map(v2.y + 0.5,0,numberOfVerticesInARow,-f*height/2,f*height/2);
positions[level-1] = new PVector(lerp(x1,x2,interp),lerp(y1,y2,interp)); // position found with the interpolation
// mirror fix at every other level that's necessary with the wikipedia formulas, apparently: (x <-> y swap)
if(level%2==0) positions[level-1] = new PVector(positions[level-1].y,positions[level-1].x);
Point [] array = new Point[n];
// go from v1 to v2 with rotation around their middle
PVector rotater(PVector v1,PVector v2,float p,boolean orientation) // p is the progress in this interpolation, in [0,1]
PVector middle = v1.copy().add(v2).mult(0.5);
PVector middleToV1 = v1.copy().sub(middle);
float angle = atan2(middleToV1.y,middleToV1.x);
float o = (orientation?-1:1);
float r = middleToV1.mag();
return new PVector(middle.x+r*cos(angle+o*PI*p),middle.y+r*sin(angle+o*PI*p));
// easing function taken from
float easeOutElastic(float x)
float c4 = (2*PI)/3;
if(x<=0) return 0;
if(x>=1) return 1;
return pow(2, -10 * x) * sin((x * 10 - 0.75) * c4) + 1;
void drawCurve(float p) // p (in [0,1)) will simply be the time t
p = (p+12345-0.05)%1; // keep p in [0,1[, classic 12345 to make sure it's positive before modulo
p = constrain(map(p,0,0.88,0,1),0,1); // transform p to do nothing for some time
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
PVector deepPos = array[i].positions[numberOfLevels-1]; // position on last hilbert curve
float delay = 0.001*deepPos.mag()*sin(PI*p); // using this final position as delay, and not the current position
// (it creates this weird effect during the first half)
// sin(PI*p) to use this delay more and more at mid-time (try it without to see the effect?)
float pp = 1-pow(1-p,1.5); // some easing on p
float delayedP = (12345+pp-delay)%1; // 12345 to make sure it's positive before modulo :)
float finishedLastCurveTime = 0.57; // fraction of time to do all transformations except the final one
// (a lot more time is used to complete the last one=
float floatIndex; // will have level index range but isn't an integer
floatIndex = map(delayedP,0,finishedLastCurveTime,0,numberOfLevels-1);
floatIndex = map(delayedP,finishedLastCurveTime,1.0,numberOfLevels-1,numberOfLevels);
int levelIndex1 = floor(floatIndex);
int levelIndex2 = (levelIndex1+1)%numberOfLevels; // modulo numberOfLevels is important to get from level index numberOfLevels-1 to 0 in last transformation
float frac = floatIndex - levelIndex1; // fractional part
// we must go from v1 to v2 with some easing/path
PVector v1 = array[i].positions[levelIndex1];
PVector v2 = array[i].positions[levelIndex2];
float easing;
if(levelIndex1==numberOfLevels-1) // special elastic easing only for last transformation
float aux = constrain(map(frac,0.25,1,0,1),0,1); // transformation to stop a bit before moving
easing = easeOutElastic(pow(aux,2.2));
easing = ease(frac,2.2);
PVector v = rotater(v1,v2,easing,levelIndex1%2==0); // go from v1 to v2 with rotation around their middle
void setup(){
result = new int[width*height][3];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
array[i] = new Point(i);
void draw_(){
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