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Created January 7, 2024 15:14
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// Processing code by Etienne Jacob
// motion blur template by beesandbombs, explanation/article:
// See the license information at the end of this file.
// see result here:
// Start of template
int[][] result; // pixel colors buffer for motion blur
float t; // time global variable in [0,1[
float c; // other global variable for testing things, controlled by mouse
// some generally useful functions...
// ease in and out, [0,1] -> [0,1], with a parameter g:
float ease(float p, float g) {
if (p < 0.5)
return 0.5 * pow(2*p, g);
return 1 - 0.5 * pow(2*(1 - p), g);
// defines a map function variant to constrain or not in target interval (exists in openFrameworks)
float map(float x, float a, float b, float c, float d, boolean constr)
return constr ? constrain(map(x,a,b,c,d),min(c,d),max(c,d)) : map(x,a,b,c,d);
// short one to map an x from [a,b] to [0,1] and constrain
float mp01(float x, float a, float b)
return map(x,a,b,0,1,true);
void draw()
if (!recording) // test mode...
t = (mouseX*1.3/width)%1;
c = mouseY*1.0/height;
if (mousePressed)
else // render mode...
for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++)
for (int a=0; a<3; a++)
result[i][a] = 0;
c = 0;
for (int sa=0; sa<samplesPerFrame; sa++) {
t = map(frameCount-1 + sa*shutterAngle/samplesPerFrame, 0, numFrames, 0, 1);
t %= 1;
for (int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++) {
result[i][0] += red(pixels[i]);
result[i][1] += green(pixels[i]);
result[i][2] += blue(pixels[i]);
for (int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++)
pixels[i] = 0xff << 24 |
int(result[i][0]*1.0/samplesPerFrame) << 16 |
int(result[i][1]*1.0/samplesPerFrame) << 8 |
if (frameCount<=numFrames) {
if (frameCount==numFrames)
// End of template
int samplesPerFrame = 6;
int numFrames = 600;
float shutterAngle = 1.8;
boolean recording = false;
int curveSize = 32; // must be a power of 2
int numberOfVertices = curveSize * curveSize;
// Hilbert curve algo from Wikipedia in functions d2xy_hilbert and rot below (
// convert d (it's an index of a vertex on the curve's path) to (i,j) position
// n * n is the number of vertices, a power of 4 : pow(4,j) where j is the order/level of the curve
PVector d2xy_hilbert(int n, int d) {
int rx, ry, s, t=d;
float x,y;
x = 0;
y = 0;
for (s=1; s<n; s*=2) {
rx = 1 & (t/2);
ry = 1 & (t ^ rx);
PVector res = rot(s, new PVector(x,y), rx, ry);
x = res.x;
y = res.y;
x += s * rx;
y += s * ry;
t /= 4;
return new PVector(x,y);
//rotate/flip a quadrant appropriately
PVector rot(int n, PVector input, int rx, int ry) {
float x = input.x;
float y = input.y;
if (ry == 0) {
if (rx == 1) {
x = n-1 - x;
y = n-1 - y;
//Swap x and y
float t = x;
x = y;
y = t;
return new PVector(x,y);
// Moore curve (
// convert d to (x,y), using 4 Hilbert curves.
PVector d2xy_moore(int n1, int d) {
int n = n1/2; // n for 2 times smaller Hilbert curve than this Moore curve
int m = n*n;
d = (d+4*m)%(4*m); // just making sure d is in [0,4*m[
PVector aux = d2xy_hilbert(n,d%m); // position on local Hilbert curve
if(d<m) return new PVector(aux.x,n-aux.y-1);
else if(d<2*m) return new PVector(aux.x+n,n-aux.y-1);
else if(d<3*m) return new PVector(n-aux.x+n-1,aux.y+n);
else if(d<4*m) return new PVector(n-aux.x-1,aux.y+n);
return new PVector(0,0); // we should never reach this case
PVector [] precomputedMoore = new PVector[numberOfVertices];
void precomputeMoore()
for(int i=0;i<numberOfVertices;i++)
precomputedMoore[i] = d2xy_moore(curveSize, i);
PVector getMooreIntegerPosition(int i)
i = ((i%numberOfVertices)+numberOfVertices)%numberOfVertices; // loop the index
return precomputedMoore[i];
// ix and iy are integer positions of the grid
PVector pixelpos(float ix,float iy)
float margin = 15;
float W = 600; // = width in 600x600, useful to avoid Processing's width variable, to be able to change easily the resolution with scale function
float x = map(ix, 0, curveSize-1, margin, W-margin) - W/2;
float y = map(iy, 0, curveSize-1, margin, W-margin) - W/2;
return new PVector(x,y);
// position on the curve from p in [0, curveSize * curveSize]
// just interpolating between positions of the Moore curve's vertices positions
PVector moorePosition0(float p)
int ind1 = floor(p);
int ind2 = ind1+1;
PVector ipos1 = getMooreIntegerPosition(ind1);
PVector ipos2 = getMooreIntegerPosition(ind2);
PVector v1 = pixelpos(ipos1.x,ipos1.y);
PVector v2 = pixelpos(ipos2.x,ipos2.y);
PVector res = v1.copy().lerp(v2, p - ind1);
return res;
// position on the curve with q in [0, 1]
PVector moorePosition(float q, float vertexPositionOffset)
float p = q * numberOfVertices; // maps q to vertex index range, to call position0 function
return moorePosition0(p + vertexPositionOffset);
// previous code was just for the Moore curve
// fuction to play with
float delayFunction(PVector v)
return (v.x+v.y)*0.004; // diagonal offset
// main trick to go towards alternative curves
// see explanation here:
PVector middlePositionTrickCurve(float p)
PVector v1 = moorePosition(p,0);
float offset = delayFunction(v1);
float sine = pow(ease(mp01(sin(TAU*t-offset),-1,1),2.0),1.4); // activation from Moore to the other curves
int maximumNextPointOffset = 32; // interesting parameter to tune
PVector v2 = moorePosition(p,sine * maximumNextPointOffset);
PVector v = v1.copy().add(v2).mult(0.5); // middle between v1 and v2
return v;
void setup()
result = new int[width*height][3];
void draw_()
int M = 50; // every M small dots that make lines, there is a "big" dot
int m = numberOfVertices * M;
for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
float p = 1.0*i/m;
PVector v = middlePositionTrickCurve(p);
float offset = delayFunction(v);
// stuff to control the switch between "line or dot" styles
float styleSine1 = ease(mp01(cos(TAU*t-offset-0.4*HALF_PI),-1,1),2.0);
float styleSine2 = ease(mp01(cos(TAU*t-offset-0.8*HALF_PI),-1,1),2.0);
float curveAlpha = 180;
if(i%M==0) // i is on a dot
stroke(255,255 - (255 - curveAlpha) * styleSine2);
strokeWeight(3.5 - 2 * styleSine2);
else // else we're in between dots
stroke(255,curveAlpha * styleSine1);
strokeWeight(1.0 + 0.5 * styleSine1);
/* License:
* Copyright (c) 2024 Etienne Jacob
* All rights reserved.
* This code after the template and the related animations are the property of the
* copyright holder, except for the code coming from Wikipedia.
* Any reproduction, distribution, or use of this material,
* in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the copyright
* holder is strictly prohibited.
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