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Eleonora Lindblom BlissedEL

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BlissedEL / Cohesive Development Environment
Created May 17, 2024 19:14
A robust, real-time development system with cloud backup and mobile access, enabling seamless collaboration from anywhere.
A preferable real-time system for productive development cohesion:
1. A local Docker container hosting the development environment.
2. The container can be accessed via SSH from a local IDE.
3. The container is on an automated cloud backup routine.
4. The local IDE connects to GitHub for live updates.
5. The container's filesystem's essentials are mirrored to the production server.
6. From my phone I can access both; the GitHub repositories with a text editor, and the production server's file system with an SSH terminal.
This way whenever (if) a computer, a phone, or anything breaks, there are remedies. Everything is neatly accessible from any angle, as well as having nothing ever lost. I have the flexibility to work from anywhere, and to collaborate with anyone across each of our individual styles - inherent to my system.