mkdir -p ~/SD
cd ~/SD
docker build -t sd-mrocm-5-6 .
docker-compose up -d
docker logs -f sd-mrocm-5-6
docker start sd-mrocm-5-6
It's now running as a service, browse to:
The web UI will pull things in the background and may act... Odd the first few times you run things. WAIT for a while after a click, watch your GUI and network load to see what's up. Sometimes just hitting F5 to reload the page will fix things.
You can also make variations by adjusting the composer file and have different versions at the same time. I think you might be able to run at least 2 at the same time with an XTX. Probably not on the XT.
I tried doing a single 1024x1024 image on my XTX and it used so much vRAM it killed my desktop session. It ended up working, I just lost my login.