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Created April 3, 2023 15:49
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A simple implementation of a function to calculate definite integral with Rieman sum method
from math import exp
def fx(x):
return (x+7) * exp(x)
def jumlahanRiemanKiri(function, a, b, n = 10e7):
Fungsi untuk menghitung integral tentu menggunakan metode jumlah rieman kiri
function: fungsi yang ingin dihitung nilai integral tentunya
a = batas bawah
b = batas atas
n = banyak partisi
assert b > a
alas = (b - a) / n
result = 0
x = a
while (x < b):
x += alas
tinggi = function(x)
result += alas*tinggi
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
res = jumlahanRiemanKiri(fx, 3,7)
# output : 14075.462023129421
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