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Last active October 27, 2020 06:08
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Send up and down in Onenote with Autohotkey

Problem: Autohotkey cannot send up and down in MS Onenote.

ctrl (^) + up and down work, as does sending something like {end}{right}{end}. This is not quite the same functionality though.

Solution: Don't use AHK.

AutoIT, a similar language, for some reason can send up and down to onenote fine. The workaround used for projects like vim for onenote uses precompiled autoit exes, which do exactly this. They are fast, and work well.

They are compiled .au3 scripts. The compiled scripts are one line each:


Call these from AHK code when you need to use them, and it works brillantly.

  run %A_ScriptDir%\sendDown.exe

The downside is including small binaries in your code.

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