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Last active January 7, 2024 05:47
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Basic teardrop shape in openscad
/* Creates a flat 2D teardrop on the XY plane,
* where no angle in the positive y direction is greater than 45º.
* */
module teardrop2d(radius){
// Find tangents on the circle at 45 degrees
// Radius is triangle hypotenuse
function tangent_point(circle_r, angle) = [
circle_r * cos(angle),
circle_r * sin(angle),
teardrop_point = [0,
tangent_point(radius, 45).y + tangent_point(radius, 45).x];
tangent_point(radius, 45),
tangent_point(radius, 135),
* Intended as a drop-in replacement for a basic cylinder().
* */
module teardrop(length, radius, center=false){
linear_extrude(height=length, center=center)
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