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Last active November 11, 2024 05:32
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Python to Pseudocode converter
import os.path
import re
1. Create a file with the following code
2. Put the file you want to convert into the same folder as it, and rename it to ""
3. Add a "#F" comment to any lines in the code which have a function call that doesn't assign anything (so no =),
as the program cannot handle these convincingly
4. Run the converter file
python_file = ''
basic_conversion_rules = {"for": "FOR", "=": "TO", "if": "IF", "==": "EQUALS", "while": "WHILE", "until": "UNTIL",
"import": "IMPORT", "class": "DEFINE CLASS", "def": "DEFINE FUNCTION", "else:": "ELSE:",
"elif": "ELSEIF", "except:": "EXCEPT:", "try:": "TRY:", "pass": "PASS", "in": "IN"}
prefix_conversion_rules = {"=": "SET ", "#F": "CALL "}
advanced_conversion_rules = {"print": "OUTPUT", "return": "RETURN", "input": "INPUT"}
def l2pseudo(to_pseudo):
for line in to_pseudo:
line_index = to_pseudo.index(line)
line = str(line)
line = re.split(r'(\s+)', line)
for key, value in prefix_conversion_rules.items():
if key in line:
if not str(line[0]) == '':
line[0] = value + line[0]
line[2] = value + line[2]
for key, value in basic_conversion_rules.items():
for word in line:
if key == str(word):
line[line.index(word)] = value
for key, value in advanced_conversion_rules.items():
for word in line:
line[line.index(word)] = word.replace(key, value)
for key, value in prefix_conversion_rules.items():
for word in line:
if word == key:
del line[line.index(word)]
to_pseudo[line_index] = "".join(line)
return to_pseudo
def p2file(to_file):
py_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(python_file))[0]
with open(py_file + '_pseudo.txt', 'w') as writer:
def main():
with open(python_file, 'r+') as py_file_reader:
file_lines = py_file_reader.readlines()
work_file = l2pseudo(file_lines)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Copy the code from the top of this page into a .py file, and perform the following instructions:

  1. Create a file with the provided code
  2. Put the file you want to convert into the same folder as it, and rename it to ""
  3. Add a "#F" comment to the end of any lines in the code which have a function call that doesn't assign anything (so no =),
    as the program cannot handle these convincingly
  4. Run the converter file

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Please can u help me to convert this cod into pseudcode

def printNGE(arr):
#prepare stack
s = list()
n = len(arr)
arr1 = [0 for i in range(n)]

for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1): 
	while (len(s) > 0 and s[-1] <= arr[i]:
	if (len(s) == 0):
		arr1[i] = arr[i]	
		arr1[i] = s[-1]+arr[i]	 


arr = [7,4,5,10,2,1,7,8,2]
n = len(arr)

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Echowe commented Jan 8, 2024

help me convert to pseudocode please

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Echowe commented Jan 8, 2024

def check_num_length(list,minimum):
for i in list:
if i.isdigit():
count += 1
if count>1 and len(list)>=minimum:
return True
return False

def check_uppercase(list):
for e in list:
if e.isupper():
upper_count+= 1
if upper_count>2:
return True
return False

def check_lowercase(list):
for o in list:
if o.islower():
if lower_count>2:
return True
return False
minim=int(input("Minimum letters required?(has to be over 9)"))
while True:
for t in txt:
if check_num_length(lst,minim)==True and check_uppercase(lst)==True and check_lowercase(lst)==True:
print("Strong password")
print("Weak password try again, the criterias are uppercase letters>2 lowercase letters>2 numbers>2 and the minimum length should be", minim)

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ghost commented Mar 23, 2024


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Please help to change Python to simple Pseudocode below the Python code!
Thanks for your kindly support.

def process_order(order_ID, warehouse_data, vehicle_possibility, delivery_address, delivery_date):

Check if the product is in stock

if order_ID['product_id'] in warehouse_data:
print("Product in stock")
print("Order can be processed")

Check vehicle availability

if vehicle_possibility == "High":
print("Vehicles available for delivery")
print("Order will be delivered")

Assign vehicle to delivery route

vehicle = assign_vehicle_to_route()
load_product_to_vehicle(order_ID['product_id'], vehicle)

Deliver the product

while not vehicle_at_delivery_address(vehicle, delivery_address):
if vehicle_status(vehicle) == "available":
route_vehicle_to_delivery(vehicle, delivery_address)

Unload the product at the delivery address

unload_product_at_delivery_address(vehicle, delivery_address)
update_order_status(order_ID, "Delivered")
print("Order delivered successfully")
return "Success"
print("No vehicles available for delivery")
return "Failure"
print("Product not in stock")
return "Failure"

Supporting functions for the process

def assign_vehicle_to_route():

Code to assign an available vehicle

vehicle = "Vehicle123" # Placeholder for actual vehicle assignment
return vehicle

def load_product_to_vehicle(product_id, vehicle):

Code to load the product into the assigned vehicle

print(f"Loading product {product_id} into {vehicle}")

def vehicle_status(vehicle):

Code to check the current status of the vehicle

return "available" # Placeholder for actual status check

def route_vehicle_to_delivery(vehicle, delivery_address):

Code to route the vehicle towards the delivery address

print(f"Routing {vehicle} to {delivery_address}")

def continue_on_route(vehicle):

Code to continue the vehicle on its delivery route

print(f"{vehicle} is en route")

def vehicle_at_delivery_address(vehicle, delivery_address):

Code to check if the vehicle has reached the delivery address

return True # Placeholder for actual check

def unload_product_at_delivery_address(vehicle, delivery_address):

Code to unload the product at the delivery address

print(f"Unloading product at {delivery_address}")

def update_order_status(order_ID, status):

Code to update the order status in the system

print(f"Order {order_ID} status updated to {status}")

Example usage

order_ID = {"order_id": "O1001", "product_id": "P001"}
warehouse_data = ["P001", "P002", "P003"]
vehicle_possibility = "High"
delivery_address = "123 Main St"
delivery_date = "2024-08-21"

result = process_order(order_ID, warehouse_data, vehicle_possibility, delivery_address, delivery_date)

Please change to simple pseudocode

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