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/* Stack type objects! | |
* Contains: | |
* Stacks | |
* Recipe datum | |
* Recipe list datum | |
*/ | |
/* | |
* Stacks | |
*/ | |
/obj/item/stack | |
gender = PLURAL | |
origin_tech = list(TECH_MATERIAL = 1) | |
var/list/datum/stack_recipe/recipes | |
var/singular_name | |
var/amount = 1 | |
var/max_amount //also see stack recipes initialisation, param "max_res_amount" must be equal to this max_amount | |
var/stacktype //determines whether different stack types can merge | |
var/build_type = null //used when directly applied to a turf | |
var/uses_charge = 0 | |
var/list/charge_costs = null | |
var/list/datum/matter_synth/synths = null | |
/obj/item/stack/New(var/loc, var/amount=null) | |
..() | |
if (!stacktype) | |
stacktype = type | |
if (amount) | |
src.amount = amount | |
return | |
/obj/item/stack/Destroy() | |
if(uses_charge) | |
return 1 | |
if (src && usr && usr.machine == src) | |
usr << browse(null, "window=stack") | |
return ..() | |
/obj/item/stack/examine(mob/user) | |
if(..(user, 1)) | |
if(!uses_charge) | |
to_chat(user, "There [src.amount == 1 ? "is" : "are"] [src.amount] [src.singular_name]\s in the stack.") | |
else | |
to_chat(user, "There is enough charge for [get_amount()].") | |
/obj/item/stack/attack_self(mob/user as mob) | |
list_recipes(user) | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/list_recipes(mob/user as mob, recipes_sublist) | |
if (!recipes) | |
return | |
if (!src || get_amount() <= 0) | |
user << browse(null, "window=stack") | |
user.set_machine(src) //for correct work of onclose | |
var/list/recipe_list = recipes | |
if (recipes_sublist && recipe_list[recipes_sublist] && istype(recipe_list[recipes_sublist], /datum/stack_recipe_list)) | |
var/datum/stack_recipe_list/srl = recipe_list[recipes_sublist] | |
recipe_list = | |
var/t1 = text("<HTML><HEAD><title>Constructions from []</title></HEAD><body><TT>Amount Left: []<br>", src, src.get_amount()) | |
for(var/i=1;i<=recipe_list.len,i++) | |
var/E = recipe_list[i] | |
if (isnull(E)) | |
t1 += "<hr>" | |
continue | |
if (i>1 && !isnull(recipe_list[i-1])) | |
t1+="<br>" | |
if (istype(E, /datum/stack_recipe_list)) | |
var/datum/stack_recipe_list/srl = E | |
t1 += "<a href='?src=\ref[src];sublist=[i]'>[srl.title]</a>" | |
if (istype(E, /datum/stack_recipe)) | |
var/datum/stack_recipe/R = E | |
var/max_multiplier = round(src.get_amount() / R.req_amount) | |
var/title as text | |
var/can_build = 1 | |
can_build = can_build && (max_multiplier>0) | |
if (R.res_amount>1) | |
title+= "[R.res_amount]x [R.title]\s" | |
else | |
title+= "[R.title]" | |
title+= " ([R.req_amount] [src.singular_name]\s)" | |
if (can_build) | |
t1 += text("<A href='?src=\ref[src];sublist=[recipes_sublist];make=[i];multiplier=1'>[title]</A> ") | |
else | |
t1 += text("[]", title) | |
continue | |
if (R.max_res_amount>1 && max_multiplier>1) | |
max_multiplier = min(max_multiplier, round(R.max_res_amount/R.res_amount)) | |
t1 += " |" | |
var/list/multipliers = list(5,10,25) | |
for (var/n in multipliers) | |
if (max_multiplier>=n) | |
t1 += " <A href='?src=\ref[src];make=[i];multiplier=[n]'>[n*R.res_amount]x</A>" | |
if (!(max_multiplier in multipliers)) | |
t1 += " <A href='?src=\ref[src];make=[i];multiplier=[max_multiplier]'>[max_multiplier*R.res_amount]x</A>" | |
t1 += "</TT></body></HTML>" | |
user << browse(t1, "window=stack") | |
onclose(user, "stack") | |
return | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/produce_recipe(datum/stack_recipe/recipe, var/quantity, mob/user) | |
var/required = quantity*recipe.req_amount | |
var/produced = min(quantity*recipe.res_amount, recipe.max_res_amount) | |
if (!can_use(required)) | |
if (produced>1) | |
to_chat(user, "<span class='warning'>You haven't got enough [src] to build \the [produced] [recipe.title]\s!</span>") | |
else | |
to_chat(user, "<span class='warning'>You haven't got enough [src] to build \the [recipe.title]!</span>") | |
return | |
if (recipe.one_per_turf && (locate(recipe.result_type) in user.loc)) | |
to_chat(user, "<span class='warning'>There is another [recipe.title] here!</span>") | |
return | |
if (recipe.on_floor && !isfloor(user.loc)) | |
to_chat(user, "<span class='warning'>\The [recipe.title] must be constructed on the floor!</span>") | |
return | |
if (recipe.time) | |
to_chat(user, "<span class='notice'>Building [recipe.title] ...</span>") | |
if (!do_after(user, recipe.time)) | |
return | |
if (use(required)) | |
var/atom/O | |
if(recipe.use_material) | |
O = new recipe.result_type(user.loc, recipe.use_material) | |
else | |
O = new recipe.result_type(user.loc) | |
O.set_dir(user.dir) | |
O.add_fingerprint(user) | |
if(recipe.goes_in_hands) | |
user.put_in_hands(O) | |
if (istype(O, /obj/item/stack)) | |
var/obj/item/stack/S = O | |
S.amount = produced | |
S.add_to_stacks(user) | |
if (istype(O, /obj/item/weapon/storage)) //BubbleWrap - so newly formed boxes are empty | |
for (var/obj/item/I in O) | |
qdel(I) | |
/obj/item/stack/Topic(href, href_list) | |
..() | |
if ((usr.restrained() || usr.stat || usr.get_active_hand() != src)) | |
return | |
if (href_list["sublist"] && !href_list["make"]) | |
list_recipes(usr, text2num(href_list["sublist"])) | |
if (href_list["make"]) | |
if (src.get_amount() < 1) qdel(src) //Never should happen | |
var/list/recipes_list = recipes | |
if (href_list["sublist"]) | |
var/datum/stack_recipe_list/srl = recipes_list[text2num(href_list["sublist"])] | |
recipes_list = | |
var/datum/stack_recipe/R = recipes_list[text2num(href_list["make"])] | |
var/multiplier = text2num(href_list["multiplier"]) | |
if (!multiplier || (multiplier <= 0)) //href exploit protection | |
return | |
src.produce_recipe(R, multiplier, usr) | |
if (src && usr.machine==src) //do not reopen closed window | |
spawn( 0 ) | |
src.interact(usr) | |
return | |
return | |
//Return 1 if an immediate subsequent call to use() would succeed. | |
//Ensures that code dealing with stacks uses the same logic | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/can_use(var/used) | |
if (get_amount() < used) | |
return 0 | |
return 1 | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/use(var/used) | |
if (!can_use(used)) | |
return 0 | |
if(!uses_charge) | |
amount -= used | |
if (amount <= 0) | |
if(usr) | |
usr.remove_from_mob(src) | |
qdel(src) //should be safe to qdel immediately since if someone is still using this stack it will persist for a little while longer | |
return 1 | |
else | |
if(get_amount() < used) | |
return 0 | |
for(var/i = 1 to charge_costs.len) | |
var/datum/matter_synth/S = synths[i] | |
S.use_charge(charge_costs[i] * used) // Doesn't need to be deleted | |
return 1 | |
return 0 | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/add(var/extra) | |
if(!uses_charge) | |
if(amount + extra > get_max_amount()) | |
return 0 | |
else | |
amount += extra | |
return 1 | |
else if(!synths || synths.len < uses_charge) | |
return 0 | |
else | |
for(var/i = 1 to uses_charge) | |
var/datum/matter_synth/S = synths[i] | |
S.add_charge(charge_costs[i] * extra) | |
/* | |
The transfer and split procs work differently than use() and add(). | |
Whereas those procs take no action if the desired amount cannot be added or removed these procs will try to transfer whatever they can. | |
They also remove an equal amount from the source stack. | |
*/ | |
//attempts to transfer amount to S, and returns the amount actually transferred | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/transfer_to(obj/item/stack/S, var/tamount=null, var/type_verified) | |
if (!get_amount()) | |
return 0 | |
if ((stacktype != S.stacktype) && !type_verified) | |
return 0 | |
if (isnull(tamount)) | |
tamount = src.get_amount() | |
var/transfer = max(min(tamount, src.get_amount(), (S.get_max_amount() - S.get_amount())), 0) | |
var/orig_amount = src.get_amount() | |
if (transfer && src.use(transfer)) | |
S.add(transfer) | |
if (prob(transfer/orig_amount * 100)) | |
transfer_fingerprints_to(S) | |
if(blood_DNA) | |
S.blood_DNA |= blood_DNA | |
return transfer | |
return 0 | |
//creates a new stack with the specified amount | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/split(var/tamount) | |
if (!amount) | |
return null | |
if(uses_charge) | |
return null | |
var/transfer = max(min(tamount, src.amount, initial(max_amount)), 0) | |
var/orig_amount = src.amount | |
if (transfer && src.use(transfer)) | |
var/obj/item/stack/newstack = new src.type(loc, transfer) | |
newstack.color = color | |
if (prob(transfer/orig_amount * 100)) | |
transfer_fingerprints_to(newstack) | |
if(blood_DNA) | |
newstack.blood_DNA |= blood_DNA | |
return newstack | |
return null | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/get_amount() | |
if(uses_charge) | |
if(!synths || synths.len < uses_charge) | |
return 0 | |
var/datum/matter_synth/S = synths[1] | |
. = round(S.get_charge() / charge_costs[1]) | |
if(charge_costs.len > 1) | |
for(var/i = 2 to charge_costs.len) | |
S = synths[i] | |
. = min(., round(S.get_charge() / charge_costs[i])) | |
return | |
return amount | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/get_max_amount() | |
if(uses_charge) | |
if(!synths || synths.len < uses_charge) | |
return 0 | |
var/datum/matter_synth/S = synths[1] | |
. = round(S.max_energy / charge_costs[1]) | |
if(uses_charge > 1) | |
for(var/i = 2 to uses_charge) | |
S = synths[i] | |
. = min(., round(S.max_energy / charge_costs[i])) | |
return | |
return max_amount | |
/obj/item/stack/proc/add_to_stacks(mob/user as mob) | |
for (var/obj/item/stack/item in user.loc) | |
if (item==src) | |
continue | |
var/transfer = src.transfer_to(item) | |
if (transfer) | |
to_chat(user, "<span class='notice'>You add a new [item.singular_name] to the stack. It now contains [item.amount] [item.singular_name]\s.</span>") | |
if(!amount) | |
break | |
/obj/item/stack/get_storage_cost() //Scales storage cost to stack size | |
. = ..() | |
if (amount < max_amount) | |
. = ceil(. * amount / max_amount) | |
/obj/item/stack/attack_hand(mob/user as mob) | |
if (user.get_inactive_hand() == src) | |
var/N = input("How many stacks of [src] would you like to split off?", "Split stacks", 1) as num|null | |
if(N) | |
var/obj/item/stack/F = src.split(N) | |
if (F) | |
user.put_in_hands(F) | |
src.add_fingerprint(user) | |
F.add_fingerprint(user) | |
spawn(0) | |
if (src && usr.machine==src) | |
src.interact(usr) | |
else | |
..() | |
return | |
/obj/item/stack/attackby(obj/item/W as obj, mob/user as mob) | |
if (istype(W, /obj/item/stack)) | |
var/obj/item/stack/S = W | |
src.transfer_to(S) | |
spawn(0) //give the stacks a chance to delete themselves if necessary | |
if (S && usr.machine==S) | |
S.interact(usr) | |
if (src && usr.machine==src) | |
src.interact(usr) | |
else | |
return ..() | |
/* | |
* Recipe datum | |
*/ | |
/datum/stack_recipe | |
var/title = "ERROR" | |
var/result_type | |
var/req_amount = 1 //amount of material needed for this recipe | |
var/res_amount = 1 //amount of stuff that is produced in one batch (e.g. 4 for floor tiles) | |
var/max_res_amount = 1 | |
var/time = 0 | |
var/one_per_turf = 0 | |
var/on_floor = 0 | |
var/use_material | |
var/goes_in_hands = 0 | |
New(title, result_type, req_amount = 1, res_amount = 1, max_res_amount = 1, time = 0, one_per_turf = 0, on_floor = 0, supplied_material = null, goes_in_hands = 0) | |
src.title = title | |
src.result_type = result_type | |
src.req_amount = req_amount | |
src.res_amount = res_amount | |
src.max_res_amount = max_res_amount | |
src.time = time | |
src.one_per_turf = one_per_turf | |
src.on_floor = on_floor | |
src.use_material = supplied_material | |
src.goes_in_hands = goes_in_hands | |
/* | |
* Recipe list datum | |
*/ | |
/datum/stack_recipe_list | |
var/title = "ERROR" | |
var/list/recipes = null | |
New(title, recipes) | |
src.title = title | | = recipes |
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