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Created October 13, 2019 17:40
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: Mark Foster
# (c) 2009 Credentia
# $Id: 104 2009-04-13 10:04:51Z mdf $
# Based on, this script is a nagios plugin
# Not known
# ask each nameserver for the zones NS records, compare to authoritative list
# and warn once if any mismatch found
# These perl modules
# Net::DNS (aptitude install libnet-dns-perl)
# Date::Calc (aptitude install libdate-calc-perl)
use Date::Calc qw(Today_and_Now Delta_DHMS);
use Net::DNS ;
use Getopt::Long;
use strict(vars);
# Declare vars (strict requires this)
use vars qw($a $VERSION $debug @debug $thresholdWarns $thresholdCrits
@reasons $arg @zones $localres $res $zone @rrset $rr $position
$mismatch $nsrr $islame $position $a_query $soa_req $rcode
$msg %arry %serial
my @a = split(/\s/, '$Id: 104 2009-04-13 10:04:51Z mdf $'); #this will change on commit
$VERSION = $a[1]; undef(@a);
# Defaults
$thresholdWarns = 0;
$thresholdCrits = 0;
$debug = 0;
@debug = (); # collector for debug output
$| = 1;
@reasons = ();
while ($arg = shift(@ARGV)) {
if ($arg =~ /\-h|\-\-help/ ) { &usage; exit; }
elsif ($arg =~ /\-w/) { $thresholdWarns = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($arg =~ /\-c/) { $thresholdCrits = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($arg =~ /\-v/) { $debug = 1; }
elsif ($arg =~ /\-vv/) { $debug = 2; }
else { push (@zones, $arg); }
$res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
$res->recurse(0); # don't recurse
$localres = new Net::DNS::Resolver; # Local resolver for resolving NS names to
# IP addresses (not something we can count on from the various other NS we talk
# to.
foreach $zone (@zones) {
&debug("BEGIN parsing of zone: ${zone}");
# Look up the published DNS servers (eg. what does the parent zone say)
my @auth_ns = (); # Authoritative Name servers according to top-down delegation
my $sleep = 1; # starting point to back off retries upon query failures
my $this_ns = 'J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET'; # Got to start somewhere & J is close ;)
$res->recurse(0); # do recurse to find right set of NS records
my $fails = 0; my $authoritative = 0;
# Now iterate through the delegation path to find the answer to the
# question: "Who is authoritative for this zone?"
while ((!$authoritative) && ($fails < 3)) { #keep asking til we get an authoritative answer
&debug("Asking $this_ns for ${zone}'s SOA record");
$res->nameservers($this_ns); # set nameserver we ask
my $soa_req = $res->send($zone, "SOA"); # ask for SOA
if(!$soa_req->header->aa) {
if (defined($soa_req)) {
if( $soa_req->authority ) {
@rrset = $soa_req->authority;
&debug("Reply = authority (delegation) from $this_ns");
&debug("$this_ns delegates to " . $rrset[0]->nsdname ." as authoritative NS for $zone");
$this_ns = $rrset[0]->nsdname;
} else {
&debug("Non AA & no authority (delegation) - bumping failure count");
} else {
&debug("Reply = answer (aa) from $this_ns");
$authoritative = 1;
@rrset = $soa_req->authority;
foreach $rr (@rrset) {
@{$zone} = @auth_ns;
&debug("END parsing of zone: ${zone}");
# Now that we've assembled the list of nameservers for each zone, we'll check them individually
# for authoritative response and matching serials
my $totalErrs = 0; my $totalWarns = 0;
foreach $zone (@zones) {
my $numErrs = 0; my $numWarns = 0;
&debug("BEGIN checking serials for zone: $zone");
$position = 0; #reset counter
$mismatch=0; # reset mismatched NS indicator
print "nsrr:\n";
print @{$zone};
print "\n";
if ( scalar(@{$zone}) == 0 )
print "NO NSRR, do something. \n";
foreach $nsrr ( @{$zone} ) {
$res = new Net::DNS::Resolver; # start fresh
$islame = 0;
$position ++; #increment position...first will be our master
$a_query = $localres->send($nsrr, "A"); # determine ip for this nsrr
$res->nameservers($nsrr); # set nameserver we ask
# if (position == 1) {
# do any "per zone" checks here
eval {
$soa_req = $res->send($zone,"SOA"); # check the SOA for this zone
&debug("Asking #$position nameserver $nsrr");
# soa_req will be undefined on connection timeouts and the like
if (defined($soa_req)) {
if( $soa_req->answer ) {
&debug( ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial );
} else {
$msg = $res->errorstring;
&debug( $msg );
$islame = 1;
} else {
&debug( $res->errorstring );
$islame = 1;
if ($a_query) {
foreach $rr ($a_query->answer) {
next unless $rr->type eq "A";
$msg = $rr->type .':'. $rr->address;
&debug( $msg );
} else {
$msg = "$a_query failed";
&debug( $msg );
&debug( $res->errorstring );
$islame = 1;
# bail now if the server was lame - always a problem
if ($islame) {
$msg = "$nsrr is LAME for $zone";
#Set serial if successful and it looks numeric
if (($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial =~ /[0-9]/) {
$arry{$nsrr}{$zone} = ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial;
if ( !$serial{$zone} ) { # serial is undef
$serial{$zone} = ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial;
&debug("good initial serial # found");
} else { #Already primed our serial, check for mismatch or bump
if ( ($serial{$zone} lt ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial)
&& ( ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial ne 0)
&& ( ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial =~ /[0-9]/)
&& ( ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial) ) {
&debug("higher serial # found");
$serial{$zone} = ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial;
$mismatch || $numWarns++; #bump warns if this is initial mismatch
$mismatch = 1;
if ( ($serial{$zone} gt ($soa_req->answer)[0]->serial) ) {
# It's smaller
&debug("lower serial # found");
$mismatch || $numWarns++; #bump warns if this is initial mismatch
# but this condition is as good as lame IMO -mdf
if(!$soa_req->header->aa) {
$msg = "Non Authoritative Answer";
$arry{$nsrr}{$zone} = $msg;
&debug("$msg for $zone from $nsrr");
elsif($soa_req->header->ancount != 1) {
if ($arry{$zone}{$nsrr}) {
$msg = "Multiple Answers Returned";
$arry{$nsrr}{$zone} = $msg;
&debug("$msg for $zone from $nsrr");
} # End eval
if ($serial{$zone}) { &debug("Highest serial# for $zone is $serial{$zone}");
&debug("Mismatched serials: $mismatch for zone $zone");
} else {
$msg = "Serial# unknown for zone $zone";
&debug("$msg - zone is badly broken");
&debug("Errors: $numErrs, Warns: $numWarns");
$totalErrs += $numErrs;
$totalWarns += $numWarns;
&debug("END checking serials for zone: $zone");
# Evaluate and do output
if (($totalErrs <= $thresholdCrits) && ($totalWarns <= $thresholdWarns)) {
print "OK "; $rcode = 0;
} elsif ($totalErrs > $thresholdCrits) {
print "CRITICAL "; $rcode = 2;
} elsif ($totalWarns > $thresholdWarns) {
print "WARNING "; $rcode = 1;
} else {
print "UNKNOWN "; $rcode = 3;
print "Errors:$totalErrs Warns:$totalWarns";
if ($rcode != 0) {
print " Reasons:", join(";", @reasons);
print "\n";
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG:", join("\nDEBUG:", @debug), "\n\n"; }
exit $rcode;
# Subroutines
sub usage {
print <<EOF;
Usage: $0 [-d] domain <2nddomain>...
Where domain is the apex of a zone
sub debug {
$_ = shift;
if ($debug eq "2") {
print "DEBUG: $_\n";
push(@debug, $_);
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