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Last active January 3, 2016 11:49
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  • Save Bobalot/8458501 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Bobalot/8458501 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Example of stealth addressess using Diffie-Hellman, to create a unique offset between 2 mpks
# doesn't need to exchange data in the blockchain. Payee can just look for new transactions against their
# mpk at offset S, where S is the shared secret between the two parties.
import obelisk
import os
from ecdsa import numbertheory, curves, util, ellipticcurve
# From
def point_decompress(data):
prefix = data[0]
curve = curves.SECP256k1.curve
if prefix == '\x04':
return data
assert(prefix in ['\x02', '\x03', '\x04'])
parity = 1 if prefix == '\x02' else -1
x = util.string_to_number(data[1:])
y = numbertheory.square_root_mod_prime(
( x * x * x + curve.a() * x + curve.b() ) % curve.p(), curve.p()
y = parity * y % curve.p()
return ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x, y)
def diffie_hellman(e, Q):
point = point_decompress(Q)
e_int = obelisk.string_to_number(e)
point = e_int * point
# convert x point to bytes
result = "\x03" + ("%x" % point.x()).decode("hex")
assert len(result) == 33
return result
def test_stealth(bob_seed, alice_seed):
# Sequence could be anything, ideally it's common and well known, like the root.
# User could use their branches to create alternate identities,
# but they'd then have to remember the sequence along with the seed
bob_wallet = obelisk.HighDefWallet.root(bob_seed)
alice_wallet = obelisk.HighDefWallet.root(alice_seed)
bob_secret = bob_wallet.secret
alice_secret = alice_wallet.secret
bob_mpk = bob_wallet.mpk_compressed
alice_mpk = alice_wallet.mpk_compressed
bob_mpk_uncompressed = bob_wallet.mpk
alice_mpk_uncompressed = alice_wallet.mpk
bob_chain = bob_wallet.chain
alice_chain = alice_wallet.chain
print "Bob secret", bob_secret.encode("hex")
print "Alice secret", alice_secret.encode("hex")
print "\n"
print "Bob mpk (compressed)", bob_mpk.encode("hex")
print "Alice mpk (compressed)", alice_mpk.encode("hex")
print "\n"
print "Bob chain", bob_chain.encode("hex")
print "Alice chain", alice_chain.encode("hex")
print "\n"
# Trade mpks now over the internet/telegram whatever.
# Calculate shared secret S.
# Bob S = bob_secret * alice_mpk
# Alice S = alice_secret * bob_mpk
bob_shared_secret = diffie_hellman(bob_secret, alice_mpk)
alice_shared_secret = diffie_hellman(alice_secret, bob_mpk)
assert(bob_shared_secret == alice_shared_secret)
print "Bob Shared secret", bob_shared_secret.encode("hex")
print "Alice Shared secret", alice_shared_secret.encode("hex")
print "\n"
# Since the secret is unique to both we can use it as the initial offset and then use a value n
# for every subsequent payment to each person to maintain anonymity, or breaking another chain from the hd wallet
# secret_int is the first 20 bytes of the shared_secret converted to an integer
secret_int = long(bob_shared_secret[0:20].encode("hex"), base=16)
# Shared branches, create a new branch every 2 bytes.
# up to 20 bytes of entropy, dont want to create too many unncesessary branches.
sequence = []
for i in range(10):
next_sequence = long(bob_shared_secret[i*2: (i*2)+2].encode("hex"), base=16)
print "shared secret sequence", sequence
bob_wallet_branched = bob_wallet
alice_wallet_branced = alice_wallet
for s in sequence:
bob_wallet_branched = bob_wallet_branched.branch(s)
alice_wallet_branced = alice_wallet_branced.branch(s)
bob_sequence_to_alice = obelisk.BIP32Sequence((alice_mpk_uncompressed.encode("hex"), alice_chain.encode("hex")))
alice_sequence_to_bob = obelisk.BIP32Sequence((bob_mpk_uncompressed.encode("hex"), bob_chain.encode("hex")))
print "\nAlice sends to Bob (Only Bob knows the private keys)"
for i in range(10):
print "Alice sends to \t", alice_sequence_to_bob.get_address(sequence + [i])
print "Bob receives to \t", bob_wallet_branched.branch(i).address
assert(alice_sequence_to_bob.get_address(sequence + [i]) == bob_wallet_branched.branch(i).address)
print "\nBob sends to Alice (Only Alice knows the private keys)"
for i in range(10):
print "Bob sends to \t", bob_sequence_to_alice.get_address(sequence + [i])
print "Alice receives to \t", alice_wallet_branced.branch(i).address
assert(bob_sequence_to_alice.get_address(sequence + [i]) == alice_wallet_branced.branch(i).address)
def exhaustive_test(iterations=50):
for i in range(iterations):
print "\n\nIteration", i
bob_seed = os.urandom(20).encode("hex")
alice_seed = os.urandom(20).encode("hex")
test_stealth(bob_seed, alice_seed)
if __name__ == "__main__":
bob_seed = "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
alice_seed = "fffcf9f6f3f0edeae7e4e1dedbd8d5d2cfccc9c6c3c0bdbab7b4b1aeaba8a5a29f9c999693908d8a8784817e7b7875726f6c696663605d5a5754514e4b484542"
# test_stealth(bob_seed, alice_seed)
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