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Justin Bobtron

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Bobtron / gps.xhtml
Last active October 15, 2023 02:12 — forked from Arttumiro/gps.xhtml
PAW-gps Mobile code+application
Originally from:
Systemik made the original code and shaynemk on the pwnagotchi boards added timestamps, altitude, and satellites to the code
You can follow the original guide if you want, this one is just using a bit different code and is typed out a bit better
This is just the android part of the whole guide but the rest can be found here
And just so everyone knows, me (Arttumiro) didnt do anything coding related at all, i just changed up the guide a bit and made it easier to follow.
Site of the app I use : (It needs a lot of permissions but it will not do anything automatically)
Dont worry about incompatibility warnings, the gps code should still work even with that.