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Created June 8, 2011 18:23
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Save Bochenski/1014994 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Git pre-commit hook that checks whether changes have been made to a subfolder and if they have runs tests (currently on the play framework but easily adjustable) aborting the commit unless tests pass. Great for continuous integration purposes.
#A hook script to ensure that all tests are passing before committing
#The script tests whether changes have been made in the relevant directory
sometext=`git status`
if [[ "$sometext" =~ 'play/stocksystem/' ]];
echo "you changed something in the stocksystem"
echo "running tests before proceeding with commit"
play auto-test ./play/stocksystem
if [ -e play/stocksystem/test-result/result.failed ];
echo "tests failed, unfortunately I can't accept user input from within a hook"
echo "to ask what you want to do about this."
echo "so if you want to commit despite failing tests"
echo "rerun git commit with the option git commit --no-verify"
exit 1
echo "All tests passed proceeding..."
exit 0
echo "No change to stock system detected, proceeding..."
exit 0
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