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Last active October 9, 2016 22:08
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NG2 Upgrade Troubleshoot

Reflect-metadata error

  • adding import 'zone.js' and 'reflect-metadata'
  • System.config.babelOptions.stage = 1

RXJS missing / errors

  • update NG2 to >=2.0.0-beta.9, doesnt require external rxjs anymore

Transpiler SyntaxError on any Typescript annotation as Unexpected token

  • npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy babel-plugin-transform-class-properties babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types babel-preset-es2015 babel-plugin-angular2-annotations
  • in gulpfile task add plugins: 'angular2-annotations','transform-decorators-legacy','transform-class-properties','transform-flow-strip-types'

Missing file in babel-runtime directory

Cannot read property 'annotations' at ReflectionCapabilities.annotations

  • upgradeAdapter.downgradeNg2Component() called on undefined

Directive doesn't show up and constructor not fired

  • check syntax app.directive('nameLowerCC', upgradeAdapter.downgradeNg2Component(ImportedClassName))
  • check ng is imported import * as angular from 'angular';
  • check directive is added to the right module
  • check imported name is the same as the exported one, usually is the class name
  • check the directory is added to the module BEFORE bootstrapping the application

To inject a service in a class constructor

Using an NG1 Directive inside an NG2 Component

  • Issue 1, Issue 2
  • Will not be possible in case the directive, got no isolatedScope, uses replace, has no template, uses $compile
  • Plus the NG1 directives cannot be used as attributes

Manage to open an async data flow between NG1 and NG2

Have all the import paths inside the classes refer to the same base path

  • Add the path in System.config.paths with this format "myFolder:*": "somePath/myForder/*",

If you ae trying to use @Properties and @Events inside a Component

  • Dont. They changed the names in @Inputs and @Outputs

Using UIRouter in Angular2

  • ui.router services can be upgraded to be used in ng2 but the directives can't. We can easily write ng2-components wrapping the service functionality. UIRouter for NG2 is in development.

When calling a Service method, error: Cannot read METHOD of undefined in [null]

  • Make sure you have @Injectable() before the Service class definition
  • In the component that is calling the service you need constructor(ts: TheService) { this.ts = ts }
  • In the same component you also need @Component({providers: [TheService]})

When using an NG2 Service (S1) in another NG2 Service (S2) then S1Provider is not found

  • NG1+NG2 app: S1 needs to be added to the upgradeAdapter upgradeAdapter.addProvider(NG2_ProviderName);
  • NG2 only app: S1 needs to be added as module dependancy bootstrap(MainComponent, ['NG2_ProviderName']);

Cannot read property 'getOptional' of undefined

  • remember upgradeAdapter.addProvider(NG2_Provider) see previous point

When Testing you get the error -> Http! provider not found

  • You are using an actual Service in your test instead of mocking it
  • import { HTTP_PROVIDERS } from 'angular2/http' and
  • beforeEachProviders(() => [ HTTP_PROVIDERS ])

When Testing you need to mock a service

  • import the actual service import { MyService } from 'services/my.service'
  • import { provide } from 'angular2/core'
  • Create a MockService Class
  • in beforeEachProviders provide the Mock provide(MyService, {useClass: MockService})

When Testing you get the error Failed: _myService.myMethod is not a function

  • You need to add the method to the mocked service Class and return the same Type

When Testing you get ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: Expression has changed after it was checked.

Error Token must be defined!

  • export of a class is missing
  • It is likely that you just need to transpile the code

Error Expecting ComponentFactory for

Use JSPM and SystemJS to runtime transpile TS

  • Install
  • add in config.js these paths
"plugin-babel": "npm:[email protected]",
"systemjs-babel-build": "npm:[email protected]/systemjs-babel-browser.js"
  • add in config.js this option
transpiler: "plugin-babel",

Error System.import Error: (SystemJS) TypeError: Cannot read property 'annotations' of undefined

The class name doesn't match what you are bootstrapping.

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tedp commented Oct 7, 2016

Hi Bolza, Do you have any tips for dealing with 'Error Expecting ComponentFactory for'. I'm using angular upgrade and angular 2.0.2 with an angular 1.5.8 app

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