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Last active April 20, 2022 09:56
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Krypton proposed changes

API Changes:

  • Remove wrapped field from AdventureMessage.
  • Remove many methods from GameProfile - not required.
    • Possibly remove with - use toBuilder to convert to a builder and edit in bulk.
    • Remove withName - changing the name of a GameProfile is hardly ever going to be required.
    • Remove withUUID - changing the UUID of a GameProfile is hardly ever going to be required.
  • Remove ProfileCache and replace with ProfileProvider - removes dependency on modified vanilla names, and removes the requirement for implementations to need a cache for GameProfiles.
  • Remove many implementation details and unclear fields from Block.
    • Remove id and stateId - unstable network IDs, subject to change, huge implementation details.
    • Remove speedFactor and jumpFactor - unclear, used to do specific calculations, implementation details.
    • Remove isSolidBlocking and isReplaceable - unclear, implementation detail.
    • Remove lightEmission, hasDynamicShape, useShapeForOcclusion, propagatesSkylightDown, lightBlock, isConditionallyFullyOpaque, isSolidRender, hasLargeCollisionShape, and isCollisionShapeFullBlock - implementation details used for light.
  • Rearrange the order of BlockFace constants to align with natural order - current order doesn't make sense, as it's an implementation detail.
  • Remove PushReaction and RenderShape and related fields - implementation detail.
  • Remove isValid from BlockEntity - implementation detail.
  • Make world of BlockEntity be non-null - it being null is a broken implementation detail.
  • Remove isAscending from RailShape - not required.
  • Remove isConnected from RedstoneSide - not required.
  • Replace the properties map of PropertyHolder with something that makes more sense, and isn't reliant on implementation details.
  • Address the issue of different properties with the same name but different ranges in Properties.
  • Make BrigadierCommand an interface in the API for consistency with the rest of the API.
  • Assess whether name of Sender being a Component is a good idea.
  • Assess whether having a separate concrete type for each particle type is a good idea.
    • Particles should probably not be built using a builder retrieved from the type.
  • Assess everything that is exposed by all entities and determine whether they are necessary.
  • Rework the event API to be more unique, and also better support different execution scopes.
  • Remove id and stateId from Fluid - unstable network IDs, subject to change, huge implementation details.
  • Rename colors in FireworkEffect to primaryColors
  • Remove all fromId functions from enum classes - implementation details.
  • Remove eatingSound and drinkingSound from ItemType - implementation details.
  • Review the ResourceKey and Registry API and remove a lot of unnecessary vanilla Minecraft and implementation details.
  • Review the services system and decide whether more things should be services, such as authentication.
  • Look at possibly introducing a CustomStatistic, to differentiate custom statistics from regular Keys.
  • Remove StatisticFormatter and related fields/methods - not necessary, implementation detail.
  • Clarify/rename fields in Statistic - value is actually the type that the statistic applies to, not to be confused with the actual value of the statistic, which is per player.
  • Clarify what User actually is - current wording suggests it can represent an online or offline player, but a user is actually the representation of a player's persisted data.
  • Potentially rework the ban API to remove it from vanilla attachment, and allow it to better be used and hooked in to by third-party ban plugins.
  • Reorder the Direction enum constants to match natural ordering.
  • Consider whether StringSerializable fits in the API at all.
  • Rework AmbientMoodSettings to remove implementation details, such as tickDelay, blockSearchExtent, and offset - consider alternatives that still allow modification of client calculations, but don't expose what is actually going on.
  • Rework AmbientParticleSettings to avoid needing to provide ParticleData directly.
  • Rework BiomeEffects to remove implementation details - consider alternatives that still allow modification of client calculations, but don't expose what is actually going on.
  • Remove GrassColorModifier, Precipitation, and TemperatureModifier if possible - replace with alternatives that still allow the features provided, but remove the implementation details.
  • Remove lastUpdate from Chunk - implementation detail.
  • Rework the DamageType API to feel less vanilla, and include less implementation details.
    • Possibly make DamageType the actual type of damage, e.g. fire, magic, projectile, etc.
    • Possibly add a new DamageSettings that allows one to configure what the source actually damages.
    • Possibly allow users to calculate damage themselves by using a DamageCalculator, or similar.
    • Possibly even allow users to override the entire damage system and do all the damage calculations themselves through a damage service.
  • Rework DimensionEffect, which purely exists for access to the settings, and doesn't actually affect anything.
  • Remove canBuild from GameMode - used in internal calculations, implementation detail.
  • Remove folder and dimension from World - implementation details.
  • Review whether difficulty and gameMode in World make any sense.
  • Remove the rain and thunder settings from World - replace with better Weather API.
  • Review the getChunkAt/getChunk mess - having both types that use different types of coordinates, with no way to ensure the correct coordinates are entered is confusing and error prone.
  • Remove the force parameter from unloadChunk - implementation detail.
  • Remove the ResourceKey<World> constants from World - implementation details.
  • Possibly rework parts or all of the World system to remove the details on dimensions, and how worlds can be linked with other worlds, and also part of a heirarchy.
  • Remove save from WorldManager - saving is an implementation detail that assumes all worlds are saved on disk, which may not always be the case.
  • Make the Krypton object internal - should only be used internally.
  • Remove isStable from Platform - variable, ambiguous as it depends on platform, implementation detail, and not necessary.
  • Remove dataPackVersion from Platform - Krypton doesn't even have data packs, let alone this being an implementation detail.
  • Move a few server settings to a new ServerSettings type, specifically maxPlayers, motd, isOnline, and address.
  • Create an abstraction over Spark to make it an implementation detail, rather than part of the API.

Server changes:

  • Rewrite anything that was outright stolen from vanilla Minecraft. Seriously. It all needs to go.
    • Look at Minestom and other server projects for help on replacements.
  • Rework KryptonProfileCache to fit the ProfileCache -> ProfileProvider change, and also stop using usercache.json, which is something we really don't need.
  • Try and rework a lot of the built-in arguments, so they take less from vanilla, and more from the wiki.
  • Try and split entity logic in to separate parts, to avoid God objects.
  • Rework the whole item handling system to remove vanilla parts, and clean it up.
  • Try and use Guice much more on the backend.
  • Rewrite the entire LegacyQueryHandler, as it's a mess, and also can likely fire ping events when the server list ping API exists.
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