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Created October 13, 2024 13:13
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Übersicht "Fullscreen Time Hue Gradient"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import { css } from "uebersicht";
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
// Refresh Frequency of the widget
// This affects only the final return, not the whole script
export const refreshFrequency = 1000 * 60;
// Trigger the refresh
export const command = (dispatch) => {
// This CSS is applied to a parent div generated by Übersicht
// which wraps everything that is returned by the render function
// We use it primarily to POSITION THE WIDGET
export const className = css`
left: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: -10;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function interpolateLinear (value, minInput, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput) {
return Math.round(minOutput + (maxOutput - minOutput) * ((value - minInput) / (maxInput - minInput)));
function minuteOfDayToHue (minutes) {
return interpolateLinear(minutes, 0, 1440, 0, 360);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export const render = ({ output }) => {
// const dt ={ minuteOfDay: getRandomInt(6000) });
// const dt ={ minuteOfDay: counter * 10 });
const dt =;
const minuteOfDay = dt.hour * 60 + dt.minute;
// const minuteOfDay = dt.toFormat("h") * 60 + dt.minute;
// console.log(dt.toFormat("h"));
const hourToAngle = interpolateLinear(minuteOfDay, 0, 1440, 90, 270);
// console.log("Angle: " + hourToAngle);
const hue = minuteOfDayToHue(minuteOfDay);
// console.log("Hue: " + hue);
const wrapper = css`
width: 99vw;
min-height: 99vh;
font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 1rem 6rem 1rem 2rem;
background: linear-gradient(
lch(30 30% ${hue} / 1),
lch(30 30% ${hue - 45} / 1),
lch(30 30% ${hue - 75} / 1)
const debug = css`
display: block;
width: 92%;
margin-top: 0px;
text-align: right;
color: lch(45 45% ${hue} / 1);
const arrow = css`
display: inline-block;
transform-origin: center;
transform: rotate(${hourToAngle - 90}deg);
font-size: 4rem;
// counter++;
return (
<div className={wrapper}>
<div className={debug}>
<span className={arrow}>➤</span><br />
<br />
Hue: {hue}
<br />
Angle: {hourToAngle}
<br /> */}
{/* Counter: {counter} */}
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