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Last active March 16, 2021 10:14
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How to read Amazon books on other reader (Nook)

Install Apps

Disable updates for Kindle Windows app

Create new Text Document (txt file), paste there code from below, rename this file to disable_k4pc_download.bat and run.

@echo off
set KINDLE=%LocalAppData%\Amazon\Kindle
if not exist "%KINDLE%\application\Kindle.exe" goto :nokindle
if exist "%KINDLE%\storage" if not exist "%KINDLE%\storage\" del /Q "%KINDLE%\storage"
if exist "%KINDLE%\updates" rmdir /S /Q "%KINDLE%\updates"
echo This file disables Kindle for PC downloads. > "%KINDLE%\updates"
echo Kindle for PC downloads are now disabled
goto :exit
echo Cannot disable downloads - Kindle for PC is not installed at expected location

Install addons to Calibre

Get the book

Download book via Kindle and import it to Calibre. Open this path in Windows Explorer: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Kindle Content

Convert book

Use MOBI or PDF to keep more original look markup.

Next parameters may help you while converting to PDF:

Font Family

Add header template for PDF book

<header style="justify-content: space-evenly; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 20% 60% 20%; font-size: smaller">
    <div class="even-page" style="text-align: start;">[_PAGENUM_]</div>
    <div class="even-page" style="text-align: center;">_SECTION_</div>
    <div class="even-page"></div>
    <div class="odd-page"></div>
    <div class="odd-page" style="text-align: center;">_SECTION_</div>
    <div class="odd-page" style="text-align: end;">[_PAGENUM_]</div>
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