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Last active January 7, 2017 01:02
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Solutions to the Archived Problems on Project Euler
'Solutions to the archived problems on Project Euler.'
'All solutions are my own original work; some answers may have aspects inspired by general thought processes found through an online search.'
def sum_multiples_natural(number):
'''Finds multiples of 3 or 5 under a given number
and then returns the sum of all the multiples.'''
counter = 0 # Holds sum of the multiples
for num in range(0, number): # Iterates through all numbers under number
if num % 3 == 0: # Multiple of three
counter += num
elif num % 5 == 0: # Multiple of five
counter += num
counter += 0
return counter
def primes(num):
if num < 2 or num % 2 == 0: # all numbers less than 2 or divisible by 2 are not prime
return False
elif num == 2: # 2 is always prime
return True
divisor_list = list(range(2, int((num ** 0.5 + 1)))) # list of possible divisors of a number
for value in divisor_list:
if num % value == 0: # if an even divisor exists
return False
return True # prime because no even divisor exists
def summation_primes(number):
'''Utilizes primes function to find all prime number under a given number
and then calculates the summation of all the prime numbers. This function
initialized the timeit import to find a more efficient solution.'''
import timeit # keeps track of running time
start = timeit.default_timer()
summation_total = 2 # starts summation from special prime of 2
for value in range(3, int(number) + 1, 2): # only counts the odd numbers for possible primes to increase efficiency
if primes(value): # return True if number is prime
summation_total += value
continue # skips non-prime numbers
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print(stop - start) # prints running time 'most efficient thus far: 33 seconds'
def divisors_list(num):
div_list = []
for value in range(1, int(num ** 0.5) + 1):
if num % value == 0:
div_list.append(num // value)
return div_list
def triangular_number(divisors_count):
'''Keeps a running counter of triangular numbers. For each triangular number, a list of divisors
is created and then that value is compared to the desired amount of divisors defined as an argument.'''
natural = 0 # keeps a running total for calculation of triangular numbers
num = 1 # keeps a running pointer of natural numbers
while True:
num_total = natural + num # current triangular number
final_div_list = divisors_list(num_total) # creates a list of divisors for current triangular number
if len(final_div_list) > divisors_count: # number of divisors of current triangular number compared to the desired divisors_count
natural = num_total
num += 1
return num_total
def primes(n):
'''Finds prime factorization of a given number.'''
primfac = []
d = 2
while d*d <= n: # while prime number is less than the square root of n
while (n % d) == 0: # while a factor of a prime number
primfac.append(d) # supposing you want multiple factors repeated
n //= d
d += 1
if n > 1:
return primfac
def largest_prime(num):
'''Finds the largest prime number of a given number.'''
prime_array = primes(num)
return max(prime_array)
def is_palindrome(var):
var = str(var) # turns all inputs into strings
if len(var) == 0 or len(var) == 1: # length is 0 or 1 letters
return True
if var[0] == var[-1]:
var = var[1:len(var) - 1] # var is new word minus first and last letter
return is_palindrome(var) # recursive case
return False
def palindrome_product():
list_palindrome = []
product_three_pal = []
for number in range((100 * 100), (999 * 999 + 1)): # iterates through all possible products
palindrome_status = is_palindrome(number) # checks to see if the number is a palindrome
if palindrome_status == True:
list_palindrome.append(number) # creates list of palindromes
for pal in list_palindrome: # iterates through palindromes
for num in range(100, 1000): # iterates through 3 digit numbers
if pal % num == 0 and len(str(pal // num)) == 3: # if remainder is 0 and quotient length is 3
return max(product_three_pal) # returns largest palindrome
def smallest_multiple():
''' Finds the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20.'''
counter = 0
No_Divisible_Num = True
n_beg = int(input('Please enter the number at the beginning of your range? ')) # beginning range
n_end = int(input('Please enter the number at the end of your range? ')) # end range
print('Please enter a numerical value') # throws error
num = n_end # smallest multiple placeholder
while No_Divisible_Num: # infinite loop until divisible number is found
for divisor in range(n_beg, n_end + 1): # checks numbers n_beg through n_end
if num % divisor == 0:
counter += 1
if counter == ((n_end - n_beg) + 1) : # num is divisible evenly by all numbers n_beg through n_end
No_Divisible_Num = False # ends infinite loop
counter = 0
num += n_end # increases number by last number in range and checks for even dividend again
def Sum_Square(end_num):
'''Computes sum of a list of squared numbers from a range of natural numbers.'''
natural_list = list(range(1, end_num + 1)) # list of natural numbers to end_num
square_list = [] # placeholder for squares
for number in natural_list:
square_list.append(number ** 2) # adds square to list of squares
squared_sum = sum(square_list) # takes the sum of the list
def Square_Sum(end_num):
'''Creates a square of a sum of a list of natural numbers.'''
natural_list = list(range(1, end_num + 1)) # list of natural numbers to end_num
sum_natural = sum(natural_list)
return sum_natural ** 2 # result of the squared product of a list of natural numbers
def Difference_Square_Sum(end_num):
difference = Square_Sum(end_num) - Sum_Square(end_num) # difference between the sum of the squares and the square of the sum
return difference
def Primality_Test(number):
'''Checks if a number is prime.'''
if number < 2: # anything less than 2 is never prime
return False
elif number == 2: # 2 is always primes
return True
else: # checks values above 2
divisor_range = range(2, int(number ** 0.5 + 1))
for divisor in divisor_range:
if (number % divisor) == 0: # if even divisor exists
return False
return True # if for loop ends and no even divisor exists
def Primes_Index(end_index):
index_counter = 0 # index of current prime number
num = 0 # number iterator
while index_counter < end_index: # infinite loop until desired index is reached
if Primality_Test(num): # checks if number is prime
index_counter += 1
num += 1 # infinitely adds 1 to num until while loop is satisfied
return (num - 1) # removes additional (plus 1) value
def adjacent_product():
'''Finds the product of 13 adjacent numbers in a file of numbers.'''
nums_file = open('Euler_Problem7Nums.txt') # reads text from numbers file
numbers =
nums_list = []
numbers_set = ('0123456789') # numbers set to exclude characters
product_list = []
for num in numbers:
if num in numbers_set:
nums_list.append(num) # adds all numbers in file to a new list
for i in range(0 , len(nums_list) + 1): # iterates through all numbers in nums_list
try: # looks for string of 13 numbers until it is not possible
thirteen_list = nums_list[i : i + 13] # creates a list of 13 numbers
total = 1
for j in thirteen_list:
total *= int(j) # creates the product of 13 numbers in a list
product_list.append(total) # appends product to an empty list
except: # if less than 13 numbers exist, the for loop terminates
print(max(product_list)) # prints max product within product list
def pythagorean_triplet(maximum_num):
'''Calculates all the pythagorean triplets until the sum of each individual number is equal to maximum_num, once they are equivalent, the product of the three numbers is calculated.'''
for a in range(1, maximum_num):
for b in range(1, maximum_num):
c = (a ** 2 + b ** 2) ** 0.5 # calculates c by using the square root of the a and b values
if a ** 2 + b ** 2 == c ** 2: # if the three numbers equate to a pythagorean triplet
if a + b + c == maximum_num:
return a * b * c
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