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Example on how to tests your model classes in Tornado
import unittest, os, os.path, sys
import tornado.database
import tornado.options
from tornado.options import options
APP_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(APP_ROOT, '..'))
# import your model module
import your.model as model
# import your app module
from import *
# convenience method to clear test database
# In this example, we simple reapply APP_ROOT/db/schema.sql to test database
def clear_db(app=None):
os.system("mysql %s < %s" % (options.mysql_database, os.path.join(APP_ROOT, 'db', 'schema.sql')))
# Global App for testing
tornado.options.parse_config_file(os.path.join(APP_ROOT, 'config', ''))
app = Application()
# In this example, we have a model called Link and we want to test it.
class TestLink(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.bucket = app.bucket =
# Testing INSERT
def save_to_test(self):
sha = 'lol', "")
self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
# testing SELECT
def all_by_sha_test(self):
sha = 'lol'
link_id =, "")
self.assertTrue(link_id is not None)
link_id =, "")
self.assertTrue(link_id is not None)
self.assertEqual(len(, 2)
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