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Last active August 1, 2018 21:50
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/* Material Colors */
:root {
--blue: #2196F3; --blue-light: #BBDEFB; --blue-dark: #1976D2;
--light-blue: #03A9F4; --light-blue-light: #B3E5FC; --light-blue-dark: #0288D1;
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--red: #F44336; --red-light: #FFCDD2; --red-dark: #D32F2F;
--orange: #FF9800; --orange-light: #FFE0B2; --orange-dark: #F57C00;
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--amber: #FFC107; --amber-light: #FFECB3; --amber-dark: #FFA000;
--yellow: #FFEB3B; --yellow-light: #FFF9C4; --yellow-dark: #FBC02D;
--green: #4CAF50; --green-light: #C8E6C9; --green-dark: #388E3C;
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--lime: #CDDC39; --lime-light: #F0F4C3; --lime-dark: #AFB42B;
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--white: #fff; --light: #F5F5F5; --dark: #212121;
--primary: var(--indigo);
--secondary: var(--gray-dark);
--success: var(--green);
--info: var(--light-blue);
--warning: var(--orange);
--danger: var(--red);
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--font-family-monospace: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace;
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