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burdandrei /
Created December 5, 2017 12:15
UserData Script for bootstrapping Consul and Nomad servers in AWS, connect them with AWS auto discovery and run using systemd
# This script is intendent to install both Consul and Nomad clients
# on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial managed by SystemD
# including docker and DnsMasq for *.service.consul DNS resolving
# Script assume that instance is running in AWS and have "ec2:DescribeInstances" permissions in IAM Role
set -x
export TERM=xterm-256color
jbratu / setupiisforsslperfectforwardsecrecy_v17.ps1
Last active January 17, 2025 10:17
Great powershell script for tightening HTTPS security on IIS and disabling insecure protocols and ciphers. Very useful on core installations.
# Copyright 2019, Alexander Hass
# After running this script the computer only supports:
# - TLS 1.2
# Version 3.0.1, see CHANGELOG.txt for changes.
Write-Host 'Configuring IIS with SSL/TLS Deployment Best Practices...'
Write-Host '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'