I hereby claim:
- I am brandonsmith on github.
- I am brandonsmith (https://keybase.io/brandonsmith) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 42F0 33EE 3293 9438 48DD 74EF 8BE9 B7D4 6824 BE70
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import { useMemo, useReducer, useRef } from "react"; | |
const useGetState = (initialState) => { | |
const state = useRef(initialState); | |
const [, update] = useReducer(num => ((num + 1) % 1_000_000), 0); | |
return useMemo(() => ([ | |
() => state.current, | |
(newState) => { | |
state.current = newState; |
#!/bin/bash | |
curl=/usr/local/opt/curl/bin/curl | |
openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin/openssl | |
deviceToken=TOKEN | |
authKey="./AuthKey_##########.p8" | |
authKeyId=########## | |
teamId=########## |
const {app,Notification} = require('electron') | |
app.on('ready', () => { | |
showNextNotification() | |
}) | |
let i = 0 | |
showNextNotification = () => { | |
const notification = new Notification({ |
import { ipcMain } from 'electron' | |
import uuid from 'uuid' | |
/** | |
* Makes a data request over IPC to renderer process | |
* @param {string} request Request type known to main handler | |
* @param {object} Optional `options` object used as parameters for request | |
* @return {Promise} Promise of data | |
*/ | |
export function call(window, request, options={}) { |
import { ipcMain } from 'electron' | |
import uuid from 'uuid' | |
/** | |
* Makes a data request over IPC to renderer process | |
* @param {string} request Request type known to main handler | |
* @param {object} Optional `options` object used as parameters for request | |
* @return {Promise} Promise of data | |
*/ | |
export function call(window, request, options={}) { |
import { | |
app, | |
dialog, | |
shell | |
} from 'electron' | |
import os from 'os' | |
import childProcess from 'child_process' | |
import sudo from 'sudo-prompt' | |
import path from 'path' |
#!/bin/bash | |
if [ $# -lt 5 ]; then | |
echo -e "./send_sms.sh <device> <to_number> <big|small> <number_of_texts> [sleep_time]" | |
exit 0 | |
fi | |
if [ $5 -ge 500 ]; then | |
while true; do | |
read -p "Are you sure you want to send >500 texts? y/n`echo $'\n> '`" yn |
exports.config = { | |
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', | |
capabilities: { | |
'browserName': 'chrome' | |
}, | |
specs: ['example-spec.js'], | |
jasmineNodeOpts: { |
Bitmap batmapBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.batman); | |
RoundedBitmapDrawable circularBitmapDrawable = // | |
RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(getResources(), batmapBitmap); | |
circularBitmapDrawable.setCornerRadius(batmapBitmap.getWidth()); | |
myImageView.setImageDrawable(circularBitmapDrawable); | |
System.out.prinln("MyActivity", "That's all folks"); |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: