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Created January 31, 2018 18:08
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A PowerShell script for deleting files (at logoff) from the Recycle Bin after X days of sitting in the bin.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author : Baldwin D.
# Description : Empty Recycle Bin with Retention (Logoff Script)
# Source :
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
$Global:Collection = @()
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$Global:Recycler = $Shell.NameSpace(0xa)
$csvfile = "\\YourNetworkShare\RecycleBin.txt"
$LogFailed = "\\YourNetworkShare\RecycleBinFailed.txt"
function Get-recyclebin
$RetentionTime = "7",
$User = $env:USERNAME
$Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$DateRun = Get-Date
foreach($item in $Recycler.Items())
$DeletedDate = $Recycler.GetDetailsOf($item,2) -replace "\u200f|\u200e","" #Invisible Unicode Characters
$DeletedDate_datetime = get-date $DeletedDate
[Int]$DeletedDays = (New-TimeSpan -Start $DeletedDate_datetime -End $(Get-Date)).Days
If($DeletedDays -ge $RetentionTime)
$Size = $Recycler.GetDetailsOf($item,3)
$SizeArray = $Size -split " "
$Decimal = $SizeArray[0] -replace ",","."
If ($SizeArray[1] -contains "bytes") { $Size = [int]$Decimal /1024 }
If ($SizeArray[1] -contains "KB") { $Size = [int]$Decimal }
If ($SizeArray[1] -contains "MB") { $Size = [int]$Decimal * 1024 }
If ($SizeArray[1] -contains "GB") { $Size = [int]$Decimal *1024 *1024 }
$Object = New-Object Psobject -Property @{
Computer = $computer
User = $User
DateRun = $DateRun
Name = $item.Name
Type = $item.Type
SizeKb = $Size
Path = $item.path
"Deleted Date" = $DeletedDate_datetime
"Deleted Days" = $DeletedDays }
If ($DeleteItems)
Remove-Item -Path $item.Path -Confirm:$false -Force -Recurse
if ($?)
$Global:Collection += @($object)
Add-Content -Path $LogFailed -Value $error[0]
}#EndIf $DeleteItems
}#EndIf($DeletedDays -ge $RetentionTime)
}#EndForeach item
Get-recyclebin -RetentionTime $RetentionTime -DeleteItems #Remove the comment if you wish to actually delete the content
if (@($collection).count -gt "0")
$Collection = $Collection | Select-Object "Computer","User","DateRun","Name","Type","Path","SizeKb","Deleted Days","Deleted Date"
$CsvData = $Collection | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
$Null, $Data = $CsvData
Add-Content -Path $csvfile -Value $Data
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This code may require some adjusting. From a user comment on the source article page, I edited the code (line 78) for $RetentionTime so the variable only needs to be set once (at the top; it was set to 7 in both line 78 and line 23), but I'm not sure how variable scope works in PowerShell. If it's like other languages, the variable's value should be set outside of the function, not inside.

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