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Created July 25, 2024 16:25
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brettbest@Bretts-MacBook-Pro ~/Developer> mint install realm/SwiftLint@main
🌱 Cloning SwiftLint main
🌱 Resolving package
🌱 Building product swiftlint
Building for production...
[0/54] Write sources
[1/54] Compiling Clang_C Clang_C.c
[2/54] Write sources
[39/54] Compiling SourceKit SourceKit.c
[40/54] Write swift-version--58304C5D6DBC2206.txt
[42/57] Compiling SwiftSyntax600 Empty.swift
[43/58] Compiling DyldWarningWorkaround DyldWarningWorkaround.c
[44/59] Compiling SwiftSyntaxAtomicBool.c
[46/59] Compiling SwiftSyntax510 Empty.swift
[46/59] Compiling SwiftSyntaxAtomicBool.c
[47/59] Compiling reader.c
[49/59] Compiling SwiftSyntax510 Empty.swift
[49/60] Compiling api.c
[51/63] Compiling SwiftSyntax509 Empty.swift
[52/64] Compiling writer.c
[53/66] Compiling emitter.c
[55/66] Compiling CollectionConcurrencyKit CollectionConcurrencyKit.swift
[55/66] Compiling scanner.c
[56/66] Compiling parser.c
[58/67] Compiling ArgumentParserToolInfo ToolInfo.swift
[59/68] Compiling SwiftyTextTable TextTable.swift
[60/68] Compiling SWXMLHash XMLAttributeDeserializable.swift
[61/68] Compiling Yams Constructor.swift
[62/69] Compiling ArgumentParser BashCompletionsGenerator.swift
[63/69] Compiling SourceKittenFramework ByteCount.swift
[64/69] Compiling SwiftSyntax AbsolutePosition.swift
[66/75] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat BasicFormat.swift
[68/75] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Convenience.swift
[70/75] Compiling SwiftParser Attributes.swift
[72/80] Compiling SwiftIDEUtils DeclNameLocation.swift
[73/80] Compiling SwiftOperators Operator.swift
[75/80] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics DiagnosticExtensions.swift
[77/82] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ConvenienceInitializers.swift
[79/83] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros AbstractSourceLocation.swift
[80/84] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion BasicMacroExpansionContext.swift
[81/85] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling CompilerPluginMessageHandler.swift
[82/86] Compiling SwiftCompilerPlugin CompilerPlugin.swift
[83/87] Compiling SwiftLintCoreMacros RuleConfigurationMacros.swift
[83/87] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[84/87] Linking SwiftLintCoreMacros-tool
[86/88] Compiling SwiftLintCore RuleDocumentation.swift
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Documentation/RuleListDocumentation.swift:21:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct 'URL' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | /// User-facing documentation for a SwiftLint RuleList.
19 | ///
20 | /// - throws: Throws if the files could not be written to.
21 | public func write(to url: URL) throws {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'URL' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
22 | try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: url, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
23 | func write(_ text: String, toFile file: String) throws {
Foundation.URL:2:15: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, watchOS 2.0, tvOS 9.0, *)
2 | public struct URL : Equatable, Sendable, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | public typealias BookmarkResolutionOptions = NSURL.BookmarkResolutionOptions
4 | public typealias BookmarkCreationOptions = NSURL.BookmarkCreationOptions
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/ByteCount+SwiftSyntax.swift:8:5: error: initializer must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | public extension ByteCount {
6 | ///
7 | /// - parameter position: The SwiftSyntax position to convert.
8 | init(_ position: AbsolutePosition) {
| |- error: initializer must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
9 | self.init(position.utf8Offset)
10 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/ByteCount+SwiftSyntax.swift:4:18: error: cannot use struct 'ByteCount' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 | import SwiftSyntax
3 |
4 | public extension ByteCount {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'ByteCount' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
5 | /// Converts a SwiftSyntax `AbsolutePosition` to a SourceKitten `ByteCount`.
6 | ///
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/YamlParser.swift:17:54: error: class 'ProcessInfo' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'ProcessInfo' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import Yams
3 |
15 | /// - throws: Throws if the `yaml` string provided could not be parsed.
16 | public static func parse(_ yaml: String,
17 | env: [String: String] = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment) throws -> [String: Any] {
| `- error: class 'ProcessInfo' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
18 | do {
19 | return try Yams.load(yaml: yaml, .default,
Foundation.ProcessInfo:1:12: note: class 'ProcessInfo' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
1 | open class ProcessInfo : NSObject, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: class 'ProcessInfo' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
2 | open class var processInfo: ProcessInfo { get }
3 | open var environment: [String : String] { get }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/YamlParser.swift:17:66: error: class property 'processInfo' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class property 'processInfo' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import Yams
3 |
15 | /// - throws: Throws if the `yaml` string provided could not be parsed.
16 | public static func parse(_ yaml: String,
17 | env: [String: String] = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment) throws -> [String: Any] {
| `- error: class property 'processInfo' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
18 | do {
19 | return try Yams.load(yaml: yaml, .default,
Foundation.ProcessInfo:2:20: note: class property 'processInfo' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
1 | open class ProcessInfo : NSObject, @unchecked Sendable {
2 | open class var processInfo: ProcessInfo { get }
| `- note: class property 'processInfo' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
3 | open var environment: [String : String] { get }
4 | open var arguments: [String] { get }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/YamlParser.swift:17:78: error: property 'environment' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: property 'environment' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import Yams
3 |
15 | /// - throws: Throws if the `yaml` string provided could not be parsed.
16 | public static func parse(_ yaml: String,
17 | env: [String: String] = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment) throws -> [String: Any] {
| `- error: property 'environment' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
18 | do {
19 | return try Yams.load(yaml: yaml, .default,
Foundation.ProcessInfo:3:14: note: property 'environment' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
1 | open class ProcessInfo : NSObject, @unchecked Sendable {
2 | open class var processInfo: ProcessInfo { get }
3 | open var environment: [String : String] { get }
| `- note: property 'environment' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
4 | open var arguments: [String] { get }
5 | open var hostName: String { get }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Configuration+LintableFiles.swift:112:71: error: class 'FileManager' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'FileManager' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | extension Configuration {
110 | ///
111 | /// - returns: The expanded excluded file paths.
112 | public func excludedPaths(fileManager: some LintableFileManager = FileManager.default) -> [String] {
| `- error: class 'FileManager' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
113 | excludedPaths
114 | .flatMap(Glob.resolveGlob)
Foundation.FileManager:1:12: note: class 'FileManager' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
1 | open class FileManager : NSObject {
| `- note: class 'FileManager' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
2 | open class var `default`: FileManager { get }
3 | @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "default")
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Configuration+LintableFiles.swift:112:83: error: class property 'default' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class property 'default' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | extension Configuration {
110 | ///
111 | /// - returns: The expanded excluded file paths.
112 | public func excludedPaths(fileManager: some LintableFileManager = FileManager.default) -> [String] {
| `- error: class property 'default' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
113 | excludedPaths
114 | .flatMap(Glob.resolveGlob)
Foundation.FileManager:2:20: note: class property 'default' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
1 | open class FileManager : NSObject {
2 | open class var `default`: FileManager { get }
| `- note: class property 'default' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
3 | @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "default")
4 | open class var defaultManager: FileManager { get }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:7:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: protocol 'SourceKitRepresentable' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
5 | public struct SourceKittenDictionary {
6 | /// The underlying SourceKitten dictionary.
7 | public let value: [String: any SourceKitRepresentable]
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: protocol 'SourceKitRepresentable' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
8 | /// The cached substructure for this dictionary. Empty if there is no substructure.
9 | public let substructure: [Self]
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Request.swift:10:17: note: type declared here
8 | // This file could easily be split up
9 |
10 | public protocol SourceKitRepresentable {
| `- note: type declared here
11 | func isEqualTo(_ rhs: SourceKitRepresentable) -> Bool
12 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:14:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
12 | public let expressionKind: SwiftExpressionKind?
13 | /// The kind of Swift declaration represented by this dictionary, if it is a declaration.
14 | public let declarationKind: SwiftDeclarationKind?
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
15 | /// The kind of Swift statement represented by this dictionary, if it is a statement.
16 | public let statementKind: StatementKind?
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.decl.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `associatedtype`.
5 | case `associatedtype` = "source.lang.swift.decl.associatedtype"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:16:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'StatementKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
14 | public let declarationKind: SwiftDeclarationKind?
15 | /// The kind of Swift statement represented by this dictionary, if it is a statement.
16 | public let statementKind: StatementKind?
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'StatementKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
17 |
18 | /// The accessibility level for this dictionary, if it is a declaration.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/StatementKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.stmt.`.
3 | public enum StatementKind: String {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `brace`.
5 | case brace = "source.lang.swift.stmt.brace"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:24:12: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: protocol 'SourceKitRepresentable' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
22 | ///
23 | /// - parameter value: The input dictionary/
24 | public init(_ value: [String: any SourceKitRepresentable]) {
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: protocol 'SourceKitRepresentable' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
25 | self.value = value
26 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Request.swift:10:17: note: type declared here
8 | // This file could easily be split up
9 |
10 | public protocol SourceKitRepresentable {
| `- note: type declared here
11 | func isEqualTo(_ rhs: SourceKitRepresentable) -> Bool
12 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:40:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
38 |
39 | /// Body length
40 | public var bodyLength: ByteCount? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
41 | (value["key.bodylength"] as? Int64).map(ByteCount.init)
42 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:45:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
43 |
44 | /// Body offset.
45 | public var bodyOffset: ByteCount? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
46 | (value["key.bodyoffset"] as? Int64).map(ByteCount.init)
47 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:50:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
48 |
49 | /// Body byte range.
50 | public var bodyByteRange: ByteRange? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
51 | guard let offset = bodyOffset, let length = bodyLength else { return nil }
52 | return ByteRange(location: offset, length: length)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteRange.swift:4:15: note: type declared here
2 |
3 | /// Structure that represents a string range in bytes.
4 | public struct ByteRange: Equatable {
| `- note: type declared here
5 | /// The starting location of the range.
6 | public let location: ByteCount
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:61:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
59 |
60 | /// Length.
61 | public var length: ByteCount? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
62 | (value["key.length"] as? Int64).map(ByteCount.init)
63 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:70:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
68 |
69 | /// Name length.
70 | public var nameLength: ByteCount? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
71 | (value["key.namelength"] as? Int64).map(ByteCount.init)
72 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:75:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
73 |
74 | /// Name offset.
75 | public var nameOffset: ByteCount? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
76 | (value["key.nameoffset"] as? Int64).map(ByteCount.init)
77 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:80:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
78 |
79 | /// Byte range of name.
80 | public var nameByteRange: ByteRange? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
81 | guard let offset = nameOffset, let length = nameLength else { return nil }
82 | return ByteRange(location: offset, length: length)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteRange.swift:4:15: note: type declared here
2 |
3 | /// Structure that represents a string range in bytes.
4 | public struct ByteRange: Equatable {
| `- note: type declared here
5 | /// The starting location of the range.
6 | public let location: ByteCount
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:86:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
84 |
85 | /// Offset.
86 | public var offset: ByteCount? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
87 | (value["key.offset"] as? Int64).map(ByteCount.init)
88 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:91:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
89 |
90 | /// Returns byte range starting from `offset` with `length` bytes
91 | public var byteRange: ByteRange? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
92 | guard let offset, let length else { return nil }
93 | return ByteRange(location: offset, length: length)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteRange.swift:4:15: note: type declared here
2 |
3 | /// Structure that represents a string range in bytes.
4 | public struct ByteRange: Equatable {
| `- note: type declared here
5 | /// The starting location of the range.
6 | public let location: ByteCount
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:107:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
105 |
106 | /// Documentation length.
107 | public var docLength: ByteCount? {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
108 | (value["key.doclength"] as? Int64).flatMap(ByteCount.init)
109 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Dictionary+SwiftLint.swift:132:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A collection of keys and values as parsed out of SourceKit, with many conveniences for accessing SwiftLint-specific
130 |
131 | /// The `SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind` values associated with this dictionary.
132 | public var enclosedSwiftAttributes: [SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind] {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
133 | swiftAttributes.compactMap { $0.attribute }
134 | .compactMap(SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind.init(rawValue:))
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration attribute kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.decl.attribute.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | case ibaction = "source.decl.attribute.ibaction"
5 | case iboutlet = "source.decl.attribute.iboutlet"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/FileManager+SwiftLint.swift:21:10: error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct 'Date' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | /// An interface for enumerating files that can be linted by SwiftLint.
19 | ///
20 | /// - returns: A date, if one was determined.
21 | func modificationDate(forFileAtPath path: String) -> Date?
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'Date' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
22 |
23 | /// Returns true if a file (but not a directory) exists at the specified path.
Foundation.Date:2:15: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, watchOS 2.0, tvOS 9.0, *)
2 | public struct Date : Comparable, Hashable, Equatable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | public static let timeIntervalBetween1970AndReferenceDate: Double
4 | public static var timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: TimeInterval { get }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/FileManager+SwiftLint.swift:49:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct 'Date' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | /// An interface for enumerating files that can be linted by SwiftLint.
47 | }
48 |
49 | public func modificationDate(forFileAtPath path: String) -> Date? {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'Date' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
50 | (try? attributesOfItem(atPath: path))?[.modificationDate] as? Date
51 | }
Foundation.Date:2:15: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, watchOS 2.0, tvOS 9.0, *)
2 | public struct Date : Comparable, Hashable, Equatable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | public static let timeIntervalBetween1970AndReferenceDate: Double
4 | public static var timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: TimeInterval { get }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/FileManager+SwiftLint.swift:31:11: error: cannot use class 'FileManager' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'FileManager' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | /// An interface for enumerating files that can be linted by SwiftLint.
29 | }
30 |
31 | extension FileManager: LintableFileManager {
| `- error: cannot use class 'FileManager' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
32 | public func filesToLint(inPath path: String, rootDirectory: String? = nil) -> [String] {
33 | let absolutePath = path.bridge()
Foundation.FileManager:1:12: note: type declared here
1 | open class FileManager : NSObject {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | open class var `default`: FileManager { get }
3 | @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "default")
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:8:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
6 |
7 | public struct RegularExpression: Hashable, Comparable, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
8 | public let regex: NSRegularExpression
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
9 |
10 | public init(pattern: String, options _: NSRegularExpression.Options? = nil) throws {
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:10:12: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
8 | public let regex: NSRegularExpression
9 |
10 | public init(pattern: String, options _: NSRegularExpression.Options? = nil) throws {
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
11 | regex = try .cached(pattern: pattern)
12 | }
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:37:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'NSRegularExpression' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Foundation' introduce this conformance in the future
35 | }
36 |
37 | extension NSRegularExpression: Comparable {
| |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'NSRegularExpression' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Foundation' introduce this conformance in the future
| `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
38 | public static func < (lhs: NSRegularExpression, rhs: NSRegularExpression) -> Bool {
39 | lhs.pattern < rhs.pattern
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:38:24: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
36 |
37 | extension NSRegularExpression: Comparable {
38 | public static func < (lhs: NSRegularExpression, rhs: NSRegularExpression) -> Bool {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
39 | lhs.pattern < rhs.pattern
40 | }
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:37:1: error: cannot use conformance of 'NSObject' to 'Equatable' here; 'ObjectiveC' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: extension of class 'NSObject' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
35 | }
36 |
37 | extension NSRegularExpression: Comparable {
| `- error: cannot use conformance of 'NSObject' to 'Equatable' here; 'ObjectiveC' was not imported publicly
38 | public static func < (lhs: NSRegularExpression, rhs: NSRegularExpression) -> Bool {
39 | lhs.pattern < rhs.pattern
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:37:11: error: cannot use class 'NSRegularExpression' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
35 | }
36 |
37 | extension NSRegularExpression: Comparable {
| `- error: cannot use class 'NSRegularExpression' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
38 | public static func < (lhs: NSRegularExpression, rhs: NSRegularExpression) -> Bool {
39 | lhs.pattern < rhs.pattern
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:44:17: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct 'Options' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
42 |
43 | public extension NSRegularExpression {
44 | static func cached(pattern: String, options: Options? = nil) throws -> NSRegularExpression {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'Options' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
45 | let options = options ?? [.anchorsMatchLines, .dotMatchesLineSeparators]
46 | let key = RegexCacheKey(pattern: pattern, options: options)
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:19: note: type declared here
1 | extension NSRegularExpression {
2 | public struct Options : OptionSet, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | public init(rawValue: UInt)
4 | public let rawValue: UInt
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:58:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'StringView' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | private var regexCache = [RegexCacheKey: NSRegularExpression]()
56 | }
57 |
58 | func matches(in stringView: StringView,
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'StringView' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
59 | options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions = []) -> [NSTextCheckingResult] {
60 | matches(in: stringView.string, options: options, range: stringView.range)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/StringView.swift:40:15: note: type declared here
38 | /// Structure that precalculates lines for the specified string and then uses this information for
39 | /// ByteRange to NSRange and NSRange to ByteRange operations
40 | public struct StringView {
| `- note: type declared here
41 |
42 | /// Reference to the NSString of represented string
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:63:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'StringView' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | private var regexCache = [RegexCacheKey: NSRegularExpression]()
61 | }
62 |
63 | func matches(in stringView: StringView,
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'StringView' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
64 | options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions = [],
65 | range: NSRange) -> [NSTextCheckingResult] {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/StringView.swift:40:15: note: type declared here
38 | /// Structure that precalculates lines for the specified string and then uses this information for
39 | /// ByteRange to NSRange and NSRange to ByteRange operations
40 | public struct StringView {
| `- note: type declared here
41 |
42 | /// Reference to the NSString of represented string
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:65:25: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
63 | func matches(in stringView: StringView,
64 | options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions = [],
65 | range: NSRange) -> [NSTextCheckingResult] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
66 | matches(in: stringView.string, options: options, range: range)
67 | }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:69:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
67 | }
68 |
69 | func matches(in file: SwiftLintFile,
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
70 | options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions = []) -> [NSTextCheckingResult] {
71 | matches(in: file.stringView.string, options: options, range: file.stringView.range)
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/NSRegularExpression+SwiftLint.swift:43:18: error: cannot use class 'NSRegularExpression' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
41 | }
42 |
43 | public extension NSRegularExpression {
| `- error: cannot use class 'NSRegularExpression' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
44 | static func cached(pattern: String, options: Options? = nil) throws -> NSRegularExpression {
45 | let options = options ?? [.anchorsMatchLines, .dotMatchesLineSeparators]
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Request+SwiftLint.swift:7:10: error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: protocol 'SourceKitRepresentable' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | public extension Request {
5 | static let disableSourceKit = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SWIFTLINT_DISABLE_SOURCEKIT"] != nil
6 |
7 | func sendIfNotDisabled() throws -> [String: any SourceKitRepresentable] {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: protocol 'SourceKitRepresentable' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
8 | guard !Self.disableSourceKit else {
9 | throw Self.Error.connectionInterrupted("SourceKit is disabled by `SWIFTLINT_DISABLE_SOURCEKIT`.")
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Request.swift:10:17: note: type declared here
8 | // This file could easily be split up
9 |
10 | public protocol SourceKitRepresentable {
| `- note: type declared here
11 | func isEqualTo(_ rhs: SourceKitRepresentable) -> Bool
12 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Request+SwiftLint.swift:14:17: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | public extension Request {
12 | }
13 |
14 | static func cursorInfoWithoutSymbolGraph(file: String, offset: ByteCount, arguments: [String]) -> Request {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
15 | .customRequest(request: [
16 | "key.request": UID("source.request.cursorinfo"),
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/Request+SwiftLint.swift:4:18: error: cannot use enum 'Request' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'Request' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | public extension Request {
| `- error: cannot use enum 'Request' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
5 | static let disableSourceKit = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SWIFTLINT_DISABLE_SOURCEKIT"] != nil
6 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Request.swift:131:13: note: type declared here
129 |
130 | /// Represents a SourceKit request.
131 | public enum Request {
| `- note: type declared here
132 | /// An `` request for the given File.
133 | case editorOpen(file: File)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SourceKittenDictionary+Swiftlint.swift:10:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SourceKittenDictionary {
8 | ///
9 | /// - returns: The kinds and byte ranges.
10 | func kinds(forByteOffset byteOffset: ByteCount? = nil)
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
11 | -> [(kind: String, byteRange: ByteRange)] {
12 | var results = [(kind: String, byteRange: ByteRange)]()
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SourceKittenDictionary+Swiftlint.swift:30:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SourceKittenDictionary {
28 | }
29 |
30 | func structures(forByteOffset byteOffset: ByteCount) -> [SourceKittenDictionary] {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
31 | var results = [SourceKittenDictionary]()
32 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SourceRange+SwiftLint.swift:10:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | public extension SourceRange {
8 | ///
9 | /// - returns: Whether the specified position is contained within this range.
10 | func contains(_ position: AbsolutePosition, locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter) -> Bool {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
11 | let startPosition = locationConverter.position(ofLine: start.line, column: start.column)
12 | let endPosition = locationConverter.position(ofLine: end.line, column: end.column)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SourceRange+SwiftLint.swift:3:18: error: cannot use struct 'SourceRange' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'SourceRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | public extension SourceRange {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'SourceRange' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
4 | /// Check if a position is contained within this range.
5 | ///
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SourceLocation.swift:85:15: note: type declared here
83 |
84 | /// Represents a half-open range in a Swift file.
85 | public struct SourceRange: Hashable, Codable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
86 |
87 | /// The beginning location of the source range.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/String+SwiftLint.swift:48:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
46 | }
47 |
48 | func nsrangeToIndexRange(_ nsrange: NSRange) -> Range<Index>? {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
49 | guard nsrange.location != NSNotFound else {
50 | return nil
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/String+SwiftLint.swift:48:41: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
46 | }
47 |
48 | func nsrangeToIndexRange(_ nsrange: NSRange) -> Range<Index>? {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
49 | guard nsrange.location != NSNotFound else {
50 | return nil
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/String+SwiftLint.swift:65:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
63 | }
64 |
65 | var fullNSRange: NSRange {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
66 | NSRange(location: 0, length: utf16.count)
67 | }
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/String+SwiftLint.swift:65:22: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
63 | }
64 |
65 | var fullNSRange: NSRange {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
66 | NSRange(location: 0, length: utf16.count)
67 | }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/StringView+SwiftLint.swift:9:10: error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension StringView {
7 | /// - bytePosition: Byte position in line
8 | /// - Returns: Byte offset coinciding with the line and the column given
9 | func byteOffset(forLine line: Int64, bytePosition: Int64) -> ByteCount? {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
10 | guard line > 0, line <= lines.count, bytePosition > 0 else {
11 | return nil
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/StringView+SwiftLint.swift:3:18: error: cannot use struct 'StringView' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'StringView' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension StringView {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'StringView' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
4 | /// Converts a line and column position in a code snippet to a byte offset.
5 | /// - Parameters:
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/StringView.swift:40:15: note: type declared here
38 | /// Structure that precalculates lines for the specified string and then uses this information for
39 | /// ByteRange to NSRange and NSRange to ByteRange operations
40 | public struct StringView {
| `- note: type declared here
41 |
42 | /// Reference to the NSString of represented string
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/StringView+SwiftSyntax.swift:12:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
4 |
5 | public extension StringView {
10 | ///
11 | /// - returns: `NSRange` or nil in case of empty string.
12 | func NSRange(start: AbsolutePosition, end: AbsolutePosition) -> NSRange? {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
13 | precondition(end >= start, "End position should be bigger than the start position")
14 | return NSRange(start: start, length: ByteCount(end.utf8Offset - start.utf8Offset))
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/StringView+SwiftSyntax.swift:12:69: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 | import SwiftSyntax
10 | ///
11 | /// - returns: `NSRange` or nil in case of empty string.
12 | func NSRange(start: AbsolutePosition, end: AbsolutePosition) -> NSRange? {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
13 | precondition(end >= start, "End position should be bigger than the start position")
14 | return NSRange(start: start, length: ByteCount(end.utf8Offset - start.utf8Offset))
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/StringView+SwiftSyntax.swift:5:18: error: cannot use struct 'StringView' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'StringView' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 | import SwiftSyntax
4 |
5 | public extension StringView {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'StringView' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
6 | /// Converts two absolute positions from SwiftSyntax to a valid `NSRange` if possible.
7 | ///
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/StringView.swift:40:15: note: type declared here
38 | /// Structure that precalculates lines for the specified string and then uses this information for
39 | /// ByteRange to NSRange and NSRange to ByteRange operations
40 | public struct StringView {
| `- note: type declared here
41 |
42 | /// Reference to the NSString of represented string
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind+Swiftlint.swift:4:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind {
4 | static var attributesRequiringFoundation: Set<SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind> {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
5 | [
6 | .objc,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration attribute kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.decl.attribute.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | case ibaction = "source.decl.attribute.ibaction"
5 | case iboutlet = "source.decl.attribute.iboutlet"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind+Swiftlint.swift:43:20: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind {
41 | }
42 |
43 | public var swiftDeclarationAttributeKinds: Set<SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind> {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
44 | switch self {
45 | case .acl:
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration attribute kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.decl.attribute.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | case ibaction = "source.decl.attribute.ibaction"
5 | case iboutlet = "source.decl.attribute.iboutlet"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind+Swiftlint.swift:3:18: error: cannot use enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind {
| `- error: cannot use enum 'SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
4 | static var attributesRequiringFoundation: Set<SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind> {
5 | [
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration attribute kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.decl.attribute.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationAttributeKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | case ibaction = "source.decl.attribute.ibaction"
5 | case iboutlet = "source.decl.attribute.iboutlet"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftDeclarationKind+SwiftLint.swift:4:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SwiftDeclarationKind {
4 | static let variableKinds: Set<SwiftDeclarationKind> = [
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
5 | .varClass,
6 | .varGlobal,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.decl.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `associatedtype`.
5 | case `associatedtype` = "source.lang.swift.decl.associatedtype"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftDeclarationKind+SwiftLint.swift:13:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SwiftDeclarationKind {
11 | ]
12 |
13 | static let functionKinds: Set<SwiftDeclarationKind> = [
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
14 | .functionAccessorAddress,
15 | .functionAccessorDidset,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.decl.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `associatedtype`.
5 | case `associatedtype` = "source.lang.swift.decl.associatedtype"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftDeclarationKind+SwiftLint.swift:30:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SwiftDeclarationKind {
28 | ]
29 |
30 | static let typeKinds: Set<SwiftDeclarationKind> = [
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
31 | .class,
32 | .struct,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.decl.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `associatedtype`.
5 | case `associatedtype` = "source.lang.swift.decl.associatedtype"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftDeclarationKind+SwiftLint.swift:38:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SwiftDeclarationKind {
36 | ]
37 |
38 | static let extensionKinds: Set<SwiftDeclarationKind> = [
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
39 | .extension,
40 | .extensionClass,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.decl.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `associatedtype`.
5 | case `associatedtype` = "source.lang.swift.decl.associatedtype"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftDeclarationKind+SwiftLint.swift:3:18: error: cannot use enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SwiftDeclarationKind {
| `- error: cannot use enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
4 | static let variableKinds: Set<SwiftDeclarationKind> = [
5 | .varClass,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.decl.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `associatedtype`.
5 | case `associatedtype` = "source.lang.swift.decl.associatedtype"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Cache.swift:149:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
4 | import Foundation
5 | import SourceKittenFramework
6 | import SwiftIDEUtils
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxClassifications' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftIDEUtils' here
7 | import SwiftOperators
8 | import SwiftParser
147 | }
148 |
149 | public var syntaxClassifications: SyntaxClassifications { syntaxClassificationsCache.get(self) }
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxClassifications' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftIDEUtils'
150 |
151 | public var syntaxMap: SwiftLintSyntaxMap {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftIDEUtils/SyntaxClassifier.swift:271:15: note: type declared here
269 |
270 | /// Provides a sequence of ``SyntaxClassifiedRange``s for a syntax node.
271 | public struct SyntaxClassifications: Sequence, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
272 | public typealias Iterator = Array<SyntaxClassifiedRange>.Iterator
273 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Cache.swift:162:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
8 | import SwiftParser
9 | import SwiftParserDiagnostics
10 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'SourceFileSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
11 |
12 | private typealias FileCacheKey = UUID
160 | }
161 |
162 | public var syntaxTree: SourceFileSyntax { syntaxTreeCache.get(self) }
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SourceFileSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
163 |
164 | public var foldedSyntaxTree: SourceFileSyntax? { foldedSyntaxTreeCache.get(self) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesQRS.swift:1307:15: note: type declared here
1305 | /// - `statements`: ``CodeBlockItemListSyntax``
1306 | /// - `endOfFileToken`: ``
1307 | public struct SourceFileSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1308 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1309 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Cache.swift:164:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
8 | import SwiftParser
9 | import SwiftParserDiagnostics
10 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'SourceFileSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
11 |
12 | private typealias FileCacheKey = UUID
162 | public var syntaxTree: SourceFileSyntax { syntaxTreeCache.get(self) }
163 |
164 | public var foldedSyntaxTree: SourceFileSyntax? { foldedSyntaxTreeCache.get(self) }
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SourceFileSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
165 |
166 | public var locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter { locationConverterCache.get(self) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesQRS.swift:1307:15: note: type declared here
1305 | /// - `statements`: ``CodeBlockItemListSyntax``
1306 | /// - `endOfFileToken`: ``
1307 | public struct SourceFileSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1308 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1309 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Cache.swift:166:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
8 | import SwiftParser
9 | import SwiftParserDiagnostics
10 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: class 'SourceLocationConverter' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
11 |
12 | private typealias FileCacheKey = UUID
164 | public var foldedSyntaxTree: SourceFileSyntax? { foldedSyntaxTreeCache.get(self) }
165 |
166 | public var locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter { locationConverterCache.get(self) }
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'SourceLocationConverter' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
167 |
168 | public var commands: [Command] { commandsCache.get(self).filter { $0.isValid } }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SourceLocation.swift:160:20: note: type declared here
158 | /// vice-versa. The ``AbsolutePosition``s must be originating from nodes that are
159 | /// part of the same tree that was used to initialize this class.
160 | public final class SourceLocationConverter {
| `- note: type declared here
161 | private let fileName: String
162 | /// The source of the file, modeled as data so it can contain invalid UTF-8.
<unknown>:0: note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Cache.swift:183:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
3 | #endif
4 | import Foundation
5 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: module 'SourceKittenFramework' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
6 | import SwiftIDEUtils
7 | import SwiftOperators
181 | }
182 |
183 | public var syntaxKindsByLines: [[SourceKittenFramework.SyntaxKind]] {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: module 'SourceKittenFramework' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
184 | guard let syntaxKindsByLines = syntaxKindsByLinesCache.get(self) else {
185 | if let handler = assertHandler {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:4:13: error: function cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
4 | public func regex(_ pattern: String,
| |- error: function cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
5 | options: NSRegularExpression.Options? = nil) -> NSRegularExpression {
6 | // all patterns used for regular expressions in SwiftLint are string literals which have been
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:60:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
58 | }
59 |
60 | public func commands(in range: NSRange? = nil) -> [Command] {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
61 | guard let range else {
62 | return commands
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:60:36: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
58 | }
59 |
60 | public func commands(in range: NSRange? = nil) -> [Command] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
61 | guard let range else {
62 | return commands
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:96:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | public func regex(_ pattern: String,
94 | }
95 |
96 | public func match(pattern: String, with syntaxKinds: [SyntaxKind], range: NSRange? = nil) -> [NSRange] {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
97 | match(pattern: pattern, range: range)
98 | .filter { $0.1 == syntaxKinds }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:96:79: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
94 | }
95 |
96 | public func match(pattern: String, with syntaxKinds: [SyntaxKind], range: NSRange? = nil) -> [NSRange] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
97 | match(pattern: pattern, range: range)
98 | .filter { $0.1 == syntaxKinds }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:96:99: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
94 | }
95 |
96 | public func match(pattern: String, with syntaxKinds: [SyntaxKind], range: NSRange? = nil) -> [NSRange] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
97 | match(pattern: pattern, range: range)
98 | .filter { $0.1 == syntaxKinds }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:102:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
100 | }
101 |
102 | public func matchesAndTokens(matching pattern: String,
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
103 | range: NSRange? = nil) -> [(NSTextCheckingResult, [SwiftLintSyntaxToken])] {
104 | let contents = stringView
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:103:41: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
101 |
102 | public func matchesAndTokens(matching pattern: String,
103 | range: NSRange? = nil) -> [(NSTextCheckingResult, [SwiftLintSyntaxToken])] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
104 | let contents = stringView
105 | let range = range ?? contents.range
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:113:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
111 | }
112 |
113 | public func matchesAndSyntaxKinds(matching pattern: String,
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
114 | range: NSRange? = nil) -> [(NSTextCheckingResult, [SyntaxKind])] {
115 | matchesAndTokens(matching: pattern, range: range).map { textCheckingResult, tokens in
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:114:46: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
112 |
113 | public func matchesAndSyntaxKinds(matching pattern: String,
114 | range: NSRange? = nil) -> [(NSTextCheckingResult, [SyntaxKind])] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
115 | matchesAndTokens(matching: pattern, range: range).map { textCheckingResult, tokens in
116 | (textCheckingResult, tokens.kinds)
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:120:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
118 | }
119 |
120 | public func rangesAndTokens(matching pattern: String,
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
121 | range: NSRange? = nil) -> [(NSRange, [SwiftLintSyntaxToken])] {
122 | matchesAndTokens(matching: pattern, range: range).map { ($0.0.range, $0.1) }
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:121:40: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
119 |
120 | public func rangesAndTokens(matching pattern: String,
121 | range: NSRange? = nil) -> [(NSRange, [SwiftLintSyntaxToken])] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
122 | matchesAndTokens(matching: pattern, range: range).map { ($0.0.range, $0.1) }
123 | }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:121:61: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
119 |
120 | public func rangesAndTokens(matching pattern: String,
121 | range: NSRange? = nil) -> [(NSRange, [SwiftLintSyntaxToken])] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
122 | matchesAndTokens(matching: pattern, range: range).map { ($0.0.range, $0.1) }
123 | }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:125:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
123 | }
124 |
125 | public func match(pattern: String, range: NSRange? = nil, captureGroup: Int = 0) -> [(NSRange, [SyntaxKind])] {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
126 | matchesAndSyntaxKinds(matching: pattern, range: range).map { textCheckingResult, syntaxKinds in
127 | (textCheckingResult.range(at: captureGroup), syntaxKinds)
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:125:47: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
123 | }
124 |
125 | public func match(pattern: String, range: NSRange? = nil, captureGroup: Int = 0) -> [(NSRange, [SyntaxKind])] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
126 | matchesAndSyntaxKinds(matching: pattern, range: range).map { textCheckingResult, syntaxKinds in
127 | (textCheckingResult.range(at: captureGroup), syntaxKinds)
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:125:91: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
123 | }
124 |
125 | public func match(pattern: String, range: NSRange? = nil, captureGroup: Int = 0) -> [(NSRange, [SyntaxKind])] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
126 | matchesAndSyntaxKinds(matching: pattern, range: range).map { textCheckingResult, syntaxKinds in
127 | (textCheckingResult.range(at: captureGroup), syntaxKinds)
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:131:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | public func regex(_ pattern: String,
129 | }
130 |
131 | public func swiftDeclarationKindsByLine() -> [[SwiftDeclarationKind]]? {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
132 | if sourcekitdFailed {
133 | return nil
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.decl.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `associatedtype`.
5 | case `associatedtype` = "source.lang.swift.decl.associatedtype"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:183:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | public func regex(_ pattern: String,
181 | }
182 |
183 | public func syntaxKindsByLine() -> [[SyntaxKind]]? {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
184 | guard !sourcekitdFailed, let tokens = syntaxTokensByLine() else {
185 | return nil
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:202:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | public func regex(_ pattern: String,
200 | file contents.
201 | */
202 | public func match(pattern: String,
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
203 | excludingSyntaxKinds syntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
204 | range: NSRange? = nil,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:204:30: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
202 | public func match(pattern: String,
203 | excludingSyntaxKinds syntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
204 | range: NSRange? = nil,
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
205 | captureGroup: Int = 0) -> [NSRange] {
206 | match(pattern: pattern, range: range, captureGroup: captureGroup)
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:205:50: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
203 | excludingSyntaxKinds syntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
204 | range: NSRange? = nil,
205 | captureGroup: Int = 0) -> [NSRange] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
206 | match(pattern: pattern, range: range, captureGroup: captureGroup)
207 | .filter { syntaxKinds.isDisjoint(with: $0.1) }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:211:22: error: type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSTextCheckingResult' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
209 | }
210 |
211 | public typealias MatchMapping = (NSTextCheckingResult) -> NSRange
| |- error: type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'NSTextCheckingResult' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
212 |
213 | public func match(pattern: String,
Foundation.NSTextCheckingResult:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.6, *)
2 | open class NSTextCheckingResult : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | open var resultType: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType { get }
4 | open var range: NSRange { get }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:211:63: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
209 | }
210 |
211 | public typealias MatchMapping = (NSTextCheckingResult) -> NSRange
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
212 |
213 | public func match(pattern: String,
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:213:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
211 | public typealias MatchMapping = (NSTextCheckingResult) -> NSRange
212 |
213 | public func match(pattern: String,
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
214 | range: NSRange? = nil,
215 | excludingSyntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:214:30: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
212 |
213 | public func match(pattern: String,
214 | range: NSRange? = nil,
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
215 | excludingSyntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
216 | excludingPattern: String,
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:213:17: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
211 | public typealias MatchMapping = (NSTextCheckingResult) -> NSRange
212 |
213 | public func match(pattern: String,
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
214 | range: NSRange? = nil,
215 | excludingSyntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:217:74: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
215 | excludingSyntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
216 | excludingPattern: String,
217 | exclusionMapping: MatchMapping = { $0.range }) -> [NSRange] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
218 | let matches = match(pattern: pattern, excludingSyntaxKinds: excludingSyntaxKinds)
219 | if matches.isEmpty {
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:217:56: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used in a default argument value because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
215 | excludingSyntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
216 | excludingPattern: String,
217 | exclusionMapping: MatchMapping = { $0.range }) -> [NSRange] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used in a default argument value because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
218 | let matches = match(pattern: pattern, excludingSyntaxKinds: excludingSyntaxKinds)
219 | if matches.isEmpty {
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:217:61: error: property 'range' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: property 'range' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
215 | excludingSyntaxKinds: Set<SyntaxKind>,
216 | excludingPattern: String,
217 | exclusionMapping: MatchMapping = { $0.range }) -> [NSRange] {
| `- error: property 'range' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
218 | let matches = match(pattern: pattern, excludingSyntaxKinds: excludingSyntaxKinds)
219 | if matches.isEmpty {
Foundation.NSTextCheckingResult:4:14: note: property 'range' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
2 | open class NSTextCheckingResult : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
3 | open var resultType: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType { get }
4 | open var range: NSRange { get }
| `- note: property 'range' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
5 | public init()
6 | @available(macOS 10.6, *)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:270:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
268 | }
269 |
270 | public func ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: [NSRange], for rule: some Rule) -> [NSRange] {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
271 | let fileRegions = regions()
272 | if fileRegions.isEmpty { return violatingRanges }
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:270:47: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
268 | }
269 |
270 | public func ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: [NSRange], for rule: some Rule) -> [NSRange] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
271 | let fileRegions = regions()
272 | if fileRegions.isEmpty { return violatingRanges }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:270:82: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
268 | }
269 |
270 | public func ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: [NSRange], for rule: some Rule) -> [NSRange] {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
271 | let fileRegions = regions()
272 | if fileRegions.isEmpty { return violatingRanges }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:281:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
279 | }
280 |
281 | public func ruleEnabled(violatingRange: NSRange, for rule: some Rule) -> NSRange? {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
282 | ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: [violatingRange], for: rule).first
283 | }
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:281:45: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
279 | }
280 |
281 | public func ruleEnabled(violatingRange: NSRange, for rule: some Rule) -> NSRange? {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
282 | ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: [violatingRange], for: rule).first
283 | }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftLintFile+Regex.swift:281:78: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
279 | }
280 |
281 | public func ruleEnabled(violatingRange: NSRange, for rule: some Rule) -> NSRange? {
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
282 | ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: [violatingRange], for: rule).first
283 | }
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:5:17: error: public protocol cannot refine an internal class
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: class 'SyntaxVisitor' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
5 | public protocol SwiftLintSyntaxVisitor: SyntaxVisitor {}
| |- error: public protocol cannot refine an internal class
| `- note: class 'SyntaxVisitor' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
6 | extension SyntaxVisitor: SwiftLintSyntaxVisitor {}
7 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxVisitor.swift:24:12: note: type declared here
22 | }
23 |
24 | open class SyntaxVisitor {
| `- note: type declared here
25 | public let viewMode: SyntaxTreeViewMode
26 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:9:10: error: instance method must be declared internal because its generic parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: protocol 'SyntaxProtocol' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
7 |
8 | public extension SwiftLintSyntaxVisitor {
9 | func walk<T>(tree: some SyntaxProtocol, handler: (Self) -> T) -> T {
| `- error: instance method must be declared internal because its generic parameter uses an internal type
10 | walk(tree)
11 | return handler(self)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SyntaxProtocol.swift:17:17: note: type declared here
15 | ///
16 | /// - Important: Do not conform to this protocol yourself.
17 | public protocol SyntaxProtocol: CustomStringConvertible,
| `- note: type declared here
18 | CustomDebugStringConvertible, TextOutputStreamable, CustomReflectable, Sendable
19 | {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:9:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: protocol 'SyntaxProtocol' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
7 |
8 | public extension SwiftLintSyntaxVisitor {
9 | func walk<T>(tree: some SyntaxProtocol, handler: (Self) -> T) -> T {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: protocol 'SyntaxProtocol' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
10 | walk(tree)
11 | return handler(self)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SyntaxProtocol.swift:17:17: note: type declared here
15 | ///
16 | /// - Important: Do not conform to this protocol yourself.
17 | public protocol SyntaxProtocol: CustomStringConvertible,
| `- note: type declared here
18 | CustomDebugStringConvertible, TextOutputStreamable, CustomReflectable, Sendable
19 | {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:20:10: error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'TokenSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
18 |
19 | public extension SyntaxProtocol {
20 | func windowsOfThreeTokens() -> [(TokenSyntax, TokenSyntax, TokenSyntax)] {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'TokenSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
21 | Array(tokens(viewMode: .sourceAccurate))
22 | .windows(ofCount: 3)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/TokenSyntax.swift:23:15: note: type declared here
21 | /// token contents, the token’s `text` and trailing ``Trivia`` after the token’s
22 | /// content.
23 | public struct TokenSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
24 | /// The ``Syntax`` node that provides the underlying data.
25 | ///
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:31:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'SourceRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
29 | }
30 |
31 | func isContainedIn(regions: [SourceRange], locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter) -> Bool {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SourceRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
32 | positionAfterSkippingLeadingTrivia.isContainedIn(regions: regions, locationConverter: locationConverter)
33 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SourceLocation.swift:85:15: note: type declared here
83 |
84 | /// Represents a half-open range in a Swift file.
85 | public struct SourceRange: Hashable, Codable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
86 |
87 | /// The beginning location of the source range.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:19:8: error: extension cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses an internal type
17 | }
18 |
19 | public extension SyntaxProtocol {
| `- error: extension cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses an internal type
20 | func windowsOfThreeTokens() -> [(TokenSyntax, TokenSyntax, TokenSyntax)] {
21 | Array(tokens(viewMode: .sourceAccurate))
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:19:18: error: cannot use protocol 'SyntaxProtocol' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: protocol 'SyntaxProtocol' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
17 | }
18 |
19 | public extension SyntaxProtocol {
| `- error: cannot use protocol 'SyntaxProtocol' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
20 | func windowsOfThreeTokens() -> [(TokenSyntax, TokenSyntax, TokenSyntax)] {
21 | Array(tokens(viewMode: .sourceAccurate))
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SyntaxProtocol.swift:17:17: note: type declared here
15 | ///
16 | /// - Important: Do not conform to this protocol yourself.
17 | public protocol SyntaxProtocol: CustomStringConvertible,
| `- note: type declared here
18 | CustomDebugStringConvertible, TextOutputStreamable, CustomReflectable, Sendable
19 | {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:37:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'SourceRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
35 |
36 | public extension AbsolutePosition {
37 | func isContainedIn(regions: [SourceRange], locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter) -> Bool {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SourceRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
38 | regions.contains { region in
39 | region.contains(self, locationConverter: locationConverter)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SourceLocation.swift:85:15: note: type declared here
83 |
84 | /// Represents a half-open range in a Swift file.
85 | public struct SourceRange: Hashable, Codable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
86 |
87 | /// The beginning location of the source range.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:36:18: error: cannot use struct 'AbsolutePosition' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
34 | }
35 |
36 | public extension AbsolutePosition {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'AbsolutePosition' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
37 | func isContainedIn(regions: [SourceRange], locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter) -> Bool {
38 | regions.contains { region in
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:45:10: error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 | import SwiftSyntax
3 |
43 |
44 | public extension ByteSourceRange {
45 | func toSourceKittenByteRange() -> ByteRange {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
46 | ByteRange(location: ByteCount(offset), length: ByteCount(length))
47 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteRange.swift:4:15: note: type declared here
2 |
3 | /// Structure that represents a string range in bytes.
4 | public struct ByteRange: Equatable {
| `- note: type declared here
5 | /// The starting location of the range.
6 | public let location: ByteCount
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:44:18: error: cannot use struct 'ByteSourceRange' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'ByteSourceRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
42 | }
43 |
44 | public extension ByteSourceRange {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'ByteSourceRange' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
45 | func toSourceKittenByteRange() -> ByteRange {
46 | ByteRange(location: ByteCount(offset), length: ByteCount(length))
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/Utils.swift:13:15: note: type declared here
11 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 |
13 | public struct ByteSourceRange: Equatable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
14 | public var offset: Int
15 | public var length: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:50:18: error: cannot use struct 'ClassDeclSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'ClassDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
48 | }
49 |
50 | public extension ClassDeclSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'ClassDeclSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
51 | func isXCTestCase(_ testParentClasses: Set<String>) -> Bool {
52 | guard let inheritanceList = inheritanceClause?.inheritedTypes else {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesC.swift:760:15: note: type declared here
758 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
759 | /// - `memberBlock`: ``MemberBlockSyntax``
760 | public struct ClassDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
761 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
762 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:61:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'FunctionCallExprSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
59 |
60 | public extension ExprSyntax {
61 | var asFunctionCall: FunctionCallExprSyntax? {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'FunctionCallExprSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
62 | if let functionCall = {
63 | return functionCall
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesEF.swift:3085:15: note: type declared here
3083 | /// - `trailingClosure`: ``ClosureExprSyntax``?
3084 | /// - `additionalTrailingClosures`: ``MultipleTrailingClosureElementListSyntax``
3085 | public struct FunctionCallExprSyntax: ExprSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafExprSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3086 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3087 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:60:18: error: cannot use struct 'ExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'ExprSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
58 | }
59 |
60 | public extension ExprSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'ExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
61 | var asFunctionCall: FunctionCallExprSyntax? {
62 | if let functionCall = {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxBaseNodes.swift:509:15: note: type declared here
507 | /// - ``UnresolvedIsExprSyntax``
508 | /// - ``UnresolvedTernaryExprSyntax``
509 | public struct ExprSyntax: ExprSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
510 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
511 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:74:18: error: cannot use struct 'StringLiteralExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'StringLiteralExprSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
72 | }
73 |
74 | public extension StringLiteralExprSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'StringLiteralExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
75 | var isEmptyString: Bool {
76 | segments.onlyElement?.trimmedLength == .zero
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesQRS.swift:1912:15: note: type declared here
1910 | /// - ``UnavailableFromAsyncAttributeArgumentsSyntax``.``UnavailableFromAsyncAttributeArgumentsSyntax/message``
1911 | /// - ``UnderscorePrivateAttributeArgumentsSyntax``.``UnderscorePrivateAttributeArgumentsSyntax/filename``
1912 | public struct StringLiteralExprSyntax: ExprSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafExprSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1913 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1914 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:80:18: error: cannot use enum 'TokenKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: enum 'TokenKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
78 | }
79 |
80 | public extension TokenKind {
| `- error: cannot use enum 'TokenKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
81 | var isEqualityComparison: Bool {
82 | self == .binaryOperator("==") || self == .binaryOperator("!=")
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/TokenKind.swift:16:13: note: type declared here
14 |
15 | /// Enumerates the kinds of tokens in the Swift language.
16 | public enum TokenKind: Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
17 | case arrow
18 | case atSign
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:99:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
97 | }
98 |
99 | var accessLevelModifier: DeclModifierSyntax? {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
100 | first { $0.asAccessLevelModifier != nil }
101 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesD.swift:179:15: note: type declared here
177 | /// - ``AccessorDeclSyntax``.``AccessorDeclSyntax/modifier``
178 | /// - ``DeclModifierListSyntax``
179 | public struct DeclModifierSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
180 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
181 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:103:10: error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
101 | }
102 |
103 | func accessLevelModifier(setter: Bool = false) -> DeclModifierSyntax? {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
104 | first {
105 | if $0.asAccessLevelModifier == nil {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesD.swift:179:15: note: type declared here
177 | /// - ``AccessorDeclSyntax``.``AccessorDeclSyntax/modifier``
178 | /// - ``DeclModifierListSyntax``
179 | public struct DeclModifierSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
180 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
181 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:113:10: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: enum 'Keyword' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
111 | }
112 |
113 | func contains(keyword: Keyword) -> Bool {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'Keyword' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
114 | contains { $ == .keyword(keyword) }
115 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/Keyword.swift:15:13: note: type declared here
13 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 |
15 | public enum Keyword: UInt8, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | case __consuming
17 | case __owned
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:86:18: error: cannot use struct 'DeclModifierListSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'DeclModifierListSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
84 | }
85 |
86 | public extension DeclModifierListSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'DeclModifierListSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
87 | var containsStaticOrClass: Bool {
88 | contains(keyword: .static) || contains(keyword: .class)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxCollections.swift:451:15: note: type declared here
449 | /// - ``TypeAliasDeclSyntax``.``TypeAliasDeclSyntax/modifiers``
450 | /// - ``VariableDeclSyntax``.``VariableDeclSyntax/modifiers``
451 | public struct DeclModifierListSyntax: SyntaxCollection, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
452 | public typealias Element = DeclModifierSyntax
453 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:119:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: enum 'TokenKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
117 |
118 | public extension DeclModifierSyntax {
119 | var asAccessLevelModifier: TokenKind? {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'TokenKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
120 | switch name.tokenKind {
121 | case .keyword(.open), .keyword(.public), .keyword(.package), .keyword(.internal),
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/TokenKind.swift:16:13: note: type declared here
14 |
15 | /// Enumerates the kinds of tokens in the Swift language.
16 | public enum TokenKind: Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
17 | case arrow
18 | case atSign
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:118:18: error: cannot use struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
116 | }
117 |
118 | public extension DeclModifierSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
119 | var asAccessLevelModifier: TokenKind? {
120 | switch name.tokenKind {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesD.swift:179:15: note: type declared here
177 | /// - ``AccessorDeclSyntax``.``AccessorDeclSyntax/modifier``
178 | /// - ``DeclModifierListSyntax``
179 | public struct DeclModifierSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
180 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
181 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:130:18: error: cannot use struct 'AttributeSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AttributeSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
128 | }
129 |
130 | public extension AttributeSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'AttributeSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
131 | var attributeNameText: String {
132 | ?? attributeName.description
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesAB.swift:2349:15: note: type declared here
2347 | /// - ``AttributeListSyntax``
2348 | /// - ``SwitchCaseSyntax``.``SwitchCaseSyntax/attribute``
2349 | public struct AttributeSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
2350 | public enum Arguments: SyntaxChildChoices, SyntaxHashable {
2351 | case `argumentList`(LabeledExprListSyntax)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:136:18: error: cannot use struct 'AttributeListSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AttributeListSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
134 | }
135 |
136 | public extension AttributeListSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'AttributeListSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
137 | func contains(attributeNamed attributeName: String) -> Bool {
138 | contains { $ == attributeName } == true
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxCollections.swift:105:15: note: type declared here
103 | /// - ``TypeAliasDeclSyntax``.``TypeAliasDeclSyntax/attributes``
104 | /// - ``VariableDeclSyntax``.``VariableDeclSyntax/attributes``
105 | public struct AttributeListSyntax: SyntaxCollection, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
106 | public enum Element: SyntaxChildChoices, SyntaxHashable {
107 | case `attribute`(AttributeSyntax)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:142:18: error: cannot use enum 'TokenKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: enum 'TokenKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
140 | }
141 |
142 | public extension TokenKind {
| `- error: cannot use enum 'TokenKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
143 | var isUnavailableKeyword: Bool {
144 | self == .keyword(.unavailable) || self == .identifier("unavailable")
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/TokenKind.swift:16:13: note: type declared here
14 |
15 | /// Enumerates the kinds of tokens in the Swift language.
16 | public enum TokenKind: Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
17 | case arrow
18 | case atSign
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:153:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
151 | }
152 |
153 | var weakOrUnownedModifier: DeclModifierSyntax? {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'DeclModifierSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
154 | modifiers.first { decl in
155 | == .keyword(.weak) ||
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesD.swift:179:15: note: type declared here
177 | /// - ``AccessorDeclSyntax``.``AccessorDeclSyntax/modifier``
178 | /// - ``DeclModifierListSyntax``
179 | public struct DeclModifierSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
180 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
181 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:148:18: error: cannot use struct 'VariableDeclSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'VariableDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
146 | }
147 |
148 | public extension VariableDeclSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'VariableDeclSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
149 | var isIBOutlet: Bool {
150 | attributes.contains(attributeNamed: "IBOutlet")
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesTUVWXYZ.swift:3390:15: note: type declared here
3388 | /// - `bindingSpecifier`: (`let` | `var` | `inout` | `_mutating` | `_borrowing` | `_consuming`)
3389 | /// - `bindings`: ``PatternBindingListSyntax``
3390 | public struct VariableDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3391 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3392 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:165:18: error: cannot use struct 'EnumDeclSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'EnumDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
163 | }
164 |
165 | public extension EnumDeclSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'EnumDeclSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
166 | /// True if this enum supports raw values
167 | var supportsRawValues: Bool {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesEF.swift:1257:15: note: type declared here
1255 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
1256 | /// - `memberBlock`: ``MemberBlockSyntax``
1257 | public struct EnumDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1258 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1259 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:189:18: error: cannot use struct 'FunctionDeclSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'FunctionDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
187 | }
188 |
189 | public extension FunctionDeclSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'FunctionDeclSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
190 | var isIBAction: Bool {
191 | attributes.contains(attributeNamed: "IBAction")
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesEF.swift:3368:15: note: type declared here
3366 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
3367 | /// - `body`: ``CodeBlockSyntax``?
3368 | public struct FunctionDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3369 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3370 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:221:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AccessorDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
219 |
220 | public extension AccessorBlockSyntax {
221 | var getAccessor: AccessorDeclSyntax? {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AccessorDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
222 | accessorsList.first { $0.accessorSpecifier.tokenKind == .keyword(.get) }
223 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesAB.swift:268:15: note: type declared here
266 | ///
267 | /// - ``AccessorDeclListSyntax``
268 | public struct AccessorDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
269 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
270 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:225:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AccessorDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
223 | }
224 |
225 | var setAccessor: AccessorDeclSyntax? {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AccessorDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
226 | accessorsList.first { $0.accessorSpecifier.tokenKind == .keyword(.set) }
227 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesAB.swift:268:15: note: type declared here
266 | ///
267 | /// - ``AccessorDeclListSyntax``
268 | public struct AccessorDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
269 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
270 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:237:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AccessorDeclListSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
235 | }
236 |
237 | var accessorsList: AccessorDeclListSyntax {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AccessorDeclListSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
238 | if case let .accessors(list) = accessors {
239 | return list
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxCollections.swift:22:15: note: type declared here
20 | ///
21 | /// - ``AccessorBlockSyntax``.``AccessorBlockSyntax/accessors``
22 | public struct AccessorDeclListSyntax: SyntaxCollection, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
23 | public typealias Element = AccessorDeclSyntax
24 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:220:18: error: cannot use struct 'AccessorBlockSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AccessorBlockSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
218 | }
219 |
220 | public extension AccessorBlockSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'AccessorBlockSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
221 | var getAccessor: AccessorDeclSyntax? {
222 | accessorsList.first { $0.accessorSpecifier.tokenKind == .keyword(.get) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesAB.swift:27:15: note: type declared here
25 | /// - ``PatternBindingSyntax``.``PatternBindingSyntax/accessorBlock``
26 | /// - ``SubscriptDeclSyntax``.``SubscriptDeclSyntax/accessorBlock``
27 | public struct AccessorBlockSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
28 | public enum Accessors: SyntaxChildChoices, SyntaxHashable {
29 | case `accessors`(AccessorDeclListSyntax)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:245:18: error: cannot use struct 'InheritanceClauseSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'InheritanceClauseSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
243 | }
244 |
245 | public extension InheritanceClauseSyntax? {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'InheritanceClauseSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
246 | func containsInheritedType(inheritedTypes: Set<String>) -> Bool {
247 | self?.inheritedTypes.contains { elem in
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesGHI.swift:3525:15: note: type declared here
3523 | /// - ``ProtocolDeclSyntax``.``ProtocolDeclSyntax/inheritanceClause``
3524 | /// - ``StructDeclSyntax``.``StructDeclSyntax/inheritanceClause``
3525 | public struct InheritanceClauseSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3526 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3527 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:277:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'Trivia' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
275 | }
276 |
277 | var withFirstEmptyLineRemoved: Trivia {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'Trivia' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
278 | if let index = firstIndex(where: \.isNewline), index < endIndex {
279 | return Trivia(pieces: dropFirst(index + 1))
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/Trivia.swift:30:15: note: type declared here
28 | /// trailing trivia, which occur before or after the token’s content, respectively.
29 | /// ``Trivia`` represents a collection of these ``TriviaPiece``s
30 | public struct Trivia: Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
31 | /// The pieces this trivia consists of. Each ``TriviaPiece`` can represent
32 | /// multiple characters, such as an entire comment or 4 spaces.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:284:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'Trivia' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
282 | }
283 |
284 | var withTrailingEmptyLineRemoved: Trivia {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'Trivia' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
285 | if let index = pieces.lastIndex(where: \.isNewline), index < endIndex {
286 | if index == endIndex - 1 {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/Trivia.swift:30:15: note: type declared here
28 | /// trailing trivia, which occur before or after the token’s content, respectively.
29 | /// ``Trivia`` represents a collection of these ``TriviaPiece``s
30 | public struct Trivia: Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
31 | /// The pieces this trivia consists of. Each ``TriviaPiece`` can represent
32 | /// multiple characters, such as an entire comment or 4 spaces.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:296:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'Trivia' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
294 | }
295 |
296 | var withoutTrailingIndentation: Trivia {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'Trivia' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
297 | Trivia(pieces: reversed().drop(while: \.isHorizontalWhitespace).reversed())
298 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/Trivia.swift:30:15: note: type declared here
28 | /// trailing trivia, which occur before or after the token’s content, respectively.
29 | /// ``Trivia`` represents a collection of these ``TriviaPiece``s
30 | public struct Trivia: Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
31 | /// The pieces this trivia consists of. Each ``TriviaPiece`` can represent
32 | /// multiple characters, such as an entire comment or 4 spaces.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:257:18: error: cannot use struct 'Trivia' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'Trivia' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
255 | }
256 |
257 | public extension Trivia {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'Trivia' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
258 | func containsNewlines() -> Bool {
259 | contains { piece in
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/Trivia.swift:30:15: note: type declared here
28 | /// trailing trivia, which occur before or after the token’s content, respectively.
29 | /// ``Trivia`` represents a collection of these ``TriviaPiece``s
30 | public struct Trivia: Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
31 | /// The pieces this trivia consists of. Each ``TriviaPiece`` can represent
32 | /// multiple characters, such as an entire comment or 4 spaces.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:301:18: error: cannot use enum 'TriviaPiece' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: enum 'TriviaPiece' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
299 | }
300 |
301 | public extension TriviaPiece {
| `- error: cannot use enum 'TriviaPiece' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
302 | var isHorizontalWhitespace: Bool {
303 | switch self {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/TriviaPieces.swift:23:13: note: type declared here
21 | /// In general, you should deal with the actual Trivia collection instead
22 | /// of individual pieces whenever possible.
23 | public enum TriviaPiece: Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
24 | /// A backslash that is at the end of a line in a multi-line string literal to escape the newline.
25 | case backslashes(Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:312:18: error: cannot use struct 'IntegerLiteralExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'IntegerLiteralExprSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
310 | }
311 |
312 | public extension IntegerLiteralExprSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'IntegerLiteralExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
313 | var isZero: Bool {
314 | guard case let .integerLiteral(number) = literal.tokenKind else {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesGHI.swift:4279:15: note: type declared here
4277 | ///
4278 | /// - `literal`: `<integerLiteral>`
4279 | public struct IntegerLiteralExprSyntax: ExprSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafExprSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
4280 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
4281 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:321:18: error: cannot use struct 'FloatLiteralExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'FloatLiteralExprSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
319 | }
320 |
321 | public extension FloatLiteralExprSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'FloatLiteralExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
322 | var isZero: Bool {
323 | guard case let .floatLiteral(number) = literal.tokenKind else {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesEF.swift:2543:15: note: type declared here
2541 | ///
2542 | /// - `literal`: `<floatLiteral>`
2543 | public struct FloatLiteralExprSyntax: ExprSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafExprSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
2544 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
2545 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:330:18: error: cannot use struct 'MemberAccessExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'MemberAccessExprSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
328 | }
329 |
330 | public extension MemberAccessExprSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'MemberAccessExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
331 | var isBaseSelf: Bool {
332 | base?.as(DeclReferenceExprSyntax.self)?.isSelf == true
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesJKLMN.swift:3365:15: note: type declared here
3363 | /// - `period`: `.`
3364 | /// - `declName`: ``DeclReferenceExprSyntax``
3365 | public struct MemberAccessExprSyntax: ExprSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafExprSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3366 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3367 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:336:18: error: cannot use struct 'DeclReferenceExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'DeclReferenceExprSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
334 | }
335 |
336 | public extension DeclReferenceExprSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'DeclReferenceExprSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
337 | var isSelf: Bool {
338 | baseName.text == "self"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesD.swift:637:15: note: type declared here
635 | /// - ``MemberAccessExprSyntax``.``MemberAccessExprSyntax/declName``
636 | /// - ``SpecializeTargetFunctionArgumentSyntax``.``SpecializeTargetFunctionArgumentSyntax/declName``
637 | public struct DeclReferenceExprSyntax: ExprSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafExprSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
638 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
639 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SwiftSyntax+SwiftLint.swift:342:18: error: cannot use struct 'ClosureCaptureSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'ClosureCaptureSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | // workaround for so we can use `Self` in a closure
340 | }
341 |
342 | public extension ClosureCaptureSyntax {
| `- error: cannot use struct 'ClosureCaptureSyntax' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
343 | var capturesSelf: Bool {
344 | == true
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesC.swift:1555:15: note: type declared here
1553 | ///
1554 | /// - ``ClosureCaptureListSyntax``
1555 | public struct ClosureCaptureSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1556 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1557 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SyntaxClassification+isComment.swift:3:18: error: cannot use enum 'SyntaxClassification' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftIDEUtils' was not imported publicly
1 | import SwiftIDEUtils
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxClassification' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftIDEUtils' here
2 |
3 | public extension SyntaxClassification {
| `- error: cannot use enum 'SyntaxClassification' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftIDEUtils' was not imported publicly
4 | // True if it is any kind of comment.
5 | var isComment: Bool {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftIDEUtils/SyntaxClassification.swift:15:13: note: type declared here
13 | @_spi(RawSyntax) import SwiftSyntax
14 |
15 | public enum SyntaxClassification: Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | /// An attribute starting with an `@`.
17 | case attribute
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SyntaxKind+SwiftLint.swift:11:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SyntaxKind {
9 | }
10 |
11 | static let commentAndStringKinds: Set<SyntaxKind> = commentKinds.union([.string])
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
12 |
13 | static let commentKinds: Set<SyntaxKind> = [
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SyntaxKind+SwiftLint.swift:13:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SyntaxKind {
11 | static let commentAndStringKinds: Set<SyntaxKind> = commentKinds.union([.string])
12 |
13 | static let commentKinds: Set<SyntaxKind> = [
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
14 | .comment, .commentMark, .commentURL,
15 | .docComment, .docCommentField,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SyntaxKind+SwiftLint.swift:18:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SyntaxKind {
16 | ]
17 |
18 | static let allKinds: Set<SyntaxKind> = [
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
19 | .argument, .attributeBuiltin, .attributeID, .buildconfigID,
20 | .buildconfigKeyword, .comment, .commentMark, .commentURL,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SyntaxKind+SwiftLint.swift:27:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SyntaxKind {
25 |
26 | /// Syntax kinds that don't have associated module info when getting their cursor info.
27 | static var kindsWithoutModuleInfo: Set<SyntaxKind> {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
28 | [
29 | .attributeBuiltin,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Extensions/SyntaxKind+SwiftLint.swift:3:18: error: cannot use enum 'SyntaxKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | public extension SyntaxKind {
| `- error: cannot use enum 'SyntaxKind' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SourceKittenFramework' was not imported publicly
4 | init?(shortName: Swift.String) {
5 | guard let kind = SyntaxKind(rawValue: "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.\(shortName.lowercased())") else {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Helpers/Reachability.swift:23:17: warning: 'SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress' was deprecated in macOS 14.4
21 | guard let defaultRouteReachability = withUnsafePointer(to: &zeroAddress, {
22 | $0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr.self, capacity: 1) {
23 | SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress(nil, $0)
| `- warning: 'SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress' was deprecated in macOS 14.4
24 | }
25 | }) else {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Helpers/Reachability.swift:30:13: warning: 'SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags' was deprecated in macOS 14.4
28 |
29 | var flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags = []
30 | if !SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(defaultRouteReachability, &flags) {
| `- warning: 'SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags' was deprecated in macOS 14.4
31 | return .unknown
32 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/CustomRuleTimer.swift:18:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'TimeInterval' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | /// Utility to measure the time spent in each custom rule.
16 |
17 | /// Return all time spent for each custom rule, keyed by rule ID.
18 | public func dump() -> [String: TimeInterval] {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'TimeInterval' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
19 | ruleIDForTimes.mapValues { $0.reduce(0, +) }
20 | }
Foundation.TimeInterval:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias TimeInterval = Double
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/LinterCache.swift:46:87: error: class 'FileManager' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'FileManager' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | private enum LinterCacheError: Error {
44 | /// - parameter configuration: The SwiftLint configuration for which this cache will be used.
45 | /// - parameter fileManager: The file manager to use to read lintable file information.
46 | public init(configuration: Configuration, fileManager: some LintableFileManager = FileManager.default) {
| `- error: class 'FileManager' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
47 | location = configuration.cacheURL
48 | lazyReadCache = Cache()
Foundation.FileManager:1:12: note: class 'FileManager' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
1 | open class FileManager : NSObject {
| `- note: class 'FileManager' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
2 | open class var `default`: FileManager { get }
3 | @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "default")
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/LinterCache.swift:46:99: error: class property 'default' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class property 'default' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 |
3 | private enum LinterCacheError: Error {
44 | /// - parameter configuration: The SwiftLint configuration for which this cache will be used.
45 | /// - parameter fileManager: The file manager to use to read lintable file information.
46 | public init(configuration: Configuration, fileManager: some LintableFileManager = FileManager.default) {
| `- error: class property 'default' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
47 | location = configuration.cacheURL
48 | lazyReadCache = Cache()
Foundation.FileManager:2:20: note: class property 'default' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
1 | open class FileManager : NSObject {
2 | open class var `default`: FileManager { get }
| `- note: class property 'default' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
3 | @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "default")
4 | open class var defaultManager: FileManager { get }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/Location.swift:45:12: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 | import SwiftSyntax
4 |
43 | /// - parameter file: The file for this location.
44 | /// - parameter offset: The offset in bytes into the file for this location.
45 | public init(file: SwiftLintFile, byteOffset offset: ByteCount) {
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
46 | self.file = file.path
47 | if let lineAndCharacter = file.stringView.lineAndCharacter(forByteOffset: offset) {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/Location.swift:61:12: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
4 |
5 | /// The placement of a segment of Swift in a collection of source files.
59 | /// - parameter file: The file for this location.
60 | /// - parameter position: The absolute position returned from SwiftSyntax.
61 | public init(file: SwiftLintFile, position: AbsolutePosition) {
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
62 | self.init(file: file, byteOffset: ByteCount(position.utf8Offset))
63 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintFile.swift:7:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: class 'File' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | /// A unit of Swift source code, either on disk or in memory.
5 | public final class SwiftLintFile {
6 | /// The underlying SourceKitten file.
7 | public let file: File
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'File' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
8 | /// The associated unique identifier for this file.
9 | public let id: UUID
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/File.swift:12:20: note: type declared here
10 |
11 | /// Represents a source file.
12 | public final class File { // swiftlint:disable:this type_body_length
| `- note: type declared here
13 | /// File path. Nil if initialized directly with `File(contents:)`.
14 | public let path: String?
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintFile.swift:9:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct 'UUID' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
7 | public let file: File
8 | /// The associated unique identifier for this file.
9 | public let id: UUID
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'UUID' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
10 | /// Whether or not this is a file generated for testing purposes.
11 | public private(set) var isTestFile = false
Foundation.UUID:2:15: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.8, iOS 6.0, tvOS 9.0, watchOS 2.0, *)
2 | public struct UUID : Hashable, Equatable, CustomStringConvertible, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | public var uuid: (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8) { get }
4 | public init()
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintFile.swift:18:12: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: class 'File' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | /// A unit of Swift source code, either on disk or in memory.
16 | ///
17 | /// - parameter file: A file from SourceKitten.
18 | public init(file: File) {
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'File' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
19 | self.file = file
20 | = UUID()
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/File.swift:12:20: note: type declared here
10 |
11 | /// Represents a source file.
12 | public final class File { // swiftlint:disable:this type_body_length
| `- note: type declared here
13 | /// File path. Nil if initialized directly with `File(contents:)`.
14 | public let path: String?
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintFile.swift:59:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'StringView' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | /// A unit of Swift source code, either on disk or in memory.
57 |
58 | /// A string view into the contents of this file optimized for string manipulation operations.
59 | public var stringView: StringView {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'StringView' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
60 | file.stringView
61 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/StringView.swift:40:15: note: type declared here
38 | /// Structure that precalculates lines for the specified string and then uses this information for
39 | /// ByteRange to NSRange and NSRange to ByteRange operations
40 | public struct StringView {
| `- note: type declared here
41 |
42 | /// Reference to the NSString of represented string
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintFile.swift:64:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'Line' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
3 |
4 | /// A unit of Swift source code, either on disk or in memory.
62 |
63 | /// The parsed lines for this file's contents.
64 | public var lines: [Line] {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'Line' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
65 | file.lines
66 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/Line.swift:4:15: note: type declared here
2 |
3 | /// Representation of a single line in a larger String.
4 | public struct Line {
| `- note: type declared here
5 | /// origin = 0.
6 | public let index: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxMap.swift:6:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxMap' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// Represents a Swift file's syntax information.
4 | public struct SwiftLintSyntaxMap {
5 | /// The raw `SyntaxMap` obtained by SourceKitten.
6 | public let value: SyntaxMap
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxMap' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
7 |
8 | /// The SwiftLint-specific syntax tokens for this syntax map.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxMap.swift:2:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents a Swift file's syntax information.
2 | public struct SyntaxMap {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | /// Array of SyntaxToken's.
4 | public let tokens: [SyntaxToken]
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxMap.swift:14:12: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxMap' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// Represents a Swift file's syntax information.
12 | ///
13 | /// - parameter value: The raw `SyntaxMap` obtained by SourceKitten.
14 | public init(value: SyntaxMap) {
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxMap' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
15 | self.value = value
16 | self.tokens =
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxMap.swift:2:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents a Swift file's syntax information.
2 | public struct SyntaxMap {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | /// Array of SyntaxToken's.
4 | public let tokens: [SyntaxToken]
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxMap.swift:24:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// Represents a Swift file's syntax information.
22 | ///
23 | /// - returns: The array of syntax tokens intersecting with byte range.
24 | public func tokens(inByteRange byteRange: ByteRange) -> [SwiftLintSyntaxToken] {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
25 | func intersect(_ token: SwiftLintSyntaxToken) -> Bool {
26 | token.range.intersects(byteRange)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteRange.swift:4:15: note: type declared here
2 |
3 | /// Structure that represents a string range in bytes.
4 | public struct ByteRange: Equatable {
| `- note: type declared here
5 | /// The starting location of the range.
6 | public let location: ByteCount
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxMap.swift:51:17: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// Represents a Swift file's syntax information.
49 | ///
50 | /// - returns: The syntax kinds in the specified byte range.
51 | public func kinds(inByteRange byteRange: ByteRange) -> [SyntaxKind] {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
52 | tokens(inByteRange: byteRange).compactMap { $0.kind }
53 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteRange.swift:4:15: note: type declared here
2 |
3 | /// Structure that represents a string range in bytes.
4 | public struct ByteRange: Equatable {
| `- note: type declared here
5 | /// The starting location of the range.
6 | public let location: ByteCount
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxToken.swift:6:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxToken' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint-aware Swift syntax token.
4 | public struct SwiftLintSyntaxToken {
5 | /// The raw `SyntaxToken` obtained by SourceKitten.
6 | public let value: SyntaxToken
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxToken' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
7 |
8 | /// The syntax kind associated with is token.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxToken.swift:2:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents a single Swift syntax token.
2 | public struct SyntaxToken {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | /// Token type. See SyntaxKind.
4 | public let type: String
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxToken.swift:9:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint-aware Swift syntax token.
7 |
8 | /// The syntax kind associated with is token.
9 | public let kind: SyntaxKind?
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
10 |
11 | /// Creates a `SwiftLintSyntaxToken` from the raw `SyntaxToken` obtained by SourceKitten.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxToken.swift:14:12: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxToken' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint-aware Swift syntax token.
12 | ///
13 | /// - parameter value: The raw `SyntaxToken` obtained by SourceKitten.
14 | public init(value: SyntaxToken) {
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SyntaxToken' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
15 | self.value = value
16 | kind = SyntaxKind(rawValue: value.type)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxToken.swift:2:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents a single Swift syntax token.
2 | public struct SyntaxToken {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | /// Token type. See SyntaxKind.
4 | public let type: String
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxToken.swift:20:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint-aware Swift syntax token.
18 |
19 | /// The byte range in a source file for this token.
20 | public var range: ByteRange {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
21 | value.range
22 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteRange.swift:4:15: note: type declared here
2 |
3 | /// Structure that represents a string range in bytes.
4 | public struct ByteRange: Equatable {
| `- note: type declared here
5 | /// The starting location of the range.
6 | public let location: ByteCount
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxToken.swift:25:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint-aware Swift syntax token.
23 |
24 | /// The starting byte offset in a source file for this token.
25 | public var offset: ByteCount {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
26 | value.offset
27 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxToken.swift:30:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint-aware Swift syntax token.
28 |
29 | /// The length in bytes for this token.
30 | public var length: ByteCount {
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ByteCount' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
31 | value.length
32 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/ByteCount.swift:3:15: note: type declared here
1 | /// Represents the number of bytes in a string. Could be used to model offsets into a string, or the distance between
2 | /// two locations in a string.
3 | public struct ByteCount: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Hashable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// The byte value as an integer.
5 | public var value: Int
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SwiftLintSyntaxToken.swift:37:9: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint-aware Swift syntax token.
35 | public extension Array where Element == SwiftLintSyntaxToken {
36 | /// The kinds for these tokens.
37 | var kinds: [SyntaxKind] {
| |- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: enum 'SyntaxKind' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework'
38 | compactMap { $0.kind }
39 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SyntaxKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Syntax kind values.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.`.
3 | public enum SyntaxKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `argument`.
5 | case argument = "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.argument"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/ASTRule.swift:48:8: error: extension cannot be declared public because its generic requirement uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'SwiftDeclarationKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A rule that leverages the Swift source's pre-typechecked Abstract Syntax Tree to recurse into the source's
46 | }
47 |
48 | public extension ASTRule where KindType == SwiftDeclarationKind {
| `- error: extension cannot be declared public because its generic requirement uses an internal type
49 | func kind(from dictionary: SourceKittenDictionary) -> KindType? {
50 | dictionary.declarationKind
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/SwiftDeclarationKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.decl.`.
3 | public enum SwiftDeclarationKind: String, CaseIterable {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `associatedtype`.
5 | case `associatedtype` = "source.lang.swift.decl.associatedtype"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/ASTRule.swift:60:8: error: extension cannot be declared public because its generic requirement uses an internal type
1 | import SourceKittenFramework
| `- note: enum 'StatementKind' imported as 'internal' from 'SourceKittenFramework' here
2 |
3 | /// A rule that leverages the Swift source's pre-typechecked Abstract Syntax Tree to recurse into the source's
58 | }
59 |
60 | public extension ASTRule where KindType == StatementKind {
| `- error: extension cannot be declared public because its generic requirement uses an internal type
61 | func kind(from dictionary: SourceKittenDictionary) -> KindType? {
62 | dictionary.statementKind
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/SourceKitten/Source/SourceKittenFramework/StatementKind.swift:3:13: note: type declared here
1 | /// Swift declaration kinds.
2 | /// Found in `strings SourceKitService | grep source.lang.swift.stmt.`.
3 | public enum StatementKind: String {
| `- note: type declared here
4 | /// `brace`.
5 | case brace = "source.lang.swift.stmt.brace"
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/Rule.swift:170:10: error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
168 | ///
169 | /// - returns: The NSString-based `NSRange`s to be replaced in the specified file.
170 | func violationRanges(in file: SwiftLintFile) -> [NSRange]
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
171 |
172 | /// Returns the substitution to apply for the given range.
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/Rule.swift:170:54: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
168 | ///
169 | /// - returns: The NSString-based `NSRange`s to be replaced in the specified file.
170 | func violationRanges(in file: SwiftLintFile) -> [NSRange]
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
171 |
172 | /// Returns the substitution to apply for the given range.
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/Rule.swift:178:10: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
176 | ///
177 | /// - returns: The range of the correction and its contents, if one could be computed.
178 | func substitution(for violationRange: NSRange, in file: SwiftLintFile) -> (NSRange, String)?
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: type alias 'NSRange' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
179 | }
180 |
Foundation.NSRange:1:18: note: type declared here
1 | public typealias NSRange = _NSRange
| `- note: type declared here
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/Rule.swift:178:43: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
176 | ///
177 | /// - returns: The range of the correction and its contents, if one could be computed.
178 | func substitution(for violationRange: NSRange, in file: SwiftLintFile) -> (NSRange, String)?
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
179 | }
180 |
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/Rule.swift:178:80: error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: struct '_NSRange' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
176 | ///
177 | /// - returns: The range of the correction and its contents, if one could be computed.
178 | func substitution(for violationRange: NSRange, in file: SwiftLintFile) -> (NSRange, String)?
| `- error: 'NSRange' aliases 'Foundation._NSRange' and cannot be used here because 'Foundation' was not imported publicly
179 | }
180 |
Foundation._NSRange:1:15: note: type declared here
1 | public struct _NSRange : @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
2 | public init()
3 | public init(location: Int, length: Int)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxCorrectableRule.swift:91:21: error: property cannot be declared public because its type 'SourceLocationConverter' uses an internal type
89 |
90 | /// A converter of positions in the traversed source file.
91 | public lazy var locationConverter = file.locationConverter
| `- error: property cannot be declared public because its type 'SourceLocationConverter' uses an internal type
92 | /// The regions in the traversed file that are disabled by a command.
93 | public lazy var disabledRegions = {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxCorrectableRule.swift:93:21: error: property cannot be declared public because its type '[SourceRange]' uses an internal type
91 | public lazy var locationConverter = file.locationConverter
92 | /// The regions in the traversed file that are disabled by a command.
93 | public lazy var disabledRegions = {
| `- error: property cannot be declared public because its type '[SourceRange]' uses an internal type
94 | file.regions()
95 | .filter { $0.areRulesDisabled(ruleIDs: Configuration.Parent.description.allIdentifiers) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxCorrectableRule.swift:100:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type '[AbsolutePosition]' uses an internal type
98 |
99 | /// Positions in a source file where corrections were applied.
100 | public var correctionPositions = [AbsolutePosition]()
| `- error: property cannot be declared public because its type '[AbsolutePosition]' uses an internal type
101 |
102 | /// Initializer for a ``ViolationsSyntaxRewriter``.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxCorrectableRule.swift:113:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'Syntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// A SwiftLint CorrectableRule that performs its corrections using a SwiftSyntax `SyntaxRewriter`.
111 | }
112 |
113 | override open func visitAny(_ node: Syntax) -> Syntax? {
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'Syntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
114 | node.isContainedIn(regions: disabledRegions, locationConverter: locationConverter) ? node : nil
115 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/Syntax.swift:16:15: note: type declared here
14 | /// Each node has accessors for its known children, and allows efficient
15 | /// iteration over the children through its `children` property.
16 | public struct Syntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
17 | /// We need a heap indirection to store a syntax node's parent. We could use an indirect enum here but explicitly
18 | /// modelling it using a class allows us to re-use these heap-allocated objects in `SyntaxVisitor`.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxCorrectableRule.swift:84:12: error: class cannot be declared open because its superclass is internal
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: class 'SyntaxRewriter' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// A SwiftLint CorrectableRule that performs its corrections using a SwiftSyntax `SyntaxRewriter`.
82 |
83 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxRewriter` that produces absolute positions where corrections were applied.
84 | open class ViolationsSyntaxRewriter<Configuration: RuleConfiguration>: SyntaxRewriter {
| |- error: class cannot be declared open because its superclass is internal
| `- note: class 'SyntaxRewriter' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
85 | /// A rule's configuration.
86 | public let configuration: Configuration
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxRewriter.swift:24:12: note: type declared here
22 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
23 |
24 | open class SyntaxRewriter {
| `- note: type declared here
25 | public let viewMode: SyntaxTreeViewMode
26 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxCorrectableRule.swift:108:12: error: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@inlinable' function
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// A SwiftLint CorrectableRule that performs its corrections using a SwiftSyntax `SyntaxRewriter`.
106 | /// - file: File from which the syntax tree stems from.
107 | @inlinable
108 | public init(configuration: Configuration, file: SwiftLintFile) {
| |- error: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@inlinable' function
| `- note: call to unavailable initializer 'init(viewMode:)' from superclass 'SyntaxRewriter' occurs implicitly at the end of this initializer
109 | self.configuration = configuration
110 | self.file = file
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxRewriter.swift:34:10: note: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
32 | private let arena: SyntaxArena?
33 |
34 | public init(viewMode: SyntaxTreeViewMode = .sourceAccurate) {
| `- note: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
35 | self.viewMode = viewMode
36 | self.arena = nil
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:28:10: error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'SourceFileSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
26 | ///
27 | /// - returns: The tree that will be used to check for violations. If `nil`, this rule will return no violations.
28 | func preprocess(file: SwiftLintFile) -> SourceFileSyntax?
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SourceFileSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
29 | }
30 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesQRS.swift:1307:15: note: type declared here
1305 | /// - `statements`: ``CodeBlockItemListSyntax``
1306 | /// - `endOfFileToken`: ``
1307 | public struct SourceFileSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1308 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1309 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:76:10: error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'SourceFileSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
74 | }
75 |
76 | func preprocess(file: SwiftLintFile) -> SourceFileSyntax? {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its result uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SourceFileSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
77 | file.syntaxTree
78 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesQRS.swift:1307:15: note: type declared here
1305 | /// - `statements`: ``CodeBlockItemListSyntax``
1306 | /// - `endOfFileToken`: ``
1307 | public struct SourceFileSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1308 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1309 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:98:16: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
96 | /// - end: End position of the violation range.
97 | /// - replacement: Replacement for the violating range.
98 | public init(start: AbsolutePosition, end: AbsolutePosition, replacement: String) {
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
99 | self.start = start
100 | self.end = end
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:106:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
104 |
105 | /// The violation's position.
106 | public let position: AbsolutePosition
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
107 | /// A specific reason for the violation.
108 | public let reason: String?
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:122:12: error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
120 | /// - severity: The severity of the violation if different from the rule's default configured severity.
121 | /// - correction: An optional correction of the violation to be used in rewriting.
122 | public init(position: AbsolutePosition,
| |- error: initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
123 | reason: String? = nil,
124 | severity: ViolationSeverity? = nil,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:143:19: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
141 | ///
142 | /// - parameter position: The position for the violation to append.
143 | mutating func append(_ position: AbsolutePosition) {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
144 | append(ReasonedRuleViolation(position: position))
145 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:151:19: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
149 | /// - parameter position: The position for the violation to append.
150 | /// - parameter correction: An optional correction to be applied when running with `--fix`.
151 | mutating func append(at position: AbsolutePosition, correction: ReasonedRuleViolation.ViolationCorrection? = nil) {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
152 | append(ReasonedRuleViolation(position: position, correction: correction))
153 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:158:19: error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
156 | ///
157 | /// - parameter positions: The positions for the violations to append.
158 | mutating func append(contentsOf positions: [AbsolutePosition]) {
| |- error: method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'AbsolutePosition' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
159 | append(contentsOf: { ReasonedRuleViolation(position: $0) })
160 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/AbsolutePosition.swift:15:15: note: type declared here
13 | /// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute utf8Offset from
14 | /// the start of the file.
15 | public struct AbsolutePosition: Comparable, Hashable, Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
16 | public let utf8Offset: Int
17 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Protocols/SwiftSyntaxRule.swift:51:9: error: global function 'assert(_:_:file:line:)' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@inlinable' function
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: global function 'assert(_:_:file:line:)' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftLint Rule backed by SwiftSyntax that does not use SourceKit requests.
49 | let violations = makeVisitor(file: file)
50 | .walk(tree: syntaxTree, handler: \.violations)
51 | assert(
| `- error: global function 'assert(_:_:file:line:)' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@inlinable' function
52 | violations.allSatisfy { $0.correction == nil || self is any SwiftSyntaxCorrectableRule },
53 | "\(Self.self) produced corrections without being correctable."
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/Assert.swift:32:13: note: global function 'assert(_:_:file:line:)' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
30 | /// non-trivial cost but provides little value in release builds.
31 | @_transparent
32 | public func assert(
| `- note: global function 'assert(_:_:file:line:)' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
33 | _ condition: @autoclosure () -> Bool,
34 | _ message: @autoclosure () -> String = String(),
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Rewriters/CodeIndentingRewriter.swift:29:26: error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'TokenSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// Rewriter that indents or unindents a syntax piece including comments and nested
27 | }
28 |
29 | override public func visit(_ token: TokenSyntax) -> TokenSyntax {
| |- error: method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'TokenSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
30 | defer { isFirstToken = false }
31 | return super.visit(
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/TokenSyntax.swift:23:15: note: type declared here
21 | /// token contents, the token’s `text` and trailing ``Trivia`` after the token’s
22 | /// content.
23 | public struct TokenSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
24 | /// The ``Syntax`` node that provides the underlying data.
25 | ///
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Rewriters/CodeIndentingRewriter.swift:5:14: error: class cannot be declared public because its superclass is internal
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: class 'SyntaxRewriter' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// Rewriter that indents or unindents a syntax piece including comments and nested
4 | /// AST nodes (e.g. a code block in a code block).
5 | public class CodeIndentingRewriter: SyntaxRewriter {
| |- error: class cannot be declared public because its superclass is internal
| `- note: class 'SyntaxRewriter' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
6 | /// Style defining whether the rewriter shall indent or unindent and whether it shall use tabs or spaces and
7 | /// how many of them.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxRewriter.swift:24:12: note: type declared here
22 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
23 |
24 | open class SyntaxRewriter {
| `- note: type declared here
25 | public let viewMode: SyntaxTreeViewMode
26 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/RuleConfigurations/RegexConfiguration.swift:17:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
15 | var regex: RegularExpression! // swiftlint:disable:this implicitly_unwrapped_optional
16 | /// Regular expressions to include when matching the file path.
17 | public var included: [NSRegularExpression] = []
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
18 | /// Regular expressions to exclude when matching the file path.
19 | public var excluded: [NSRegularExpression] = []
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/RuleConfigurations/RegexConfiguration.swift:19:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' imported as 'internal' from 'Foundation' here
2 | import SourceKittenFramework
3 |
17 | public var included: [NSRegularExpression] = []
18 | /// Regular expressions to exclude when matching the file path.
19 | public var excluded: [NSRegularExpression] = []
| |- error: property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: class 'NSRegularExpression' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'Foundation'
20 | /// The syntax kinds to exclude from matches. If the regex matched syntax kinds from this list, it would
21 | /// be ignored and not count as a rule violation.
Foundation.NSRegularExpression:2:12: note: type declared here
1 | @available(macOS 10.7, *)
2 | open class NSRegularExpression : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, @unchecked Sendable {
| `- note: type declared here
3 | @available(*, unavailable, message: "superseded by import of -[NSRegularExpression initWithPattern:options:error:]")
4 | public /*not inherited*/ init(pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) throws
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/RuleConfigurations/RegexConfiguration.swift:22:16: error: property cannot be declared public because its type 'Set<SyntaxKind>' uses an internal type
20 | /// The syntax kinds to exclude from matches. If the regex matched syntax kinds from this list, it would
21 | /// be ignored and not count as a rule violation.
22 | public var excludedMatchKinds = Set<SyntaxKind>()
| `- error: property cannot be declared public because its type 'Set<SyntaxKind>' uses an internal type
23 | @ConfigurationElement(key: "severity")
24 | public var severityConfiguration = SeverityConfiguration<Parent>(.warning)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/DeclaredIdentifiersTrackingVisitor.swift:7:10: error: enum case in a public enum uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'TokenSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// An identifier declaration.
5 | public enum IdentifierDeclaration: Hashable {
6 | /// Parameter declaration with a name token.
7 | case parameter(name: TokenSyntax)
| |- error: enum case in a public enum uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'TokenSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
8 | /// Local variable declaration with a name token.
9 | case localVariable(name: TokenSyntax)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/TokenSyntax.swift:23:15: note: type declared here
21 | /// token contents, the token’s `text` and trailing ``Trivia`` after the token’s
22 | /// content.
23 | public struct TokenSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
24 | /// The ``Syntax`` node that provides the underlying data.
25 | ///
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/DeclaredIdentifiersTrackingVisitor.swift:9:10: error: enum case in a public enum uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'TokenSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// An identifier declaration.
7 | case parameter(name: TokenSyntax)
8 | /// Local variable declaration with a name token.
9 | case localVariable(name: TokenSyntax)
| |- error: enum case in a public enum uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'TokenSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
10 | /// A variable that is implicitly added by the compiler (e.g. `error` in `catch` clauses).
11 | case implicitVariable(name: String)
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/TokenSyntax.swift:23:15: note: type declared here
21 | /// token contents, the token’s `text` and trailing ``Trivia`` after the token’s
22 | /// content.
23 | public struct TokenSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
24 | /// The ``Syntax`` node that provides the underlying data.
25 | ///
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/DeclaredIdentifiersTrackingVisitor.swift:77:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'CodeBlockItemListSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// An identifier declaration.
75 | }
76 |
77 | override open func visit(_ node: CodeBlockItemListSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind {
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'CodeBlockItemListSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
78 | scope.openChildScope()
79 | guard let parent = node.parent, !, let grandParent = parent.parent else {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxCollections.swift:361:15: note: type declared here
359 | /// - ``SourceFileSyntax``.``SourceFileSyntax/statements``
360 | /// - ``SwitchCaseSyntax``.``SwitchCaseSyntax/statements``
361 | public struct CodeBlockItemListSyntax: SyntaxCollection, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
362 | public typealias Element = CodeBlockItemSyntax
363 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/DeclaredIdentifiersTrackingVisitor.swift:104:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'CodeBlockItemListSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// An identifier declaration.
102 | }
103 |
104 | override open func visitPost(_: CodeBlockItemListSyntax) {
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'CodeBlockItemListSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
105 | scope.pop()
106 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxCollections.swift:361:15: note: type declared here
359 | /// - ``SourceFileSyntax``.``SourceFileSyntax/statements``
360 | /// - ``SwitchCaseSyntax``.``SwitchCaseSyntax/statements``
361 | public struct CodeBlockItemListSyntax: SyntaxCollection, SyntaxHashable {
| `- note: type declared here
362 | public typealias Element = CodeBlockItemSyntax
363 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/DeclaredIdentifiersTrackingVisitor.swift:108:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'VariableDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// An identifier declaration.
106 | }
107 |
108 | override open func visitPost(_ node: VariableDeclSyntax) {
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'VariableDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
109 | if node.parent?.is(MemberBlockItemSyntax.self) != true {
110 | for binding in node.bindings {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesTUVWXYZ.swift:3390:15: note: type declared here
3388 | /// - `bindingSpecifier`: (`let` | `var` | `inout` | `_mutating` | `_borrowing` | `_consuming`)
3389 | /// - `bindings`: ``PatternBindingListSyntax``
3390 | public struct VariableDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3391 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3392 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/DeclaredIdentifiersTrackingVisitor.swift:116:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'GuardStmtSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// An identifier declaration.
114 | }
115 |
116 | override open func visitPost(_ node: GuardStmtSyntax) {
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'GuardStmtSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
117 | collectIdentifiers(from: node.conditions)
118 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesGHI.swift:1330:15: note: type declared here
1328 | /// - `elseKeyword`: `else`
1329 | /// - `body`: ``CodeBlockSyntax``
1330 | public struct GuardStmtSyntax: StmtSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafStmtSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1331 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1332 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/DeclaredIdentifiersTrackingVisitor.swift:122:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'MemberBlockSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// An identifier declaration.
120 | // MARK: Type declaration boundaries
121 |
122 | override open func visit(_ node: MemberBlockSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind {
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'MemberBlockSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
123 | if node.belongsToTypeDefinableInFunction {
124 | scope.push([.lookupBoundary])
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesJKLMN.swift:3648:15: note: type declared here
3646 | /// - ``ProtocolDeclSyntax``.``ProtocolDeclSyntax/memberBlock``
3647 | /// - ``StructDeclSyntax``.``StructDeclSyntax/memberBlock``
3648 | public struct MemberBlockSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3649 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3650 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/DeclaredIdentifiersTrackingVisitor.swift:129:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import Foundation
2 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'MemberBlockSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
3 |
4 | /// An identifier declaration.
127 | }
128 |
129 | override open func visitPost(_ node: MemberBlockSyntax) {
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'MemberBlockSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
130 | if node.belongsToTypeDefinableInFunction {
131 | scope.pop()
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesJKLMN.swift:3648:15: note: type declared here
3646 | /// - ``ProtocolDeclSyntax``.``ProtocolDeclSyntax/memberBlock``
3647 | /// - ``StructDeclSyntax``.``StructDeclSyntax/memberBlock``
3648 | public struct MemberBlockSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3649 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3650 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:11:21: error: property cannot be declared public because its type 'SourceLocationConverter' uses an internal type
9 |
10 | /// A source location converter associated with the syntax tree being traversed.
11 | public lazy var locationConverter = file.locationConverter
| `- error: property cannot be declared public because its type 'SourceLocationConverter' uses an internal type
12 |
13 | /// Initializer for a ``ViolationsSyntaxVisitor``.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:29:14: error: property cannot be declared open because its type uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: protocol 'DeclSyntaxProtocol' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
27 |
28 | /// List of declaration types that shall be skipped while traversing the AST.
29 | open var skippableDeclarations: [any DeclSyntaxProtocol.Type] { [] }
| |- error: property cannot be declared open because its type uses an internal type
| `- note: protocol 'DeclSyntaxProtocol' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
30 |
31 | override open func visit(_ node: ActorDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxBaseNodes.swift:22:17: note: type declared here
20 | ///
21 | /// - Warning: Do not conform to this protocol yourself.
22 | public protocol DeclSyntaxProtocol: SyntaxProtocol {}
| `- note: type declared here
23 |
24 | /// Extension of ``DeclSyntaxProtocol`` to provide casting methods.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:31:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'ActorDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
29 | open var skippableDeclarations: [any DeclSyntaxProtocol.Type] { [] }
30 |
31 | override open func visit(_ node: ActorDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ActorDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
32 |
33 | override open func visit(_ node: ClassDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesAB.swift:812:15: note: type declared here
810 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
811 | /// - `memberBlock`: ``MemberBlockSyntax``
812 | public struct ActorDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
813 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
814 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:33:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'ClassDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
31 | override open func visit(_ node: ActorDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
32 |
33 | override open func visit(_ node: ClassDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ClassDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
34 |
35 | override open func visit(_ node: EnumDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesC.swift:760:15: note: type declared here
758 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
759 | /// - `memberBlock`: ``MemberBlockSyntax``
760 | public struct ClassDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
761 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
762 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:35:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'EnumDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
33 | override open func visit(_ node: ClassDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
34 |
35 | override open func visit(_ node: EnumDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'EnumDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
36 |
37 | override open func visit(_ node: ExtensionDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesEF.swift:1257:15: note: type declared here
1255 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
1256 | /// - `memberBlock`: ``MemberBlockSyntax``
1257 | public struct EnumDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
1258 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
1259 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:37:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'ExtensionDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
35 | override open func visit(_ node: EnumDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
36 |
37 | override open func visit(_ node: ExtensionDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ExtensionDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
38 |
39 | override open func visit(_ node: FunctionDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesEF.swift:2161:15: note: type declared here
2159 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
2160 | /// - `memberBlock`: ``MemberBlockSyntax``
2161 | public struct ExtensionDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
2162 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
2163 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:39:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'FunctionDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
37 | override open func visit(_ node: ExtensionDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
38 |
39 | override open func visit(_ node: FunctionDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'FunctionDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
40 |
41 | override open func visit(_ node: InitializerDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesEF.swift:3368:15: note: type declared here
3366 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
3367 | /// - `body`: ``CodeBlockSyntax``?
3368 | public struct FunctionDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3369 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3370 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:41:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'InitializerDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
39 | override open func visit(_ node: FunctionDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
40 |
41 | override open func visit(_ node: InitializerDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'InitializerDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
42 |
43 | override open func visit(_ node: ProtocolDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesGHI.swift:3931:15: note: type declared here
3929 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
3930 | /// - `body`: ``CodeBlockSyntax``?
3931 | public struct InitializerDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3932 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3933 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:43:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'ProtocolDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
41 | override open func visit(_ node: InitializerDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
42 |
43 | override open func visit(_ node: ProtocolDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'ProtocolDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
44 |
45 | override open func visit(_ node: StructDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesOP.swift:4451:15: note: type declared here
4449 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
4450 | /// - `memberBlock`: ``MemberBlockSyntax``
4451 | public struct ProtocolDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
4452 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
4453 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:45:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'StructDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
43 | override open func visit(_ node: ProtocolDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
44 |
45 | override open func visit(_ node: StructDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'StructDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
46 |
47 | override open func visit(_ node: SubscriptDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesQRS.swift:2298:15: note: type declared here
2296 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
2297 | /// - `memberBlock`: ``MemberBlockSyntax``
2298 | public struct StructDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
2299 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
2300 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:47:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'SubscriptDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
45 | override open func visit(_ node: StructDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
46 |
47 | override open func visit(_ node: SubscriptDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'SubscriptDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
48 |
49 | override open func visit(_ node: VariableDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesQRS.swift:2932:15: note: type declared here
2930 | /// - `genericWhereClause`: ``GenericWhereClauseSyntax``?
2931 | /// - `accessorBlock`: ``AccessorBlockSyntax``?
2932 | public struct SubscriptDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
2933 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
2934 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:49:24: error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: struct 'VariableDeclSyntax' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
47 | override open func visit(_ node: SubscriptDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
48 |
49 | override open func visit(_ node: VariableDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind { shallSkip(node) }
| |- error: method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type
| `- note: struct 'VariableDeclSyntax' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
50 |
51 | private func shallSkip(_ node: some DeclSyntaxProtocol) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind {
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodesTUVWXYZ.swift:3390:15: note: type declared here
3388 | /// - `bindingSpecifier`: (`let` | `var` | `inout` | `_mutating` | `_borrowing` | `_consuming`)
3389 | /// - `bindings`: ``PatternBindingListSyntax``
3390 | public struct VariableDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {
| `- note: type declared here
3391 | public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
3392 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:4:12: error: class cannot be declared open because its superclass is internal
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: class 'SyntaxVisitor' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
4 | open class ViolationsSyntaxVisitor<Configuration: RuleConfiguration>: SyntaxVisitor {
| |- error: class cannot be declared open because its superclass is internal
| `- note: class 'SyntaxVisitor' is imported by this file as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax'
5 | /// A rule's configuration.
6 | public let configuration: Configuration
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxVisitor.swift:24:12: note: type declared here
22 | }
23 |
24 | open class SyntaxVisitor {
| `- note: type declared here
25 | public let viewMode: SyntaxTreeViewMode
26 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:58:16: error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
56 | public extension Array where Element == any DeclSyntaxProtocol.Type {
57 | /// All visitable declaration syntax types.
58 | static let all: Self = [
| `- error: property must be declared internal because its type uses an internal type
59 | ActorDeclSyntax.self,
60 | ClassDeclSyntax.self,
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:56:8: error: extension cannot be declared public because its generic requirement uses an internal type
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: protocol 'DeclSyntaxProtocol' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
54 | }
55 |
56 | public extension Array where Element == any DeclSyntaxProtocol.Type {
| `- error: extension cannot be declared public because its generic requirement uses an internal type
57 | /// All visitable declaration syntax types.
58 | static let all: Self = [
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxBaseNodes.swift:22:17: note: type declared here
20 | ///
21 | /// - Warning: Do not conform to this protocol yourself.
22 | public protocol DeclSyntaxProtocol: SyntaxProtocol {}
| `- note: type declared here
23 |
24 | /// Extension of ``DeclSyntaxProtocol`` to provide casting methods.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:56:45: error: cannot use protocol 'DeclSyntaxProtocol' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: protocol 'DeclSyntaxProtocol' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
54 | }
55 |
56 | public extension Array where Element == any DeclSyntaxProtocol.Type {
| `- error: cannot use protocol 'DeclSyntaxProtocol' in an extension with public or '@usableFromInline' members; 'SwiftSyntax' was not imported publicly
57 | /// All visitable declaration syntax types.
58 | static let all: Self = [
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxBaseNodes.swift:22:17: note: type declared here
20 | ///
21 | /// - Warning: Do not conform to this protocol yourself.
22 | public protocol DeclSyntaxProtocol: SyntaxProtocol {}
| `- note: type declared here
23 |
24 | /// Extension of ``DeclSyntaxProtocol`` to provide casting methods.
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:22:15: error: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@inlinable' function
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
20 | self.configuration = configuration
21 | self.file = file
22 | super.init(viewMode: .sourceAccurate)
| `- error: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@inlinable' function
23 | }
24 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/SyntaxVisitor.swift:45:10: note: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
43 | private var recyclableNodeInfosUsageBitmap: UInt64 = 0
44 |
45 | public init(viewMode: SyntaxTreeViewMode) {
| `- note: initializer 'init(viewMode:)' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
46 | self.viewMode = viewMode
47 | }
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Visitors/ViolationsSyntaxVisitor.swift:22:31: error: enum case 'sourceAccurate' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@inlinable' function
1 | import SwiftSyntax
| `- note: enum case 'sourceAccurate' imported as 'internal' from 'SwiftSyntax' here
2 |
3 | /// A SwiftSyntax `SyntaxVisitor` that produces absolute positions where violations should be reported.
20 | self.configuration = configuration
21 | self.file = file
22 | super.init(viewMode: .sourceAccurate)
| `- error: enum case 'sourceAccurate' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@inlinable' function
23 | }
24 |
/private/var/folders/zh/jx8jz0qx2ys0lrnwcdck5wf80000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SyntaxTreeViewMode.swift:19:8: note: enum case 'sourceAccurate' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
17 | /// Missing nodes will not be visited, unexpected nodes will be visited.
18 | /// This mode is useful for source code transformations like a formatter.
19 | case sourceAccurate
| `- note: enum case 'sourceAccurate' is not '@usableFromInline' or public
20 |
21 | /// Views the syntax tree with fixes applied, that is missing nodes will be
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