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Created June 13, 2017 06:52
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module Path exposing (..)
import String
type Error
= ParsingFailed -- TODO: parser error
| BadPush
| DescendsBelowRoot
| Wasnt Kind
type Kind
= Absolute
| Relative
type Path
= Valid Kind (List String)
| Invalid Error
{-| naively parse a path
parse : String -> Path
parse raw =
-- TODO: make sure we don't have any empty elements
resolveTraversal <|
case String.split "/" raw of
"" :: path ->
Valid Absolute path
path ->
Valid Relative path
{-| TODO: resolve `..` and make sure traversal doesn't go above root. Also just
remove `.`s.
resolveTraversal : Path -> Path
resolveTraversal =
dontCare : String -> Path
dontCare =
expect : Kind -> String -> Path
expect expected raw =
case parse raw of
Valid actual path ->
if expected == actual then
Valid actual path
Invalid <|
(if actual == Absolute then
Invalid reason ->
Invalid reason
relative : String -> Path
relative =
-- TODO: this may need to be resolved in the context of a path immediately.
-- It'd make sense, but we also need to keep actual relative values somehow.
-- I'm pretty sure it'd just be another function, but I'm not sure if that
-- logic belongs here or elsewhere.
expect Relative
absolute : String -> Path
absolute =
expect Absolute
push : Path -> Path -> Path
push new base =
case ( base, new ) of
( Valid Absolute baseElements, Valid Relative newElements ) ->
Valid Absolute (baseElements ++ newElements)
( Valid Relative baseElements, Valid Relative newElements ) ->
Valid Absolute (baseElements ++ newElements) |> resolveTraversal
( Valid _ baseElements, _ ) ->
-- we're not allowed to add in any other orders
Invalid BadPush
( _, _ ) ->
toString : Path -> Result Error String
toString path =
case path of
Valid Relative elements ->
Ok <| String.join "/" elements
Valid Absolute elements ->
Ok <| "/" ++ String.join "/" elements
Invalid reason ->
Err reason
example =
basePath =
absolute "/path/to/my/elm/project"
testPath =
relative "tests"
elmPackage =
relative "elm-package.json"
|> push testPath
|> push elmPackage
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