# forms.py |
class UserProfileForm(forms.ModelForm): |
class Meta: |
model = User |
fields = ("email", "last_name", "first_name", "middle_name", 'avatar', 'age', 'hobbies', 'about', 'project_interes') |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
self.request = kwargs.pop('request') |
super(UserProfileForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) |
for fname in ("email", "last_name", "first_name", 'age'): |
self.fields[fname].required=True |
avatars = [('upload', u'Загрузить с диска')] |
if self.instance.is_movescount_authorised(self.request): |
avatars.append(('movescount', u'Взять с Movescount')) |
for social in self.instance.get_connected_socials(): |
avatars.append((social, u"Взять с {0}".format(settings.SOCIALS[social]))) |
if len(avatars) != 1: |
self.fields['avatar_source'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=avatars, initial="upload") |
self.fields.keyOrder = ["email", "last_name", "first_name", "middle_name", 'avatar_source', 'avatar', 'age', 'hobbies', 'about', 'project_interes'] |
def clean_email(self): |
email = self.cleaned_data.get('email') |
if self.instance: |
user = self.instance |
if email and User.objects.filter(email=email).exclude(pk=user.pk).count(): |
raise forms.ValidationError(u'Такая электронная почта уже существует.') |
return email |
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): |
user = super(UserProfileForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs) |
if 'avatar_source' in self.cleaned_data and self.cleaned_data['avatar_source'] != 'upload': |
avatar_source = self.cleaned_data['avatar_source'] |
url, new_filename = user.get_avatar_url(avatar_source=avatar_source) |
if url: |
img_temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) |
img_temp.write(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()) |
img_temp.flush() |
user.avatar.save(new_filename, File(img_temp)) |
return user |
# models.py |
class User: |
def get_avatar_url(self, avatar_source): |
img_url = None |
new_filename = '' |
if avatar_source == 'movescount': |
from movescount.api import Movescount |
msc = Movescount(self) |
ret = msc.do_action('GET', 'members/private') |
if ret.parsed: |
img = ret.data['ImageURI'] |
if img: |
img = img.replace('.png', '_222.png') |
img_url = img |
new_filename = "movescount_{0}.png".format(self.pk) |
elif avatar_source == 'facebook': |
social_auth_item = self.social_auth.filter(provider="facebook")[0] |
img_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/{0}/picture?width=500&height=500".format(social_auth_item.uid) |
new_filename = "facebook_{0}.jpg".format(self.pk) |
elif avatar_source == 'vk-oauth': |
import urllib2 |
social_auth_item = self.social_auth.filter(provider="vk-oauth")[0] |
api_url = "https://api.vkontakte.ru/method/users.get?uid={0}&fields=photo_max".format(social_auth_item.uid) |
vk_resp = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(api_url).read()) |
img = vk_resp['response'][0]['photo_max'] |
if img != 'http://vk.com/images/camera_b.gif': |
img_url = img |
new_filename = "vk_{0}.jpg".format(self.pk) |
elif avatar_source == 'twitter': |
from twython import Twython |
from urlparse import parse_qs |
social_auth_item = self.social_auth.filter(provider="twitter")[0] |
auth_data = parse_qs(social_auth_item.extra_data['access_token']) |
t = Twython(app_key=settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, |
app_secret=settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET, |
oauth_token=auth_data['oauth_token'][0], |
oauth_token_secret=auth_data['oauth_token_secret'][0]) |
user_data = t.show_user(user_id=social_auth_item.uid) |
img_url = user_data['profile_image_url'].replace('_normal.jpg', '.jpg') |
new_filename = "twitter_{0}.jpg".format(self.pk) |
return img_url, new_filename |