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Last active February 20, 2023 14:08
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PowerShell script to automate common local actions taken during maintenance of the {RQDAassist} package
Control various actions to be taken on the RQDAassist repository/package.
The RQDAassist package repository is more complicated than some regular CRAN-compatible packages.
For instance, the RQDA packages and its dependencies have to be regularly cleaned up for testing
out both binary and source installation options. Also, at this point, the package
is only working with R versions lower than 4.2. So when developing, one has to always remember to
use that version, when it's not the one pointed to by PATH. This script makes it easy to carry out
these and other related tasks.
The version of R to be used for th operation (including the PATCH version).
One of 'Binary' (the default) or 'Source'.
Uninstall RQDA and its dependencies
Install RQDA and its dependencies.
Run R CMD check only, using the latest version of the package. No installation is performed
Build both source and binary packages ready for release
Author: Victor A. Ordu
Last Edit: 2023-02-14
param (
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Version of R to use")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Type of package to work with (binary or source)")]
[string]$Type = "Binary",
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Uninstall RQDA and its dependencies to start afresh")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Run R CMD check on the package")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Install RQDA and dependencies via the helper package")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Release the package")]
function Set-Rexecutable
param (
$binaryPath = Get-RbinPath $VersionNumber
Join-Path -Path $binaryPath -ChildPath "$ExecName.exe"
function Get-RbinPath
Join-Path -Path $Rpath -ChildPath "R-$ver/bin/x64"
$Rpath = "C:/Program Files/R"
$Rscript = Set-Rexecutable -ExecName "Rscript" -VersionNumber $Rversion
# $Rcmd = Join-Path -Path $RversionPath -ChildPath "Rcmd.exe"
if (-not (Test-Path $Rscript)) {
Write-Host "R $Rversion does not exist on this system"
if ($Rversion.Equals("4.1.3")) {
Write-Host "Install it from ''"
Write-Host "The most recent version will be used, and if necessary, R 4.1.3 installed. " -NoNewline
$ans = Read-Host "Continue? (Y/N)"
if ("y" -ne $ans) {
$versions = Get-ChildItem $Rpath "R*" | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object Name
$thisver = $versions.Name[0]
Write-Host "Using $thisver"
$Rscript = Set-Rexecutable -ExecName "Rscript" -VersionNumber $thisver.Replace("R-", "")
$Install = $true
if ($CleanOnly) {
Write-Host "Cleaning up RQDA and/or package dependencies: "
& $Rscript -e "pp <- c('cairoDevice', 'gWidgets', 'RGtk2', 'gWidgetsRGtk2', 'igraph', 'RQDA')" `
-e "avl <- pp %in% .packages(all = TRUE); pp <- pp[avl]" `
-e "if (any(avl)) { remove.packages(pp); cat('*', paste(pp, collapse = ', '), 'removed\n') } else cat('* Nothing done\n')"
if ($Install) {
$arg = $Type.ToLower()
& $Rscript -e "if (!requireNamespace('remotes', quietly = TRUE)) install.packages('remotes', repos = '')" `
-e "if (!requireNamespace('RQDAassist', quietly = TRUE)) remotes::install_github('BroVic/RQDAassist', upgrade = 'never')" `
-e "cat('Running RQDAassist version', as.character(packageVersion('RQDAassist')), fill = TRUE)" `
-e "RQDAassist::install(type = '$arg', verbose = TRUE)"
$PackagePath = (Get-ChildItem -Filter "RQDAassist").FullName
$PackagePath = $PackagePath.Replace("\","/")
$Rcmd = Set-Rexecutable -ExecName "Rcmd" -VersionNumber $Rversion
if ($Check) {
Write-Host "Checking the package"
& $Rcmd check $PackagePath --as-cran
if ($Release) {
Write-Host "Building source package"
& $Rcmd build $PackagePath
Write-Host "Building binary package"
& $Rcmd INSTALL --build $PackagePath
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