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Created December 9, 2022 16:47
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Install R 4.1.3, R Studio and Rtools40 in one go
# install-r-suite.ps1
# (c) 2021-2022 Victor Ordu / DevSolutions Ltd. All rights reserved.
A PowerShell script to enable the download and installation of R 4.1.3, R Studio and Rtools40.
This script will do the following:
1. Check whether R is installed on the system already.
2. Download R if it is absent.
3. Install R
4. Add R to the PATH environment variable
[string]$Rversion = "4.1.3",
if (-not $IsWindows) {
Write-Error "The operation is not supported on non-Windows platforms"
$rUrls = @{
rbase = "$Rversion/R-$Rversion-win.exe"
rstudio = ""
rtools = ""
if ($NoInstallRstudio){
if ($NoInstallRtools) {
$destdir = "$home/Downloads"
$rUrls.Keys | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output "Downloading '$_'"
$link = $rUrls[$_]
$downfile = Split-Path $link -Leaf
$instfile = Join-Path $destdir -ChildPath $downfile
if ((Test-Path $instfile)) {
Write-Output "'$_' has already been downloaded"
} else {
Start-BitsTransfer $link -Destination $destdir
if (-not (Test-Path $instfile)) {
Write-Error "The file '$instfile' does not exist"
Write-Output "Follow prompts on wizard to install '$_'"
Start-Process $instfile
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