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Last active September 6, 2021 16:17
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Application Commands Examples 101

Context Menus


import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from import Option # alpha

bot = commands.Bot()

@bot.user_command(name="Wow these can have spaces", description="This created a global user command")
async def coolname(ctx, member:discord.Member):
	await ctx.send(f"You chose {member.mention}!")

@bot.message_command(name="Reapeat", description="This created a global message command")
async def coolname(ctx, message:discord.Message):
	await ctx.send(f"You said: {message.content}")

Slash Commands

Basic Slash Commands

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from import Option # alpha

bot = commands.Bot()

bot.slash_command(name="hello", description="Say hello to a user", guild_ids=[...])
async def hello(ctx, text:Option(str, 'description'), user:Option(discord.user, 'Choose a user', required=False)):
	await ctx.send("Hello, {user.mention}!", ephemeral=True, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none())

Sub command group

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from import Option # alpha

bot = commands.Bot()

greet = discord.command_group(name="greet", description="Greet related commands", guild_ids=[...])

greet.command(name="hello", description="Say hello to a user")
async def hello(ctx, text:Option(str, 'description'), user:Option(discord.user, 'Choose a user', required=False)):
	await ctx.send("Hello, {user.mention}!", ephemeral=True, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none())
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bot.command_group not discord.command_group

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Dorukyum commented Sep 6, 2021

Also discord.user should be discord.User

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