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Last active January 29, 2025 21:01
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IP WhiteIisting with Golang(Go) Gin

IP WhiteIisting with Golang(Go) Gin

Securing endpoints to specific IP addresses to prevent unauthorized access is a common practice in Backend engineering particularly for sensitive endpoints.

An Example is Securing Webhook endpoints E.g. Paystack

The files Attached

  • main.go :: Houses the server
  • middleware.go :: Houses the IP whitelisting function

The approach is to have selected endpoints available to only selected IP addresses by taking advantage of Gin's middleware Approach


  • This example can't be tested out locally
  • Supply real IP addresses to the IpWhitelist map
package main
import (
var IPWhitelist = map[string]bool{
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
func main() {
router := gin.Default()
router.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"message": "pong",
protectedEndpoint := router.Group("/")
protectedEndpoint.GET("protectedEndpoint", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"message": "This is a protected endpoint",
router.Run() // listen and serve on (for windows "localhost:8080")
package main
import (
func IPWhiteListMiddleware(whitelist map[string]bool) gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
ip := c.ClientIP()
if !whitelist[ip] {
c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusForbidden, gin.H{
"message": "You are not authorised to use this endpoint",
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Causes: [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Headers were already written. Wanted to override status code 403 with 200

And executes handler function too, giving two responses


package main

import (


func IPWhiteListMiddleware(whitelist map[string]bool) gin.HandlerFunc {
	return func(c *gin.Context) {
		ip := c.ClientIP()

		if !whitelist[ip] {
			c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusForbidden, gin.H{
				"message": "You are not authorised to use this endpoint",

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