Obtain Predictions for Your Replicate API
Within pages/api folder of your root directory for your Next.js app, create a folder called replicate.
Now this looks like: pages/api/replicate, right?
Here, write a file called index.js and then insert the following code:
const getPredictions = async ( req , res ) => {
const response = await fetch ( "https://api.replicate.com/v1/predictions" , {
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
Authorization : "Token <__replicate_API_Token__>" ,
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
body : JSON . stringify ( {
version : < __version_of_your_replicate_api__ >
input: { prompt : req . body . prompt } ,
} ) ,
} ) ;
if ( response . status !== 201 ) {
let error = await response . json ( ) ;
res . statusCode = 500 ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( { detail : error . detail } ) ) ;
return ;
const prediction = await response . json ( ) ;
res . statusCode = 201 ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( prediction ) ) ;
return ;
export default getPredictions ;
Poll the Status of the Prediction by Providing Id
Within pages/api/replicate folder write a file called [id].js
Here, Next.js will take id for dynamic routing and it can be accessed by req.query.id
Now, write the following code in that file:
const getPredictionById = async ( req , res ) => {
const response = await fetch (
"https://api.replicate.com/v1/predictions/" + req . query . id ,
headers : {
Authorization : "Token <__replicate_API_Token__>" ,
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
) ;
if ( response . status !== 200 ) {
let error = await response . json ( ) ;
res . statusCode = 500 ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( { detail : error . detail } ) ) ;
return ;
const prediction = await response . json ( ) ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( prediction ) ) ;
return ;
export default getPredictionById ;