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donmccurdy /
Last active September 25, 2024 15:50
Convert legacy three.js (JSON) files to glTF 2.0


Converts legacy JSON models (created by the three.js Blender exporter, for THREE.JSONLoader) to glTF 2.0. When original .blend files are available, prefer direct export from Blender 2.80+.

NOTE: JSON files created with .toJSON() use a newer JSON format, which isn't deprecated, and these are still supported by THREE.ObjectLoader. This converter does not support that newer type of JSON file.


npm install canvas vblob three
baketzforme /
Last active November 10, 2023 19:28
Tezos Vanity Address with Seed Phrase

WARNING: Vanity addresses generated with this tool may not be widely supported in various wallets anymore. They may consider the addresses generated with this tool to be "legacy" wallets. Therefore I no longer recommended generating vanity addresses using this method.

After seeing the recently posted How To Generate A Tezos Vanity Address, I thought I'd share a method I've used to generate a vanity address that has the benefit of being able to easily be restored or transferred to another wallet from a seed phrase backup.

Most of the credit goes to Stephen Andrews. I've just slightly modified some of the code he wrote to get it to work the way I want.

Everything below assumes you are working from the Linux command line (tested in Debian/Ubuntu distributions):

First, clone Stephen Andrews' eztz repository from github:

amfg / random.js
Created February 7, 2016 13:30
Generate random unicode string
random = function(length) {
var array = new Uint16Array(length);
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
str += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
return str;
Inscrutabilis / GeodesicSphere.js
Created December 12, 2010 05:29
Three.js geodesic sphere primitive class
* @author Inscrutabilis / mailto:[email protected]
* Generates a geodesic sphere geometry
* By default, it is 1x1x1 octahedron, as a first approximation to sphere
* It will return more sphere-like object if you specify iterations > 0
* But please keep in mind that it generates (4 ^ iterations) * 8 faces
* Radius argument overrides default sphere radius (1)