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An example AppleScript Voice Control Shell named "Heidi"
-- AppleScript Voice Control Shell, Heidi
-- BusFactor1 Inc. - 2017
set commands to {"help", "exit", "screensaver", "laugh", "tell me a joke"}
on hear(commands)
tell application "SpeechRecognitionServer" -- <callout id="code.osx-voice-automation.scpt.speechrecognizer"/>
return listen for commands -- giving up after 7
end tell
on error
return ""
end try -- there is only do
end hear
set firstPrompt to 0
on prompt(commands, firstPrompt)
if the firstPrompt is equal to 0 then
say "I will execute your commands. Say my name, Heidi, to get my attention."
say "Use the help command to have me tell you my capabilities."
say "Please address me to enter a command."
end if
my hear({"Heidi"})
say "What is your command?"
return my hear(commands)
end prompt
say "Welcome to your Voice Control Shell."
set command to my prompt(commands, firstPrompt)
set firstPrompt to firstPrompt + 1
if the command is equal to "exit" then
say "Thank you for letting me serve you."
else if command is equal to "help" then
say "Help will be coming shortly."
else if the command is equal to "" then
say "I'm listening"
else if command is equal to "tell me a joke" then
say "The past, present and future walk into a bar. ,,It was tense."
else if the command is equal to "laugh" then
say "This is no laughing matter."
else if the command is equal to "screensaver" then
say "I don't know how to turn on the screensaver yet."
say "The command was unrecognized. It was " & the command
end if
end repeat
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